Chapter 120 Weird Power Station

After the four people in Nanyi heard Zheng Shan's command, they followed the instruction manual of the detection instrument and checked the map.

According to the requirements of the instruction book, the three instruments need to be placed in a regular triangle to work together. The specific distance changes with the measured range, and the maximum cannot exceed the upper limit of the instrument.

"That's it." Ye Shan looked at the map, quickly calculated the location, and pointed out the four people's targets with her long jade finger.

"Let's go then. I'll ask Senior Li Ruo to investigate from the front. The three of us will take up positions. Senior Ye Shan will stand in front, and Senior Lin Xi and I will stand in the back." Nan Yi had no doubts about Ye Shan's analysis and made a decision immediately. And let Ye Shan walk in front of himself and Lin Xi for easy protection.

When Nanyi's team started to move, Zheng Shan's team also started to move.

The power plant in front of us has a ring-shaped structure and is not very large in scale. After all, it is only responsible for supplying electricity to the entire island, and its demand is completely inferior to that of inland towns.

The ring-shaped stone-gray building is covered with branches and vines of unknown plants. After years, rain and erosion of plants, the exterior of the building has begun to turn yellow, and small pits and depressions have covered all the walls.

Through the low outer building, you can clearly see the four or five-story cubic tower-shaped building in the middle. Different from other buildings, this building is dark and deep and calm when viewed from a distance.

Nan Yi and the others found a small entrance, and the tattered iron door had already been torn to pieces by demons.

"Go in, walk slowly and observe the environment first," Nan Yi said.

After entering the outer building, Nanyi and the others could clearly see what was inside the building.

Every low-rise house here has the same layout, with a dilapidated wooden door and a wooden glass window, but the glass above has either disappeared, or only a little bit remains.

Through the window, taking advantage of the bright afternoon sunlight, Nanyi and the others could clearly see the internal layout.

Most of the houses were in disarray, with tattered beds, two halves of wardrobes, and almost no neat places. There are some strange footprints on the dusty ground. It seems that they must have been visited by demons.

"These houses should be for those who work here for a long time." Ye Shan carefully observed the small bungalows passing by as she walked.

Listening to Ye Shan's words, Nan Yi looked at these houses and felt a little strange inexplicably, but he hadn't thought about what was strange.

"However, this ring-shaped architectural design is too inhumane, and the building density here is too high, which is not good for your psychology if you live for a long time." Ye Shan frowned, looking at the circles going inward. The square of the distribution is like . . .

It’s like a minister bowing down to the king!

This strange thought suddenly appeared in Nan Yi's mind.

"Why are there so many employee dormitories in a power plant?" Nan Yi finally understood what he had been wondering about.

Nan Yi's question also made Ye Shan frown.

"I have been to the power station in Lucheng. Even the power station in Lucheng does not have employee dormitories of this size. The size and power consumption of Lucheng are obviously not comparable to that of this isolated island." Ye Shan mused.

"Maybe it's to prevent sea monsters? After all, this power station is relatively close to the sea. How about sending more people to defend it?" Lin Xi also raised his voice regarding this question.

"If it is to prevent sea monsters, it is impossible to build it like this. There are too many blind spots. Moreover, there are the fewest sentry towers in this area on the map, which means that the safety level of this area should be very high, which is also consistent with the power station. The site selection requirements." Ye Shan denied Lin Xi's view.

"The atmosphere of life here is a bit heavy. It doesn't feel like a temporary retreat. It's like they didn't leave at all, or they knew about it in advance." Nan Yi looked at the layout of the room again. Although it was messy, it was obviously occupied. Traces of demonic destruction.

Places where things are stored, such as wardrobes or drawers, have either not been opened at all, or have been forcibly destroyed by external forces. There was no trace of the panic of rushing to collect things when retreating.

Ye Shan was about to go and check the details of Nan Yi again when she was interrupted by a breath of wind.

"There is a discovery."

As an afterimage stopped in front of the three people on the wind track, everyone looked at the visitor.

"Is there a demon?" Lin Xi asked.

"No, but there is some strange mucus in a room deep down, which may be leftover from the recent past." Li Ruoyan reported concisely and comprehensively.

"Write it down first, keep an eye on it, and wait until the destination is detected first." After hearing Li Ruo's discovery, Nan Yi thought for a while and said.

"Yes." Li Ruo nodded, and then quietly blended into the shadows of the surrounding houses again.

"Senior sister, let's speed up. This power station is a bit strange. Let's go to the destination first, focusing on the mission." Nan Yi said.

"Yeah, maybe I can find more in Jianyu Village. Let's go now." Lin Xi also nodded.

"Okay." Ye Shan also knew that such blind exploration was too dangerous, so she put away her curiosity.

"Blast! Wind track! Rush!"

A string of light green stars connected to form a wind star track in an instant, and a primary and secondary magic was completed instantly!

A light green wind track spreads out under the feet of the three people, and the breeze is so fast that it is impossible to catch it lingering under their feet!

After Ye Shan started to accelerate, the speed of the three of them increased instantly, and the surrounding houses quickly retreated like afterimages.

The three of them shuttled wildly through the outer two-story buildings, but did not pass by the bungalows on the third and fourth floors, or the strange black building at the core.

Soon, Nan Yi and the others arrived at the target location, and Ye Shan began to set up the detection equipment.

Nan Yi and Lin Xi were helping to stand guard in case of any unexpected events.

The process of setting up the instrument was very smooth, and the instrument started working after only about five minutes.

The instrument that emits slight vibrations slightly pushes away the soil underfoot. Invisible fluctuations pass through the air, through the earth, and are transmitted to the surroundings. The feedback fluctuations are used to collect information about this power station that is similar to a closed village.

After only working for a moment, the disc-shaped interface at the top of the instrument lit up with two green dots. According to the instructions, this was successfully connected to the other two instruments. It seems that Zheng Shan’s team and Dongfang Linlin’s team have already started.

Then just wait for one hour to complete the detection.

Li Ruo, who was exploring the outside, also returned to the Nanyi trio. His slender figure jumped between the shadows of the house, and finally appeared.

"Senior Li Ruo, have you discovered anything?" Nan Yi asked.

"Footprints were found in several places. The shape is very strange, but the size is about the same as that of a human being." Li Ruo said truthfully.

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