Versatile Mage: Heavy Water Overwhelms the World

Chapter 303 Closing the mountain?

Chapter 303: Sealing the mountain?

"If Yang He's guess is correct...then there should be some beings who don't want humans to go deep into Hengshan Mountain."

Bai Zijin pondered, thinking aloud, with a slightly serious look on his face.

"Yunhai Peak is almost the only choice for Lucheng mages to go deep into Hengshan Mountain. If the Ice Feather Cicada tribe blocks the road to Yunhai Peak, then basically no mage will go deep into Hengshan Mountain this winter."

Before Yang He raised the question, no one had thought deeply about the strangeness of the Ice Feather Cicada group. Everyone just lamented that it was bad luck to encounter the Ice Feather Cicada group this year.

After Yang He, the demon expert, raised it, everyone started to pay attention to this issue, and Bai Zijin, who knew Hengshan best, also immediately grasped the key to the problem.


With Yunhai Peak locked, the deeper Hengshan area can only be entered from the Yangcheng side. But if the same method is followed in Yangcheng and the entrance is blocked, then the depths of Hengshan Mountain will be completely isolated from the outside world.

In this case, there will be too many changes that can happen throughout the winter, and they will be too uncontrollable. Maybe once this winter is over, the landscape of Hengshan will change drastically.

But this is just speculation at the moment. If they want to verify whether it is true, everyone can only move on.

As for reporting back?

If only one person is sent back, then only Nan Yi, Ai Jianghe and Bai Zijin should be able to return alone.

But these three are indispensable. If one person is missing, it will not be possible to continue further.

It is even more unnecessary for the whole team to give up and go back to report the news.

Everyone is just guessing now, without really strong evidence, and the Yangcheng Military Department can also do this kind of guessing, and they can do better as they are more professional.

Because of the magic stone, Yangcheng's development of Hengshan is relatively complete.

If there really are some powerful beings who deliberately want to block Hengshan, then the key entrance to Yangcheng will definitely be blocked as well. But if this is the case, it is impossible for the Yangcheng Military Department not to notice.

Therefore, the only right choice is to continue to delve deeper.

With the configuration of everyone, even if they meet Ya Jun, there is nothing they can do.

As for the monarch?

Lucheng and Yangcheng have developed Hengshan together for so many years, and they still have a fairly clear idea of ​​the distribution of monarchs in Hengshan, and the information is only a few months off at most.

However, this kind of error usually occurs when a new monarch occurs, and the probability of this situation is extremely low. Moreover, even if it does happen, the new monarch will rarely take the initiative to add three to the six high-ranking monarchs because their power is not yet stable. The leader acted rashly, so this was an acceptable risk.

"Keep moving forward. The next stop is Nantianmen. Let's try to find a camping spot for tonight along the way." Ai Jianghe said towards the southwest.

That's right.

Everyone is not far from Zhurong Peak. After passing the next landmark, Nantianmen, and continuing deeper in the northwest direction, we will reach Zhurong Peak, which everyone has been thinking about.

Yang He was responsible for accelerating this trip, and everyone followed behind.

The cloud sea peak behind him became smaller and smaller as time went by, and finally completely disappeared from sight when the moon became dark in the night.

The bonfire roared.

Everyone sat in a circle and ate the game they had finally caught.

"By the way, didn't that team of hunters say there was some kind of thunder pond near Nantianmen? Do we want to stop by and have a look?" Bai Zijin asked casually as he tore into a big mouthful of venison.

This is the information given to everyone by the hunter team that was attacked by the giant tusk splitting pig a few days ago, but the authenticity has not yet been verified.

"I can do it." Yang He said with a smile, as if he was traveling with friends and listened to his friends' arrangements.

"If you find anything along the way, go take a look. If you don't find anything, forget it. How about that?" Jiang Shaojun made a compromise suggestion.

<divclass="contentadv">"I will follow everyone." Lian Xishan usually followed Jiang Shaojun's opinions at times like this.

"I will follow Senior Sister." Nan Yi also smiled slightly, but Nan Yi wanted to go to Leichi mainly because he wanted to see if there was any suitable opportunity for Chu Qingxuan.

Finally, after gathering everyone's wishes, Ai Jianghe agreed with Jiang Shaojun's idea.

"Everyone, let's go to bed early."

The sky is exceptionally clear tonight and the stars are shining brightly.

The group of people between Nantianmen and Yunhai Peak rested early, but another wild place under the same starry sky was extremely tense.

"Fire element phalanx!"

A powerful shout resounded and echoed across a valley. However, only a sound mage could transmit such a far distance with a human voice.

After hearing this order, a phalanx of several hundred people began to directly connect to the fiery red star trails, and the cold environment warmed up a little, but only a little.

"Fire! Explode!"

For a moment, shards of fire exploded and shot towards the same target, illuminating the valley clearly and making it possible to see the situation clearly.

This is a small mountain road surrounded by mountains on both sides. Only the front and back are clear. There is not even a river nearby. Under the white snow and ice, there is enough ice and snow to submerge ankles.

And now an entire army of thousands of people squeezed into this not-so-large mountain road, and what they faced was the target of the fire attack, which was a group of ice feather cicadas!

However, what is different from what Nan Yi and the others encountered in the afternoon is that at this moment, the ice elemental storm brewing by these ice feather cicadas is almost complete.

Pieces of snowflakes eroded the bodies of the military mages, and the hundreds of fires were like sparks, disappearing into the ice and snow in an instant.

But the ice elemental storm has not been weakened much!

The musical military mage who was responsible for issuing orders at the beginning was not surprised when he saw this, as if everything was under control.

Immediately afterwards, another voice came from behind the musical military mage, accompanied by a powerful magical aura.

"I'll come, you guys are ready to support me."

next moment.

A huge rose-red constellation swept away with a hot breath, protecting everyone from the increasingly serious extreme cold.

The musical military mage also reacted instantly, with purple stars appearing on his body.

"Everyone retreat 200 meters!"

next moment.

The violent fire constellation is completely formed!

"Carbon Flame!"

"Sky Flame Funeral!"

"Hellfire Stone!"

The gathering of fire elements reached its peak, and the fire stone, which symbolized burning everything, broke into the ice element storm in the sky!

This time, the ice elemental storm was no longer monolithic, but instead appeared in an area that could not be covered by ice and snow.

But this situation only lasted for a moment, and the ice and snow began to expand again, trying to erode this group of uninvited guests who broke into their territory.

However, it is obvious that the military department has always been prepared, especially when dealing with old opponents like Bingyu Chan.

"Wind element phalanx!"

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