Versatile Mage: Heavy Water Overwhelms the World

Chapter 272 Rich Woman! hungry! rice!

Chapter 272 Rich Woman! hungry! rice!

The start of school for new students obviously did not have the slightest impact on Nanyi.

Even many freshmen were curious about this mysterious senior because they had heard about Nan Yi's amazing record early on, and asked around.

But Nan Yi himself plunged into Shiwanting on the first day of school and raced against time to practice.

Even the class teacher originally wanted Nan Yi to give an excellent senior speech, but Nan Yi refused.

And just when the freshman competition was in full swing.

Above the foothills.

At the Shiwan Pavilion halfway up the mountain, the blue stars shine brightly, and there is no trace of green.

Within the thick energy barrier, Nan Yi sat cross-legged on the stone cushion in the center, with the sea of ​​blue grass around him swaying and echoing like water waves.

The water element in the air is so rich that it almost becomes a substance, full of mist.

These water elements did not pour directly into Nan Yi's nebula, but under Nan Yi's intentional pulling, they turned into a solid waterspout, wrapping Nan Yi in the eye of the wind.

Can be seen.

Threads of mysterious substance gathered towards the eye of the wind through the outer waterspout, then flowed into Nan Yi's body, and finally flowed into Nan Yi's spiritual world.

And combined with the shining water stars.

However, the effect of this mysterious substance on Nanyi water-type stars is not as direct as it is on the plant-type to increase the release speed and effective time of magic in the water-type environment.

But after the repairs of Shiwanting last time and this time, Nanyi also figured out the changes made by Shiwanting to the water system.

What the mysterious substance brought about was not a change in Nan Yi Chongshui's natural talent, but the Xuan Shui Bead.

Or it could be said to be the change of water planets.

But rather than saying it is a change, it is better to say that the original suppressive properties of the Xuan Shui Bead are subtly strengthening.

Speaking of which, the suppressive properties of Xuan Shui Bead are different from the ordinary spiritual species that increase the power and Nanyi's natural talent that increases the magic power by increasing gravity.

In many battles, this suppressive feature was never triggered.

More often than not, this suppressive characteristic is manifested as water control, water affinity, and resistance to other water magic.

The only battle that directly demonstrated the suppressive properties of Xuanshuizhu was the battle with the black-scaled octopus that was close to the leader on Daozui Island.

That time, Nanyi's violent waves directly crushed the black-scaled octopus's water-based magic by relying on its suppressive characteristics at the critical moment, and finally gained the initiative in the battle.

In the past, the suppressive properties of Xuan Shui Bead were more like a tenacity hidden in a person's bones. If you didn't take the initiative to force it, it would rarely show up.

But once it appears, it can turn the tide of the battle.

Nanyi has been integrating the Xuan Shui Pearl for more than three years, and still has not been able to fully control this suppressive property.

In addition to the reason why Nanyi's own water control ability has not kept up, it is also because Xuan Shuizhu itself is no longer as weak as it was before.

And now.

This mysterious substance from Shiwanting can slowly nourish the Xuanshui Pearl.

Although the progress was very slow, Nanyi could actually feel that the suppressive characteristics were getting stronger step by step.

Just like an old man who is dying, a strong man in his twilight years suddenly starts to turn back the years and regains his former self.

That's exactly what it feels like!


Between the brightness and darkness of the sky, two days passed quickly.

The bright blue Shiwanting finally dissipated the energy barrier and returned to normal again.

Nan Yi reached the saturation state again, so he had no choice but to open his eyes. Feeling helpless for this sage's time, he stood up without finishing his thoughts.

Immediately, Nan Yi went directly down the mountain and found a restaurant to have something to eat.

When the phone is turned on, it vibrates continuously.

A lot of messages popped up instantly.

The first is Chu Qingxuan, whose content ended ten minutes ago.

[Yesterday at 10 o'clock: I caught up with Leiyuan's rankings. If you don't fight, you won't win! Sign up! 】

[10 minutes ago: I’m going to wait! 】

And when Nan Yi slid down further, Fang Liang, Gu Ling, and even Lin Xi all sent messages to Nan Yi.

Everyone's content is exactly the same.

Everyone is saying that Chu Qingxuan is playing in the Leiyuan qualifying match and is ready to play.

<divclass="contentadv">Moreover, looking at the photos posted by these people, these people should still be sitting together.

Nan Yi naturally knew about the news that Chu Qingxuan had transferred to Leiyuan.

After all, the temporary research institute is currently built in Leiyuan. Out of convenience, the school discussed with Chu Qingxuan to transfer the institute.

At the same time, because Chu Qingxuan made contributions to the Tribunal and Lucheng, the hospital also reserved the special benefits of the Soul Hospital for Chu Qingxuan.

For example, Xinminshe, a holy place for spiritual refining in the Soul Institute.

On the Leiyuan side, the college temporarily placed Chu Qingxuan in the 50th grade.

I just didn't expect that Chu Qingxuan would just catch up with the qualifying competition, so she signed up directly.

The challenge is to rank fifth in grade.

Looking at the news sent by Fang Liang and others, Chu Qingxuan was next on the stage. Nan Yi estimated that he might be able to catch up, so he set off directly.

As soon as he walked out of the door, Nan Yi's feet lit up with a faint blue light.

Water boots! start up!

Although water boots can only reach their peak in a water environment, with Nanyi's current water control ability, it is completely possible to create a water environment in a small area near the water boots to provide conditions for the water boots.

On the wide school road, a handsome figure flew past quickly.

Because it was still in class time, there were not many people on the road, which made it easier for Nanyi to speed up.

A few minutes later.

In front of the gate of Lushan Leiyuan.

Nan Yi said hello to the aunt at the door, entered Leiyuan directly, and walked straight through the hall to the training ground at the back.

Before he entered, Nan Yi felt a buzz of people.

"What a fool! What kind of rich man's style is this?"

"You Qing is in trouble this time, he is really going to suffer!"

"Rich woman! Hungry! Food!"

"Who is this young lady? Why haven't I seen her in our hospital before, but why does she look familiar? She transferred to another department?"

"This is the girlfriend of Nan Yi, the number one in the water hospital next door!"

"Oh! Did I remember that she is not psychic?"


Discussions like this came one after another, reaching Nan Yi's ears one after another.

Because the qualifying matches were all open to the public, Nanyi went directly to the training ground. Through the dense crowd, he saw the familiar figure on the competition stage more than one meter high in the distance.

Nan Yi walked towards Gu Ling's position on the right front while looking at the competition stage.

The situation at the moment is not bad.

It can even be said to be a one-sided match!

The opponent is equipped with thunder and wind elements. It can be said that he has agility and damage, and he can be regarded as a good offensive player.

But facing Chu Qingxuan, You Qing felt aggrieved and unable to do anything.

With the psychic system, You Qing can't use the intermediate magic of both departments. The primary wind system has no combat power, so he can only rely on the thunder seal of the primary thunder system to attack.

But Chu Qingxuan also has the thunder element, and You Qing doesn't have an advantage at all.

And if that's all, forget it.

After all, You Qing is a person who can reach the fifth grade, and he also has a backhand in the psychic system.

And just after You Qing used his spiritual magic tool to help him complete the intermediate magic, he found that the other party used both a shield magic tool and an armor magic tool at the same time.

He even triggered the magic weapon again to avoid the attack.

Directly break the defense for You Qing!

Then, the rhythm returned to Chu Qingxuan's hands again, and the methodical attack began again.

Once, twice.


You Qing lowered his hand as if resigned to his fate.

"I surrender……"

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