Chapter 382 After the Wave

In the end, Kitahara Sosuke was unable to get any useful information out of Qi Jiang's mouth, but instead made himself very angry.

But Nan Yi's stunning and shocking performance still attracted the attention of the person in charge of the battlefield in Donghai City.

The person in charge knitted his eyebrows tiredly: "What on earth is Tokyo University doing this time? How do you communicate with these monsters?"

The whole room fell silent. The subordinates listened to their boss's words and looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment.

However, thanks to the abnormal performance of this student from Lushan, he directly opened a hole in the 21st block that was so huge that the wave could not fill it for a while, which greatly reduced the pressure on the wave in other blocks. At least the subsequent defense should There is nothing to worry about anymore.

For a while.

The person in charge spoke again: "Did you find any useful information?"

"No... there is almost no personal information about either Nan Yi or Chu Qingxuan, or even a female student named Lin Xi who is on the same team. All we can find is outdated information." The subordinate reported it truthfully.



This answer was within his expectation, so he just sighed helplessly.

It was actually a good thing for such people to appear on the border of Donghai City to help them fight against the tide, but the identity of the other party was too special and sensitive for them to treat each other with a normal heart.

It was like a time bomb. If one day they didn't pay attention and suddenly exploded, a mess would be waiting for them.

Just when he was about to give up and just wait and see, the dedicated landline next to him suddenly rang.

Anyone who can call this phone number is a person with a very high status or a very urgent matter, so the person in charge picked it up without any hesitation.

"This is the Donghai City Military Headquarters..."

The person in charge was interrupted by the other party just in the middle of what he said, and then a voice rang on the phone.

"Check the information about the student named Nan Yi who is an exchange student at Lushan Academy, especially his yellow dimensional beast. Let me investigate it carefully."


The person in charge did not expect that General Ito's call actually asked him to investigate Nanyi, but he had just hit a wall here.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?" General Ito's tone was filled with undoubted military power, which was completely different from his previous exchange with the white-haired old man.

Hearing this, the person in charge had no choice but to report the situation truthfully. There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, and then he spoke again.

"Continue to follow up the investigation and report any situation at any time. Remember not to be noticed by the Lushan authorities."



The dark clouds in the sky gradually dispersed as the waves receded, the clear sky carried the salty smell of the sea, and the breeze comforted the people who had just finished fighting.

The rhythm of life on the sea battlefield is different from that of normal people. The so-called law of working when the sun rises and breathing when the sun sets simply does not apply here. Perhaps it is the truth to work when the tide rises and rest when the tide falls.

No, this wave ended very early, which meant that there was no need for so many hunters during the gap period, and a new batch of personnel could be rotated for defense.

After all, not everyone wants to fight in the wave. There are always people who cherish their lives and stay steady, and like to defend in the gaps of this wave.

"End of work! Get off work!" Chu Qingxuan clapped her hands and walked side by side with Nan Yi at the back of the team, looking left and right along the way.

Although there are some people who live directly in these cannon fodder-like light gray buildings in Donghai City, and there are even a lot of them, but that is also a matter of those single-digit blocks. There is no such situation in the 21st block, unless that person I want to have my brain eaten by a sea monster that appears from nowhere in my dream.

<divclass="contentadv">The distance that Nanyi people walked back from the 21st block was not very short, and they had to pass through the 6th block where they were stationed before.

After they left, it was a group of foreign black hunters who took over their defensive positions. Just by looking at their naturally dark skin, one could tell that they must have come to Donghai City to seek a new life.

When they passed by here in the past few days, they looked at these dark-skinned people curiously, not because they were really interested in their natural dark skin, but because their magic was very interesting.

Most of these black people have strange things on their bodies. Some of them have a big hole in their chin, with a pillar-like object inserted in it. Of course, there are other things, such as discs and so on.

Just looking at these weird things makes people physiologically frown, and they can only silently think about respecting cultural differences.

But after Chu Qingxuan’s introduction, everyone realized that these were not just simple decorations, but their magic tools that could be used in battle!

This kind of magic tool has been with them almost since childhood, and it is even connected to their souls with special rune inscriptions. It can be regarded as an acquired companion magic tool.

And the magic of most of them will be different according to the different accompanying magic equipment, so it has attracted a lot of attention from everyone in Lushan. In the past few days, they have been watching and discussing it.

But today's situation is a little different.

"Eh? Why are those black people missing? Aren't they the most curled? Why did they get off work so early today?" Liu Cai couldn't help but ask.

"Yeah, what's going on?" Many people asked the same question.

While many people were feeling deeply regretful, two high-level mages, Nan Yi and Chu Qingxuan, noticed elemental fluctuations coming from somewhere.

Is anyone else fighting?

However, the movement was not big, and seeing that the magic fluctuations from the mage were so stable, it should be possible to win it steadily.

It seems that some fish that slipped through the wave were discovered.

The two looked at each other, understood what the other meant, and neither of them planned to pay attention.

Immediately afterwards, everyone noticed the stable magical aura and guessed the general situation.

"What a pity, it's not that group of black people." Liu Cai still sighed.

"But do you think this is much more powerful than the group of hunters who defended here before?" The nanny asked doubtfully.

For a moment, the nanny's question made everyone pause, and then they noticed this problem.

They have also been fighting with the hunters in the Sixth District for several days. Although it is impossible to know everyone, they still have a very clear idea of ​​whether there are powerful mages.

It can only be said that none of these hunters can be stronger than the stable magical aura now!

"Maybe he's passing by? If you see any injustice on the way, draw your sword and help!"


However, before anyone could speculate too much, the magical aura ended, as if the battle had come to an end, and then a plump and tall figure appeared on the street where the battle had just begun.

"Are you exchange students from Lushan?"

A nice voice came from this young woman, but her tone was not very gentle, with a touch of arrogance.


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