Chapter 117 Calm and Calm

"Three kilometers ahead along this road is a small post station and sentry post. There are military personnel stationed there. If you encounter special circumstances or your experience is over, you can go there to report." The man in military uniform pointed to the direction of the front of the bus. the direction of this road.

"Okay, that's all I have to say, goodbye." After saying this, the man in military uniform closed the door of the bus.

"Teacher, instructor, haven't you asked where the boat is yet?" Halfway through Lin Xi's words, the bus had already closed the door and set off, leaving everyone confused.

"Let's choose a captain first. There must be someone who can make the final decision among the sixteen people, otherwise there is no difference between being in the wild and dying." Dongfang Linlin was the first to speak, but for some reason her eyes drifted in the direction of Nan Yi.

"That's the truth." Deng Lihua, a junior at Mingzhu, nodded in agreement.

"Then who should we choose?" Song Huan, the freshman at Mingzhu, asked.

"I think Brother Shan." Cheng Shan from the Pearl Music Department said. As a member of Zheng Shan's team in the exchange competition, he naturally recommended his team leader. Besides, Zheng Shan is well-known as a kind and kind person in Mingzhu. If he is chosen as the captain, he will not be afraid of being cheated.

As soon as Cheng Shan finished speaking, most people looked at Zheng Shan. After all, Zheng Shan had the qualifications in terms of strength and qualifications.

Zheng Shan felt everyone's wishes, paused, and then said.

"Nanyi is stronger than me, so he is more suitable." Although Zheng Shan's words were brief, they directly expressed Zheng Shan's wishes.

Nan Yi was still fishing silently on the sidelines, but he was actually dragged into the water. However, Nan Yi didn't plan to be the captain. First of all, he was not familiar with the terrain, and secondly, he was still a freshman, so no matter how he was ranked, he wouldn't be able to get his turn.

"Senior Zheng Shan! I don't have much experience and may mislead everyone." Nan Yi touched his head with a shy expression of a newbie.

In the end, after everyone's extreme efforts, Zheng Shan became the captain.

"Then let's split up and look for the ship first. Without a ship, it would be too dangerous to fly or swim over such a large sea area. It would be a provocation to both the flying monsters in the sky and the aquatic monsters on the bottom of the sea." Zheng Shan said bluntly.


"Still according to the team allocation in the previous exchange competition, four people will be in groups. They will gather here in half an hour regardless of whether there is any situation." Zheng Shan continued.

"No problem!" Everyone is a wise and qualified person, and they will not be dissatisfied because of other people's instructions.

Immediately, everyone dispersed. Nan Yi, Lin Xi, Li Ruo, and Ye Shan walked as a team towards the right side of the coast.

"Is this land still considered safe?" Lin Xi asked while stepping on the rocks.

"No, this land is already the transition zone between the Anjie and the demon area. Although there are few demons and there are troops stationed and sentry, it is indeed not within the scope of the Anjie. Especially the Yangshan area, if not for more than ten years Before the Donghai Bridge was built, the entire Yangshan Mountains might have been abandoned long ago." Ye Shan recalled looking at the map.

Ye Shan's words are indeed correct. Among the islands within the Yangshan Mountains, although only Daozui Island has been captured by the Kraken, the other islands are also in danger. The current situation can only be maintained by relying on the East China Sea Bridge to transport supplies and troops.

It is also because of the stability of the situation in the past few years that the military has the idea of ​​further regaining Daozui Island. This experience is equivalent to a small trial.

After all, the mission was just to investigate the situation and did not require killing monsters. When it was known that there was no commander, this mission was temporarily taken over by Dean Xiao from the military department.

However, the four of them searched along the coast for almost twenty minutes, but they didn't see any sign of the boat.

"It's logical that such a big ship can't be invisible? It's impossible to lie to us, right?" Lin Xi put her hands on her hips and complained in confusion.

"Let's go back first and see what everyone finds." Nan Yi saw that the time was almost up.

When the four came back, they saw that Zheng Shan's team was already there, and the four of them had strange expressions. However, Nan Yi didn't take the initiative to ask, after all, he would definitely have to say it again later.

After a while, all sixteen people were present.

Zheng Shan asked and found that the other three teams had not found the boat. His expression became even weirder.

"We seem to have found a boat, or two bamboo rafts. Each raft can accommodate eight people more than enough. It may be the boat they were talking about." Zheng Shan's words made everyone present say: Speechless.

Later, under the leadership of Zheng Shan, everyone came to the two bamboo rafts.

"Who had this bad idea! We've already built the bamboo raft, but how can we survive in the wild?" Lushan's thunder element Chen Changben couldn't help but say.

"It should be right, hurry up and let's allocate personnel."

Under Zheng Shan's arrangement, everyone was divided into two groups.

The first team consists of four people from Zheng Shan plus four from Lushan, Deng Liehua and others. After all, there is Chen Chang who is originally a water element.

The second team is the team of Nanyi and Dongfang Linlin.

The two teams relied on ice and water magic to finally drag the bamboo raft to the open sea where there were no rocks blocking it.

Everyone standing on the rocky reef jumped on the bamboo raft one after another. Nan Yi and Zheng Shan were the last to board the bamboo raft.

"Let's go, don't leave too far, be careful on the road." Zheng Shan gave a final warning and began to connect the wind star track.

Seeing this, Nan Yi also began to release magic.

"Star silk! Vine! Whip!"

As a string of blue stars with a hint of green flashed, the plant star trail took shape in an instant!

The next moment, slender blue vines pulled out from under the bamboo raft at the speed of light! Get together and sway at the end of the bamboo raft! The dense blue vines swayed with a bit of weirdness.

"Wind Rail! Speed!"

Also using magic was Mingzhu's Yao Liang. A swift wind track spread forward along the bamboo raft, speeding up the water flow and driving the bamboo raft along!

"Junior, don't you need help?" Although Lin Xi is also a plant major, Nan Yi did it himself and did not let Lin Xi help.

"No need, senior, just give me a chance to practice using the plant system. I don't have much chance in normal times." Nan Yi said with a smile.

"Okay~ Senior sister, I'll keep a lookout for you!"

There are only two people responsible for moving the bamboo raft forward, and the rest are responsible for the stability of the bamboo raft itself and paying attention to the surrounding conditions, especially the conditions under the water.

The sea was calm and the people, who had been driving for nearly half an hour, had walked less than half the distance. Although there was no sign of land ahead, the land behind them had long since disappeared.

If it weren't for the fact that Zheng Shan's bamboo raft could be seen a hundred meters ahead on the left, the whole world would look around and it would seem to be the same.

In this way, the silence lasted until the rocky reefs other than Kai Shuitian appeared in front again! And the island that is slightly raised in the field of vision behind the rocky reef!

"It was too quiet along the way." Dongfang Linlin said faintly, eyes fixed on the front.

"Yes, it shouldn't be so smooth. Otherwise, why would the school only prepare bamboo rafts?" Nan Yi, who gradually slowed down the speed of the bamboo raft, also frowned slightly.

Nan Yi didn't believe that this bamboo raft was found because of insufficient funds. It must have some purpose.

"Be careful under the water! There's something there!"

Suddenly, the voice of Mingzhu's phonology mage Cheng Shan came from the left front more than a hundred meters away!

The next moment, Nan Yi also felt it! In Nan Yi's perception, the entire surface of the water seemed to be boiling suddenly! In other words, there are a large number of tiny creatures moving quickly! Causing the entire elemental flow under the water to become chaotic!

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