Chapter 12 Wind Blade Tiger!

The military bus was quietly driving out of Anjie. Nan Yi called on everyone to check the contents of the military backpack. Yes, Nan Yi was naturally elected as the captain of this actual combat exercise. After all, a team of twenty people would be unable to move without a captain.

Soon Nan Yi roughly knew the types of items. In addition to cooking utensils, pots, pans, etc., there are also some seasonings, but the food only has a small amount of compressed biscuits, which is probably only enough for twenty people for a day.

In addition, there are knives, tents, lighters, insect repellent powder and other essential items for survival in the wild. But the only gratifying thing is that the military has prepared a lot of medicines this time. Maybe it’s a distrust of students?

As soon as I recovered my thoughts, I arrived at the place. The Nanyi team got off the bus and did not see other teams. It seemed that everyone's starting point was not exactly the same.

Looking up, the Shunfeng Mountain in front of me is also one of the characteristics of Fengcheng, and it is also a gathering place for tiger monsters. When Nan Yi was studying for knowledge on monsters before, he also had a basic understanding of the monsters in Shunfeng Mountain. Blood-toothed tigers, wind-blade tigers, etc. are common slave-level demons in Shunfeng Mountain.

As for the more powerful warrior-level monsters, Nan Yi could only say. After encountering it, you can basically think about the aftermath, which is a headache for even a team of mature hunting mages, let alone these high school students.

According to the map, the Nanyi team needs to cross this mountain. Of course, they can also choose a detour, but the detour takes more time, and the monster situation on the path is also unknown.

In this way, the Nanyi team walked towards Shunfeng Mountain. It was calm at first, and I didn't meet any demons. There were occasional demons, and one or two slaves walking alone. When they saw Nan Yi and the two men, they stopped and watched for a while before leaving.

As the Nanyi team deepens, the demons are no longer sporadic. But there were still no hordes of monsters. After thinking about it, I know that it was the military's handiwork that cleaned up the route for actual combat drills and assessments.

But not all demons turn a blind eye to Nan Yi and his party. The magic aura of the mage is as tempting to demons as delicacies. There are always demons who can't stand this temptation and can't help but take action.

I saw a wind blade tiger that was dozens of meters away suddenly blurred! It shot straight out and bit one of the members who was smiling happily. No one nearby reacted, just when the Wind Blade Tiger was about to succeed.

"Water Control! Guard!"

The Wind Blade Tiger hit Nanyi's barrier, and the huge recoil pushed the Wind Blade Tiger far away, with Chu Qingxuan following closely behind.

"Thunder Seal! Kuang Ce!"

Several random lightning arcs fell on the Wind Blade Tiger mercilessly, electrocuting it to the ground, twitching all over, and it would be impossible to get up for a while.

Originally, a second-level thunder seal should not have such power, but the Wind Blade Tiger was counterattacked by the water guard. Before it could recover, it was full of this thunder seal, and it temporarily lost its combat effectiveness!

Nan Yi was surprised at his current defensive capabilities, but he didn't think about it. After all, the battle was not over yet. The most urgent thing is to seize the time when the Wind Blade Tiger is twitching to perform the last hit.

Nan Yi immediately released a wave of water control on himself and Chu Qingxuan, striking forward to avoid future troubles! The two of them also learned a lot during their time in the demon hunting team. Never be merciful to demons was the first lesson Yue Yun taught Nan Yi.

At that time, the Yueyun team was dealing with an incident in which an animal tamer got out of control. The animal lost control and ran away from the trainer, but the trainer strongly demanded to be captured alive. Considering that the tamed beast was caught in time and no one was harmed, he did not choose to kill the tamed beast. But as soon as the Yueyun team handed the beast back to the tamer, before it could get far, the tamer attacked the unsuspecting tamer.

Fortunately, Yue Yun had the foresight to directly disrupt the attack trajectory of the tame beast with wind rails, giving Nan Yi time to release his magic.

at last. The beast tamer was also handled by the beast tamer himself. Nan Yi still remembered the expression of the beast tamer, sad but determined.

Later I heard that the beast tamer no longer tamed beasts, but chose to be a hunter. Maybe the beast's counterattack made him completely lose confidence in taming monsters.

It was also from that time that Nanyi no longer had any sympathy for wild monsters. At least he could not let go of the wind blade tiger in front of him who was unable to hold himself back and actively attacked.

The raid started suddenly and ended quickly. The dozen or so other students in the team didn't even react. When they did, Nan Yi, Chu Qingxuan and others had already rushed towards the wind blade tiger, preparing to strike.

The student who was attacked was still in shock. Just now, he only heard a tiger roar coming from beside him. His head had just started to turn, and he caught a glimpse of the fangs of the wind blade tiger from the corner of his eye. The next moment, the Wind Blade Tiger was bounced away. Everyone swallowed, a little scared.

This actual combat drill seems not that simple. If there was no water control from Nanyi just now, that classmate would be missing arms and legs. The originally cheerful atmosphere suddenly became silent. It was like a basin of cold water that woke everyone up.

After Nan Yi dealt with the Wind Blade Tiger, he returned to the crowd and spoke earnestly.

"Everyone must not take it lightly in the wild. In the eyes of monsters, humans are prey. Even if there are twenty of us, there are still monsters who dare to attack, especially low-level monsters, who have no fear."

"Keep on going"

After this incident, everyone was obviously more convinced of Nanyi and Chu Qingxuan, and they agreed. Everyone's awareness of vigilance has also increased, and even because of Nanyi's powerful water control, everyone can use magic more smoothly in front of monsters.

There were still people who failed to release the spell at the beginning, but everyone was not an idiot who knew nothing. With Nan Yi's backing up, and after experiencing several thrilling encounters between demons and monsters, they were able to release the magic.

After all, the price for most people's failure to be released in the wild is not face to face, but face to stomach.

In the next day and a half, there were almost no emergencies along the way, except for some problems when setting up the tent on the first night. It took everyone a long time to set up the tent successfully.

In the end, everyone successfully passed Shunfeng Mountain and headed to Jialun Plain. After Jialun Plain, the destination was Longjiang River.

I have fantasized about a full-time mage fanfic for a long time. There is so much worth exploring in this magnificent world, so I came up with this fanfic. If you find anything that conflicts with the original work or have any suggestions, you can put them forward!

at last! I also hope that if you have extra recommendation votes, you can give me a few hundred million points! (rubbing hands)

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