Versatile Mage: Heavy Water Overwhelms the World

Chapter 384 The storm is coming! Crisis awareness!

Chapter 384 The storm is coming! Crisis awareness!

Half a month passed quickly. Tokyo was really hot in mid-July, and only the cool sea water could dispel some of the summer irritability.

Lushan's people have been stationed in the 21st block of Donghai City for nearly half a month.

In half a month, the Nanyi team was successfully promoted to a three-star district team. This is a level that a normal hunter district team might take at least several years to reach, but the Nanyi team only took half a month.

What was happening at this appalling speed was the rising and falling of countless sea monster corpses in wave after wave, stepping on the flesh and blood of the monster step by step.

During this process, the strength of everyone in Lushan may not have improved significantly, but everyone's mentality and actual combat effectiveness have undergone a real transformation.

The countless blood and flesh fights in the past half month have gradually made them lose their childishness and youthfulness in the ivory tower of the school, and they have experienced the grandeur and despair of the waves of demons, which are endless.

Although their team has two masters, Nan Yi and Chu Qingxuan, whether in groups or singles, and even their water-bending ability is not inferior to that of the Kraken, there is still no guarantee that they can defend against every wave. Position, don’t take a step back.

After all, this was Block 21, the frontline battlefield where the wave surged. When the wave really surged to a certain level, even Nan Yi had to give an order to retreat and continue fighting in a block with a lower serial number.

However, there is also a reason why Nan Yi deliberately hides his clumsiness. After all, so far, Nan Yi has not released a real high-level magic.

Yes, that's right.

During this half-month-long battle with the sea monster, Nanyi didn't even build a single constellation. For a time, people would think that he was not a high-level mage at all.

But Nanyi can coordinate all his teammates just by relying on his unparalleled control, and can even help other teams in the same neighborhood.

Later, even Sosuke Kitahara from the East China Sea City Military Headquarters and Tokyo Academy saw Nanyi's deliberate clumsiness, but they were helpless.

Just because faced with the fact that there were still no casualties in Block 21 for half a month, even the person in charge of the naval battlefield could not criticize him even if he had received the order and wanted to find out about Nan Yi. Condition.

This amazing performance could not be matched even by those district teams composed entirely of ordinary high-level mages. To exaggerate, the effect of their entire team was not even comparable to that of Nanyi Chu Qingxuan and Lin Xi.

The sea is calm today. After all, the tide just receded yesterday. There are only a few sea monsters hiding in the streets and making sneak attacks.

"Oh~ What a boring day!"

Chu Qingxuan stretched out boredly, standing on the balcony of a three-story light gray building and looking at the calm sea, her graceful curves clearly revealed.

But unlike Chu Qingxuan who was bored, Nan Yi was a little absent-minded, always feeling a little panicked and unable to let go.

Seeing Nan Yi like this, Chu Qingxuan stepped forward and hugged Nan Yi's arm, comforting him: "Does the feeling get stronger?"

"Well, it's getting stronger and stronger." Nan Yi nodded and said with a frown.

Nan Yi has been feeling this worried feeling for the past few days. It was just faint and very inconspicuous at first, but then it became more and more intense, so intense that he couldn't ignore it.

If we really wanted to trace it back, it seemed that it could be traced back to the time when he sensed a strange movement in the southwest that day.

However, the sense of crisis was only a fleeting one and did not last long, so that in the next few days he almost forgot about it. He only thought it was a shady experimental project carried out by Japan behind the scenes, so he did not Care more.

But the current situation did not allow him to start thinking more.

Because it wasn't until Nan Yi's almost instinctive sense of crisis became stronger that he discovered that the source of this sense of crisis was the Xuan Shui Bead, and it was the Xuan Shui Bead that was giving him an early warning!

And he was the only one who felt this way before, but today, even the Dawa snake in the totem bead reported its perception to Nan Yi.

Da Wa Snake said that this was not something it actually sensed from clues, but its instinctive perception as a thousand-year-old monarch!

This completely confirmed Nan Yi's previous worries and made him restless all day long. He was on alert at all times and stared at the sea in the distance.

The sea today is blue and calm, with occasional ups and downs, but nothing like the turbulence and sky-swallowing waves that come when the waves come.

<divclass="contentadv">But the more this happens, the more stormy momentum is coming!

half an hour.

Nan Yi still couldn't sit still and did nothing. He took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Hello? Professor Qi?"

"Yes, I am, what's the matter, Nanyi, have you encountered any trouble?" Qi Jiang was very familiar with and treasured the top genius in his water academy, and he replied very enthusiastically.

"not yet."

"For the time being?" Qi Jiang is indeed an old professor. He instantly grasped the key points of Nan Yi's words, pushed up his glasses, and said seriously: "What's wrong? Tell me, the college will definitely help you with all its strength."

"I have been having a strong premonition of crisis recently, and it has become even stronger today. Students from our school who are still stranded in Donghai City may be in danger."

Nan Yi quickly explained the situation, and Qi Jiang fell into silence for a moment, but it was only for a moment. He could understand the consequences if the situation was true, and then spoke up immediately.

"What about that one? What does it look like?"

Qi Jiang's words were unclear, but Nan Yi knew what he was asking.

The whole of Lushan knew that Nanyi had brought the Dawa Snake to Japan with only a few people. Apart from Dean Tian Huasheng and Mr. Zhu, it was Professor Qi Jiang who was in charge of the team this time.

Qi Jiang was naturally asking about the situation of Da Wa Snake.


Nan Yi simply replied with two words, but Qi Jiang was instantly serious. Even this ancient totem monarch was like this. How could he dare to neglect.

"I understand. I will tell the children in Lushan to evacuate to the rear now. You, too, hurry up and evacuate. I will have someone come to help you immediately."

"Professor Qi, do you need a reminder from Japan?" Nan Yi asked smoothly.

After all, if this premonition is true, once an unpredictable crisis does occur, a reminder may really play a huge role.

"I will remind the Japanese side, Nanyi, you organize a retreat first."

"it is good."

The phone was hung up, and Chu Qingxuan on the side also heard the content of the phone call, and the voice of the soul was sent directly to the Lushan people in the 21st block.

For a moment, everyone was stunned.



But before everyone could hesitate for a moment, Xiao Ning appeared in the air, and Nan Yi's voice sounded at the same time.

"Everyone follows the wind track left by Xiao Ning and evacuates. Professor Qi Jiang will pick up everyone later."


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