Versatile Mage: Heavy Water Overwhelms the World

Chapter 287 The Red Scale Earth King! bypass!

Chapter 287 The Red Scale Earth King! bypass!

"Boss, get the goods!"

Bai Zijin didn't even say his name, but the shop owner recognized the person's identity.

"Okay! Miss Bai, please wait a moment!"

Immediately, the boss shouted at the handyman in the store.

"Any announcements recently?"

While waiting, Bai Zijin asked casually, and the so-called notification naturally refers to official information.

"A notice? The military department issued a heavy snow warning yesterday. It seems that this year's snow will come earlier than in previous years, and it will be heavier." The boss thought for a while and said.

"Oh~ Is there more?" Bai Zijin nodded.

"There's nothing else. I just don't know where Miss Bai is going?" the boss asked tentatively, obviously very interested in this.

"Just go and have some fun."

It can be said that the military commander is quite distinguished when he serves as a scout!

The remaining five people stood in a diamond shape.

Jiang Shaojun was at the front of the team, and Yang He, a healing dad, was in the center of the team. On the left and right were Nan Yi and Lian Xishan.

Except for Ai Jianghe who was exploring the road ahead and had the wind element, only Jiang Shaojun and Yang He had the wind element.

The day passed quickly in such a hurry.

Equivalent to the novice area.

Although you can prepare these by yourself in advance, it is obvious that the merchants located in Hengshan North Station are definitely more familiar with this aspect and are more fully prepared. They are basically packaged and sold in complete sets.

Here, no one would dare to play like this in the wild, even if he led a team of super mages.


Now the first stop is Guangji Peak.

And at the very end, the one standing behind everyone was naturally Bai Zijin.

As a military commander stationed in Beitahang all year round, Ai Jianghe is obviously very familiar with leading teams in the field. Jiang Shaojun is the core of this operation and is responsible for making decisions on the general direction of the team.

The military department had nothing to think about.

After paying the final payment, everyone was on their way.

This kind of schedule can effectively avoid the danger of rushing at night and make it safer.

Sitting around the campfire, everyone brought their own dry food for dinner, which they ate after it was warmed up.

Although they entered Hengshan Mountain early in the morning, according to everyone's current progress, it will take about one day to reach Guangji Peak, that is, they will arrive tomorrow night.

From Guangji Peak to Zhurong Peak, if you look at the straight-line distance, it may only take Xiaobai to fly at full strength for a while.

However, this Scarlet Scale Earth King seems to be very happy. He stays underground every day and rarely comes out to cause harm to humans. He just guards his one-third of an acre of land every day, which is quite honest.

This first section of the journey is located on the outskirts of Hengshan Mountain, so it is relatively simple. There are no warrior-level demons visible on the road. They are all slaves, even small slaves.

Due to historical reasons, the distribution of demons in Hengshan is not regular at all. The rule that the farther outside, the safer it is, may not necessarily work here. Maybe an uninhabited border area on the map is the habitat of a certain terrifying existence!

And in the triangle between Zhurong Peak, Guangji Peak and where everyone is at this moment, in this fairly broad but not very flat area, there is a monarch!

Red Scale Earth King!

Then continue going southwest, and after arriving at Nantianmen, go northwest all the way up to Zhurong Peak!

Ai Jianghe chose a place to camp and directed everyone to set up tents.

Ai Jianghe himself is the only one in the team who has received special training in reconnaissance ability. He is also a space and shadow system, so he is responsible for exploring the front line.

As for going on an expedition?

<divclass="contentadv">There are fewer super-level dispatches, and the Red Scale Earth King is dismissive of them. When there are too many super-levels, they just escape and leave, no longer playing with the brothers!

All hunter teams will choose to avoid it.

The dark white snow is so bright under the moonlight.

Moreover, once too many super mages are allocated here, it may cause another area to become unbalanced and lose control.

The closest peak to everyone is Guangji Peak, but it takes about two days to travel.

Lian Xishan's own magic system is the three systems of earth, fire and shadow. The shadow system is fine for him to run around, but it is a bit difficult to bring his teammates with him.

It is equivalent to wherever Jiang Shaojun points out, Ai Jianghe is responsible for leading everyone to execute it.

No one can save those who seek death.

The night watchmen on the first night were Lian Xishan and Ai Jianghe, one at midnight and the other at midnight.

Of course, Nan Yi and his party also made this choice.

Although it has just stepped into the power of a monarch in recent years, this pangolin is also a mountain king-level existence in this area.

Obviously, this is not the Death Poison Domain in Beitahang.

at the moment.

But this does not mean that ordinary mage teams dare to step into its territory at will.

This route is the experience shared by almost all hunters who have gone deep into Hengshan Mountain, and even the military. It is a relatively safe route.

North Taihang is only the northern peripheral area of ​​the huge Taihang Mountains. Even the Death Poison Domain can only be regarded as barely close to the core of North Taihang, and cannot be regarded as the core of the entire Taihang Mountains at all.

The route is from the southeast, that is, all the way down from the Guangji Peak in front, passing through the Zhenxiang Peak, and then southwest through the Yunhai Peak located on the southwest side of the Zhenxiang Peak.

Therefore, this seemingly shortest route is not considered at all.

Therefore, Ye Rou's team at that time was able to wander around Beitaihang with only a team of mid-level players.

During the day, the sun shines on me, making me feel warm, but at night, the whole world is left with nothing but bone-chilling coldness.

No one deliberately concealed their aura, so that the nearby slave groups would not dare to rush forward and disturb everyone, and it would be easier to travel.

The team's formation gradually spread out.

Nan Yi and Bai Zijin would have short legs if they didn't use the summoning system to summon Xiao Ning and Xiao Bai.

An Jie drifted away behind everyone's back, and the leader of the team changed from Bai Zijin to Jiang Shaojun, while Ai Jianghe served as the team leader.


The biggest difference between the outdoors and the city is that everyone goes to bed very early, usually at eight or nine o'clock, and then gets up very early the next day to go on the road.

It was covered with snow, and the usually green tree crowns were covered in snow, but the road was fairly flat, so I went very quickly.

along the way.

Therefore, this red-scaled earth king has maintained the current wonderful balance.

The Red Scale Earth King has a very strong ability to escape from the ground and stays underground all year round. In addition, this area is too dangerous and dangerous, and most of the demons in it are mainly earth-type and are very resistant to beatings.

After all, judging from the distance, although that area is not very close, it is definitely not deep!


There are not many things that everyone needs to prepare, which is some equipment for mountaineering in snowy weather, dry food and necessary medicines.

The store owner took out the things and Bai Zijin took a rough inventory.


It was very easy for everyone to travel this section of the road. Jiang Shaojun and Yang He took turns providing wind rail acceleration for everyone.

But Hengshan is different.

But this is a straight-line distance, and it does not take into account any demon factors and terrain factors.

The only sounds in the quiet tent were the crackling firewood and Yang He's heaving snores.

It only hurt Nan Yi and Jiang Shaojun who slept next to Yang He.


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