Versatile Mage: Heavy Water Overwhelms the World

Chapter 418 8 times the power! Girl Miyata!


A pair of small sandals were placed on the "brown stone" beside her. The girl's white and tender feet swayed in the waves, so bright under the moonlight.

However, the girl looked obviously depressed at the moment, and only when the sea breeze blew on her palm-sized face could she find some peace.

Her eyes were unfocused, and she was hesitant in the waves, completely unaware that the "island" beneath her was not a dead object, but one of the most terrifying existences in the ocean.

However, what she didn't expect was that at this moment, on the other side of this "island", on the side facing the sea, a high-level magician was absorbing soul seeds.

The tremendous energy filled every water star in Nan Yi's body, and finally broke through the shackles of the first high level, allowing Nan Yi to successfully reach the second high level.

The refreshing and powerful feeling actually caused the surrounding sea water to flood back. Countless water elements gathered around Nan Yi and transformed into one water snake after another with the patterns of the Wa snake, swimming around Nan Yi as the center.

The next moment, Nan Yi opened his eyes and let out a long sigh.

At this moment, the Abyss Water blessed by Baxia was finally absorbed by him completely and turned into part of the heavy water.

A hint of blue flashed in Nan Yi's eyes, and then a ball of water appeared in his hand.

This ball of water was different from ordinary water magic. It kept changing its shape in Nan Yi's hands, sometimes turning into a transparent blue shield, and sometimes turning into a nimble little snake.

But this is just a change of appearance. He could do it even before Nan Yi absorbed the water of the abyss.

What really changes is what’s on the inside.

When the water ball turned into a shield, the entire shield became as hard as crystal, and even its weight could change according to Nan Yi's control!

When the water ball turns into a water snake, the scales on the snake's body will become extremely hard. Not only that, but even its fangs will become hard as well.

In other words, today's water snakes are almost the same as real monsters, except that they have no life and soul!

Thinking of this, Nan Yi suddenly had an idea.

Such a water snake does have no soul, but what if it is a Wa spirit?

Wa Ling herself rebuilt her body with the essence and remnant soul in the Mysterious Water Pearl as the core. Now with the blessing of the Abyss Water, it is equivalent to having a physical body.

Originally, he thought that the racial ability of the Abyss Beast could only increase the power of his magic, but he didn't expect that it would be a perfect match with his Wa Ling Legion!

As for the ability to control gravity brought by Ba Xia's blessing, Nan Yi has simply controlled it and has a general idea of ​​it.

Nan Yi can now reduce the gravity of the water element by controlling it, as well as increase the gravity by controlling it.

Currently, the lower limit of this control is about twice the level of a normal water mage, and the range is very wide, but the upper limit can only increase the gravity to twelve times, which is a 50% increase, and is not as wide as the lower limit.

But this ability also has a characteristic, that is, his magic energy consumption will also change. The smaller the gravity, the less the loss, and the greater the gravity, the greater the loss.

For example, if Nan Yi releases magic with twelve times the gravity, then considering his current high-level second level, the magic energy consumption will almost double!

Although it seems like there is no profit, the consumption of mana cannot be simply linked to the power of magic.

You know, it is basically impossible for a normal high-level wizard to pose a threat to the monarch one-on-one, because his magic can't break the monarch's defense at all, even if he consumes all his magic energy.

But if the power of his magic was doubled, the situation would be different.

At this time, not even the monarch can completely ignore his magic.

This is a qualitative leap!

In fact, the principles of level 4 and level 5 magic are similar, both of which increase the multiplier to conduct cross-level combat. However, Nan Yi now has an additional method of amplifying magic at the level of water species.

However, these are just new effects of heavy water, but for a soul seed, the most important thing is the amplification multiplier, and this is also a point that Nan Yi is extremely concerned about.

After the attempt just now, Nan Yi felt that his current heavy water was about eight times, which was similar to Qing Xuan's light and dark soul seeds, both exceeding the limitations of normal soul seeds.

But this was also within Nan Yi's expectations.

After all, although the Abyss Water itself is only six times more powerful than a normal top-level soul species, since Nan Yi's own heavy water does not replace the old water species with the new water species, but absorbs all of them and makes them a part of himself, it naturally exceeds the level of six times.

After roughly feeling the changes, Nan Yi stood up and prepared to leave.

He planned to call Qingxuan first to report his safety, and then decide whether to swim back or find a way to get back locally.

But suddenly, a girl's scream was heard behind Nan Yi.


Why is there anyone here?

Just now he was so absorbed in his own improvement that he didn't notice there was someone behind him. Nan Yi turned around instantly and looked behind him.

I saw a petite girl standing next to the "brown stone" not far away, covering her mouth with one hand, her pretty eyes full of shock and fear, like a frightened bird.

The aura around him is no different from that of an ordinary person.

Good guy, he’s still an ordinary person!

Nan Yi was stunned. No wonder he had no sense of crisis at all. Even the Great Wa Snake and Ba Xia did not remind him. It turned out that there was no threat!

But how did an ordinary person end up on Ba Xia?

Could it be that they really regarded Baxia as an island?

Thinking of this, Nan Yi couldn't help but recall the scene when Mo Fan met Ba Xia in Japan. At that time, Ba Xia seemed to be regarded as an island.


Is this place called West Bear City?

Mo Fan also met Ba Xia in Xixiong City at that time, and some people mistook Ba Xia for an island. He was slandered later and finally jumped off a cliff to prove his innocence.

The more Nan Yi thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

Nan Yi came back to his senses and tried to speak in a gentle tone in International Language, "Hello, I am a foreign student at Tokyo University, who are you?"

Fortunately, although the girl was frightened, she was still rational. After understanding Nan Yi's words, especially after hearing the word Tokyo Academy, she relaxed a little.

Tokyo Academy is one of the top universities in Japan, and all of its graduates are pillars of the country. Not many people in Xixiong City can pass the entrance exam every year. They are real magicians!

"My name is Miyata, I..."

Miyata got stuck halfway through her speech, as if she didn't know how to introduce herself. After all, compared to the Master Wizard, her identity was nothing to be proud of. After thinking for a long time, Miyata finally managed to utter a few words in a low voice.

“I’m a herbalist.”

But it wasn't just Miyata who was stuck, but also Nan Yi when he heard the name Miyata.

This is the name. The girl who jumped off a cliff to prove her innocence was called this name!

It’s her, the herb picker Miyata!


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