Chapter 53 The Snake Clan

After an unknown amount of time, this smooth and wonderful journey finally came to a halt, and Nan Yi saw the sunshine again.

"It's been a long time since I've been back to the village!" Si Qi jumped off Dahei's head and stretched as if embracing the scene in front of him.

Hearing this, Nan Yi also jumped off Dahei's head and carefully observed the scene in front of him, wanting to see what the mysterious Wa snake tribe looked like.

The first thing that catches the eye is the mountains surrounding it, making this place look like a basin. Looking back at Nan Yi, there are about thirty or forty wooden bungalows of various sizes scattered along the winding river in the middle of the mountains. But there is no such scene as a few smokes.

So few people?

This was Nan Yi's first thought. After all, it was hard for Nan Yi to imagine that a village with only three or forty houses could last for thousands of years. Isn't it too unstable?

As for everything else, currently, the overall impression given to Nanyi is that of an ordinary small village, at least from the outside. This also made Nan Yi slightly relieved, as the scene where snakes were everywhere in the imagination did not appear.

"Let's go! Brother Nan! Don't worry, Siqi, I will definitely entertain you well." Siqi walked over from the side.

"Well, this is a temporary place for people in the village who often go out. For people like me, if it's troublesome to go back to the village, they can live here." Si Qi pointed to the thirty or so bungalows along the river in front of him. Introduced to Nan Yi.

"That's it." Nan Yi was introduced by Siqi and understood why these bungalows didn't have that kind of smoke and smoke. They turned out to be temporary residences for the floating population.

"Well, our village is on that mountain. Well, it's the mountain with two hills. We call it Shuangshou Mountain." Si Qi pointed to Nan Yi to a strange-shaped mountain on the left.

Si Qi didn't mention it, but Nan Yi didn't realize it just now. It turns out that this is a mountain with two hills. I thought it was a series of mountains before.

"Approximately how many people are there in the village?"

"There are about a hundred households. There are people living on the two hills from top to bottom. There are more people living on the first hill on the left. My parents are also on it!" Si Qi introduced Nan Yi excitedly, trying to make him happy. Nan Yi feels at ease.


"This is?"

"Dahei seems to be urging us to go up the mountain."

"Then let's go." Nan Yi responded. At this time, you can't leave even if you want to, so you might as well take the initiative to learn about this legendary totem tribe.

The two of them skillfully climbed onto Dahei's head, and Dahei turned into a black shadow and quickly ran towards the mountain on the right.

Within five minutes, Dahei stopped, and Nanyi looked down at the scene in front of him from above.

The hilltop that was supposed to be sharpened turned out to be so flat, as if it was not formed naturally but was smoothed by external forces. There are no scattered bungalows of various sizes on this flat land as imagined. Instead, there is a tall ancestral hall. Its back is facing the sun and it is too huge, which makes it deep inside and it is impossible to see what is going on inside.

As for the rest, Nanyi has not walked the mountain road here himself, so he doesn’t know what the scene will be like on the way up the mountain.


"Brother Nan, we're here. The clan leader is waiting for you inside." Si Qi said with a smile.

"Is it inside this big ancestral hall?" Nan Yi said, pointing to the ancestral hall that occupied almost the entire top of the mountain.



Hearing Dahei's neighing, Nan Yi looked at Si Qi habitually.

"It means that you can just go in and I won't have to." Si Qi scratched his head.

"Okay." Nan Yi paused and nodded.

Immediately, Nan Yi followed Dahei and walked in. With Dahei leading the way, even though the ancestral hall was a bit dark, he didn't stumble or stumble on anything.

After groping in the darkness for about half a minute, the road ahead finally became brighter. Dim candles were lit on the stone wall on the side, one every two or three meters.

At the end, there is a huge door, a wooden door that is more than enough for a warrior-level snake like Dahei to come in and out. Judging from the marks on the wooden door, it must have been used for many years.

Dahei pushed open the door with its big head, and a dazzling sunlight came in from behind the door. It turns out that this road leads to the backyard of the ancestral hall?


Dahei, who originally had a calm look in his eyes, suddenly became excited for some reason, and his big dark vertical pupils were filled with obvious joy. It's like seeing something you want to see.

Nan Yi noticed the changes in Dahei ahead, but due to the obstruction of Dahei's size, he was not able to immediately understand why Dahei became so excited. But when Nan Yi walked around Dahei and saw the scene in front of him, his whole body seemed to stiffen.

In front of him was a huge snake head. If Nan Yi compared himself with this snake head, it would probably be about the same size as a snake scale. This kind of terror was like Mo Fan seeing the Black Snake for the first time. Nan Yi originally thought that after knowing about the original work, he would no longer have any surprises in this world.

But there is a difference between truly seeing something and hearing about it. Just like the huge snake head in front of him, Nan Yi couldn't see where its snake body was at all, whether it was entrenched on this mountain or somewhere else.

The vertical pupils, which were larger than Nan Yi's whole body, were slightly deflected and looked at Nan Yi beside Da Hei. There was a hint of scrutiny in the vertical pupils, but there was no hostility. Just watching quietly like this is a bit like an old father watching his little cabbage being raped by a pig.

Nan Yi stiffly raised his head and looked at the big snake, and the terrifying pressure became more intense. Of course, this was not intentional by the Orochi, but a spontaneous oppression brought about by its own powerful strength. The huge vertical pupil does not seem to be completely pure color. Perhaps because Dahei's body is not big enough, Nanyi has not noticed before that there are three dots of different colors in the snake's pupil, just like the one in front of him. There are three small dots of blue, yellow and green in the big snake's pupils. Like three stars dotted in the snake's eyes.

"Don't be afraid, young man. The patriarch won't hurt you, haha."

While Nan Yi was still in the terror of this huge snake, a kind and elderly voice came from the other side.

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