Chapter 174 Mysterious Swamp

The sky was slightly white, and the group set out early.

After all, the low-lying areas in the distance could not bear the continuous rain. After one night, they had turned into small turbid lakes.

The rain became heavier again, but the magnitude of the increase was expected by everyone, and it was not difficult to handle.

Due to the change in plans, everyone's search route also changed accordingly, and the blanket search was no longer suitable for the current situation.

Therefore, everyone chose to search directly into the depths of the Death Poison Domain. Although many areas would be missed, they could search the largest area in such a short period of time.

The most important thing is that after it is judged that most of the powerful poison demons have been driven away, the danger of the Death Poison Domain has also dropped a lot.

At least there is no need to worry about a leader suddenly appearing, and this also provides a strong guarantee for everyone to boldly go deep.

In one morning, everyone walked about half of the distance and encountered several warrior-level demons. Although they were all poison-type demons, they were not the spotted toads that everyone was looking for.

Moreover, probably because of the heavy rain that had a purifying effect, most of these poisonous demons took the initiative to give in after meeting everyone and did not attack them, which also saved everyone a lot of time.

At noon, the sky was much brighter than at other times, but the sun still failed to break through the obstruction of dark clouds, and heavy rain fell freely.

"We should be able to reach the central area in the afternoon. Regardless of whether we find it today or not, we have to turn back tomorrow morning." Although Ye Rou's voice was soft, her tone was undeniable.

The brief pause at noon passed quickly, and everyone officially embarked on the last half of the journey.

As the crowd went deeper, the rain became obviously heavier.

I don’t know when the mixture of mud and water under my feet began to become sparse, or in other words, faded away behind everyone.

"Sure enough, the depths of the Death Poison Domain are indeed a highland. This is consistent with the intelligence." Ye Shan nodded.

However, this did not hinder everyone's progress. Ye Shan even accelerated the speed of the wind track, and the group advanced deeper at an extremely fast speed.

There is gradually a faint water scent in the air, with a bit of holiness that cannot be polluted, which is completely different from the normal water fluctuations.

Everyone has also noticed this situation. Although they don't know the reason, they also speculate that the head should be its source, which is the center of the death poison domain.

As time passed, the sky was no longer as bright as when we set off, and a heavy darkness spread in the air.

The rain was pouring down like a waterfall, and the rain was so strong that it seemed like it was going to wash away the entire place.

The purification ability in the rainwater has also been significantly enhanced. It is so powerful that even poisonous plants have difficulty surviving. The original colorful appearance is no longer within the field of vision.

And the group of people finally reached the core area of ​​the Death Poison Domain marked on the map, and there was no way forward.

Nan Yi suddenly frowned, seeming to feel something, but looking at the sudden and violent rainstorm, he didn't know the reason.

"Is this a swamp?" Wang Jiazeng's question seemed so weak in the rain.

"Yeah, but didn't the information say that the center is a small hill?" Ye Rou nodded, but she was very confused.

Whether it was information from local hunters or information from the Lushan Poison Institute, it was mentioned that the center of the Death Poison Domain was a mound that was significantly higher than the surrounding highlands.

The highlands we passed on the way here are indeed consistent with what the information said, but who would have thought that at this time, the core of the Death Poison Domain would be a vast swamp!

The heavy rain has turned countless depressions into lakes, but this swamp has never been swallowed up. The rainwater fell into the swamp and seemed to disappear.

But even if you are not a water mage, you can still feel the powerful water fluctuations in this swamp. Even the rich and almost suffocating water aura has an obvious holy aura.

"This is indeed the source of this heavy rain." Ye Rou looked at the exaggerated scene in front of her, which also proved that Nan Yi's guess was correct.

"Look at it like this, although there is no spiritual seed being produced now, it will be produced in a while." Ye Shan also observed and said.

"But this place is too dangerous. If you stay a few more days, the water demons may come." Chen Changben shook his head, with pity in his eyes.

After all, if such a place could be fully developed, the value it would bring would be immeasurable.

"I feel that at least one top-quality soul seed can be produced." Wang Jiazeng nodded and said.

"It has begun to breed spiritual seeds." Nan Yi suddenly bent down, stars appeared on his body, and the strong current slightly dispersed the swamp in front of him.

After losing the cover of the swamp mud aura, a pure and fresh holy water aura burst out!

Thin water bubbles slowly lifted up the source of the aura.

Spirit seed fragments! !

Nan Yi's discovery also made everyone's eyes brighter. It seems that they can also make some money?

It was not too late at this time. It was not completely dark yet. Ye Rou led everyone to search at the edge of the swamp.

But no one chose to enter this unknown swamp. After all, it was enough to steadily fish for some oil and water on the shore.

In the end, the group of people received a lot of spirit seed fragments. If they were allowed to breed for a while, they might become spirit seeds, but they obviously couldn't afford to wait.

"That's it. Let's rest for the night and return the same way tomorrow." Ye Rou retracted her hand and said immediately.

Everyone nodded and stopped the magic.

Ye Rou's words also indirectly announced that most of the operation had failed, but harvesting a lot of spiritual seed fragments also made everyone less depressed.

But if you can encounter a piebald toad on the way back, it will be a pure win!

"Fortunately, we didn't encounter any danger." Chen Changben was thankful as he set up a tent.

The night is deep and the rain has not stopped.

With Nan Yi Shui Yu blocking the way, the downpour did not affect everyone's rest.

"Nan Yi and Li Ruo will be the guards in the first half of tonight, and Shanshan and I will be the guards in the second half of the night." Ye Rou looked at Nan Yi and Li Ruo and said.

"Okay." Li Ruo nodded, and Nan Yi also said there was no problem.

The place where everyone was stationed was not far from the swamp. Nan Yi, who was outside the tent, looked quietly at the dark swamp, but he always felt inexplicably uneasy in his heart.

Because the Xuanshui Pearl in Nanyi's spiritual world was shining with divine light at this time, only a little bit of blue could be seen vaguely under the bright light, and the position of the star could barely be distinguished.

Moreover, since approaching this swamp, the Xuan Shui Bead has been trembling slightly. The frequency of the trembling made Nan Yi frown, but Nan Yi could not understand the meaning of the Xuan Shui Bead's shaking, so he kept observing.

Suddenly, Xuan Shuizhu stopped trembling, but Nan Yi suddenly opened his eyes.

Because the heavy rain between heaven and earth suddenly became heavier, the falling rain was no longer distinct raindrops, but streams and waves! !

It's like a real Milky Way falling, even creating waves of ripples on Nanyi's Water Control! !

"it is finally over……"

An ancient Sanskrit sound suddenly sounded between heaven and earth, like the final judgment.

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