Versatile Mage: Heavy Water Overwhelms the World

Chapter 371 Tokyo Sea Battlefield! Block 6!

Chapter 371 Tokyo Sea Battlefield! Block Six!

The next day.

hotel lobby.

Today's meeting place is the lobby. Professor Qi Jiang has been waiting here for a long time, and everyone from Lushan has also appeared one after another.

Some people who were not used to eating breakfast walked out of the elevator directly, while others came out of the hotel restaurant after finishing their breakfast.

Nan Yi and Chu Qingxuan were the latter. They got up very early to try Japanese breakfast.

It has to be said that the chefs at Mitsubishi Hotel are quite capable. Even a top foodie like Chu Qingxuan can't find any flaws, and he can compete with the top chefs under the Ike family.

The answer is no.

"No need to worry, Director, what Lushan has always taught us is not to abandon our companions, let alone shrink in front of monsters."

Kitahara Sosuke's intention can be said to be obvious. After all, Tokyo Academy came here for Chu Qingxuan, and his attitude is quite sincere.

The entire Donghai City is in the shape of a crescent, surrounded by two concave dykes, one high and one short.

Of course, this is just a preliminary grouping. If it is necessary to subdivide smaller teams in actual combat, the two team leaders will need to negotiate with their own team members.

Soon, everyone arrived.

This middle-aged man has an expressionless, serious, upright face, which is completely different from Kitahara Sosuke next to him.

Under the introduction of Kitahara Sosuke, everyone finally walked to the inner area and arrived at Block 6. Before they stopped, a slightly serious male mage walked forward.

"Among them, each neighborhood has its own responsible organization, and our Tokyo Institute of Technology has taken over two of the neighborhoods, namely Block 5 and Block 6."

"pretty good."

Faced with Beitahara Sosuke's enthusiasm, Chu Qingxuan frowned slightly and moved closer to Nan Yi, trying to put some distance between herself and this Japanese man.

No one had any objection to Qi Jiang's allocation.

Chu Qingxuan has always been relatively polite, but when faced with Kithara Sosuke's disparagement of Lushan Academy, she would not give him a good look.

Qi Jiang naturally heard the teasing in Beitahara Sosuke's words, but before he could refute, Chu Qingxuan spoke.

There is no way, Chu Qingxuan is the person named by some powerful academic professors from Tokyo University. As long as Chu Qingxuan is willing to exchange details with them, even if she wants Kitahara Sosuke to eat shit, Kitahara Sosuke will eat it while she does it. Say it's delicious.

At least for someone like Chu Qingxuan, who has indeed stepped ahead of their Tokyo university in scientific research, they are still quite humble.

"Teacher Cangjie, if you have any doubts about Chu Qingxuan's arrangements, you can tell me directly." Qi Jiang said with a hint of warning.

Hearing this, Kitahara Sosuke couldn't help but look stiff, but he still had to keep a good face.

"Director Cang Jie, are these everyone from Lushan Academy?"

Qi Jiang also recounted today's arrangements again.

After being divided into groups, the group left the hotel in two groups. The Nanyi group was led by Qi Jiang and Kitahara Sosuke, and the Yan Chen group was led by Qi Jiang's assistant and Kitahara Sosuke's subordinates. .

Speaking of this, Kithara Sosuke's face showed rare seriousness.

"This is one of the four sea battlefields in the world. It is a real battlefield. Countless people die every day. I hope everyone is mentally prepared."

Chu Qingxuan must not be even remotely malicious towards them, it is best to win them over.

However, Kitahara Sosuke just smiled and said: "I just want to care about the students of your school. Shouldn't it be up to Ms. Chu's own opinion about the specific choice? After all, at Tokyo University, we always respect the personal wishes of students. "

<divclass="contentadv">Although Kitahara Sosuke didn't say anything bad about Lushan, his words clearly stated that Lushan didn't pay attention to the students' personal wishes.

Everyone knows why.

In this case, he, the director of the External Propaganda Department who has almost reached the end, can take another step forward.

"Although this training location is mainly in the neighborhoods under the jurisdiction of our Tokyo University, there is never absolute safety in the East China Sea Fortress City. If Miss Chu is willing, we can open the Tokyo University laboratory for Miss Chu in advance. "

Thinking of this, Kitahara Sosuke suddenly no longer felt uncomfortable, and smiled and introduced the basic situation of Donghai City to everyone.

"Yes." Kithara Sosuke nodded, and then introduced this serious middle-aged male mage to everyone: "This is Mochizuki Changgong, the district mayor of Block 6, and the general person in charge here."

"And one thing that needs to be reminded is that demons may appear anywhere in Donghai City, even in the inner area."

There are many buildings in the outer area of ​​Donghai City, most of which appear a slightly heavy gray color of mourning.

Although Chu Qingxuan's reply was cold, Kitahara Sosuke did not have any dissatisfaction and continued to talk.

As Kithara Sosuke spoke, he pointed at the huge Donghai City in the distance and below, and he couldn't see the end at a glance.

As for Yan Chen, his several achievements after returning from the army have proven his strength, and he is still the only three high-level mages in Lushan. He has retired from the military, so no one has any objections.

"The outer area is divided horizontally into 32 blocks, each block has thirty narrow streets, six wide streets and one main street."

Starting today, everyone will be divided into two groups to exercise in the Tokyo Sea battlefield.

"Okay, then if Miss Chu needs anything, just tell me and Tokyo University will try its best to satisfy you!"

There are twenty-nine people in total. The leader of the first group is Nan Yi, with a total of fourteen people. In addition to Chu Qingxuan, there are also twelve people including Li Ruolinxi, including a healing mage.

But before Chu Qingxuan could speak, Qi Jiang couldn't stand it anymore.

"The outside of Donghai City is low and the inside is high. It is roughly divided into the inner area and the outer area. The inner area is the area where we are now. It is also a relatively safe area. Almost no demons can sneak into this area."

Mitsubishi Hotel is naturally also in the inner area, but everyone who arrived at the hotel late last night did not notice the situation outside.

"Hello, I am Wangyue Changgong."

The other group was led by Yan Chen, who returned from the army and returned to school. There were fifteen people in total, and there was also a healing mage.

As for whether anyone is dissatisfied with this configuration and thinks it is biased, after all, it is obvious that the configuration of Nanyi Group is better, and the teacher in charge is also better.

Although Chu Qingxuan is essentially a student like everyone else, her status as a special researcher when she came to Tokyo University for exchange this time is already a status that is completely above everyone else!

What's wrong with giving some special treatment!

And look at the friendly and flattering expression on Kitahara Sosuke's face, which is completely different from the arrogant way he treated everyone yesterday!

Why is it still a little cool?

"I saw Miss Chu was very tired yesterday, so I didn't bother her. I wonder how her rest was last night? Did we not provide good hospitality?"

There is no need to say more about Nan Yi. No one in Lucheng now knows his strength! Being a team leader is a matter of course.

"I am Qi Jiang, the person in charge of Lushan. I am going to trouble Mr. Changgong this time."


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