Elf: Xiaozhi, the system won’t come until you win the championship

Chapter 232 Desert Oasis, meeting Hupa for the first time!

As for the eternal flower flower pedicle in Mrs. Hua Jie’s arms,

Xiaozhi had already made an agreement with Mrs. Hua Jie before Xerneas was asked to transform.

The opportunity can be given to her daughter,

But Xiaozhi will find a good trainer for her daughter later.

Mrs. Hua Jie did not refuse,

But it also made a request,

In order to prevent Xiaozhi’s reputation as a good trainer from being mixed with water,

If you want to become the trainer of Eternal Flower Huayetti, you still need to pass her battle test.

Xiaozhi agreed.

Madam Hua Jie's current strength is at the level of a king.

There are quite a few trainers who can defeat her.

For example, several champions and Xiao Ju'er, as well as Touko Serena who mastered the Flame Bird Freeze Bird, and the future Dragon Master Ming Yi.


At present, the mother and daughter have just recovered from the illness and are reunited, so Xiaozhi is not in a hurry to do this.

Mainly because the girls are still young, this kind of opportunity should naturally be reserved for those who need it most.

There are many more worlds to travel through later,

If you collect more flowers of eternity, you will naturally have them all.

that's it……

After entrusting the wetland to Mrs. Hua Jie and her son,

Xiaozhi did not forget to contact Kaluna and send a new wetland manager over.

Let this administrator with little ability now enjoy early retirement benefits in advance.

After Ash revealed that there was a healing spring in the wetland,

Kalunai directly asked Junsha to set up an office in the wetland, and the person who came was an old acquaintance of Xiaozhi.

The one who was manipulated by the Squid King to become Madam X,

Later, Miss Junsha, who met Xiaozhi on the mountain near the Squid King's territory, would hand over the management of the wetland to her from now on.

In order to protect the spring water, the Junsha family specially brought her a retired wind speed dog from Kanto.

A champion wind speed dog passed down for three generations.

So far,

With the newly obtained heterochromatic vine snake and eternal flower flower leaf stem, Xiaozhi and his party continued their journey to the Aromatherapy Gym.


A few days later, everyone walked into the desert and came to an oasis.

"Phew, it's so hot. Is that an oasis in front of you? Xiaozhi! That's definitely not a mirage, right!?"

The black silk stockings were soaked in sweat that symbolized the crystallization of exercise. Serena's arms were drooped like a zombie, and her face was bloodless.

Only the appearance of oasis and blue lake made her eyes flash with hope.

"That is indeed a real oasis, and it is also a Pokémon Center. Work harder, walk over, and rest where you are."


Everyone was extremely excited,

Citron, who was far behind, looked confused.

The group of people quickened their pace and ran into the oasis in the desert.

Serena and Touko kicked off their shoes in tacit agreement and jumped into the hundreds of meters wide open-air swimming pool.

The dewdrops slid down the mountain peaks and fell into the troughs. Touko wiped the sweat from her forehead with her green-white fingers.

He took off his peaked cap and used it as a utensil, poured some clear cold water on his head.

After Serena dispelled the heat from her body, she was about to go ashore.

But Touko was immersed in the joy after being saved, and started swimming on her back.

He glanced at Xiaozhi and Nazi who were still breathing calmly under the huge parasol on the shore and never came down.

I think of it all because Xiaozhi said that traveling should be done step by step.

If you don’t exercise now and cry at night,

She was not allowed to release the Tyrannosaurus, which led to the current result, and Touko felt resentful.

Seeing Xiaozhi sitting on the side near the swimming pool, Touko rolled her eyes,

Standing up, he came to a position close to Xiaozhi and suddenly lay down.

Using her white and smooth jade feet, she splashed water and splashed onto Xiaozhi.

"Don't go too far!"

Xiaozhi rolled his eyes at Touko, jumped out of the swimming pool, and caught Touko,

Jump on the shore, sit on the shore, put Touko on her legs, and spank her as punishment.


Amid Touko's screams, Miss Joy, who heard the movement, ran out and was stunned when she saw this scene.

Xiaozhi also stopped punishing Touko because of the arrival of outsiders.

Then Xiaozhi set up the tent, changed into boxers, exposed his eight-pack abs, and jumped into the water.

Touko and Yurika also put on swimsuits.

Serena changed into a new set of dry clothes,

Because Nazi could float, she didn’t sweat at all and didn’t need to change clothes.

Serena asked Miss Joy to borrow the kitchen and prepared to bake a set of pofrets.

When Xiaozhi and Touko entered the water for the second time, Citron arrived belatedly.

As soon as we arrived under the huge parasol,


Like a tired horse, regardless of whether the ground was dirty or not, Citron immediately collapsed and gasped for air.

Seeing this, Yulijia quickly took the swimming ring, went ashore from the swimming pool, took the warm water poured by Miss Joy, and came to Citron.

"Here, Pigeon~"

"Thank you... thank you, Yulijia."

"You're welcome."

Yulijia curled her lips,

"Really, how could I have such a bad pigeon like you!"

Usually Citron would have a fight with Yurika at this time, but this time Citron really had no strength.

I'm worried that Citron really has a heat stroke.

Ash hurriedly asked Latias, who was hiding, to release a healing wave.

As the light green fluorescent light fell, Citron's energy consumption was quickly replenished, and his breathing gradually became calmer.

"Phew~ Survived!"

"Everyone, there is plenty of water and food here, please rest peacefully!"

Joey pointed to the huge outdoor swimming pool,

At the same time, he took out a lot of ready-made cakes to facilitate Xiaozhi and others to replenish their physical strength.

"Thank you Miss Joy."

After politely thanking me, we walked all morning, and even the hungry people who had their chests pressed against their backs were not polite.


Serena's baked popsicles were quickly baked and shared with everyone and all the Pokémon.

Because Miss Joy was there, Xiaozhi did not release Kyogre and other mythical beasts.

At most, Pikachu, who only had a dream transformation, touched Beaufre.

And then...

Xiaozhi watched helplessly as a golden ring appeared.

One hand reached out, took away the last pofret on the plate, and put back a bright red tomato that looked very spicy.

Harry, who was eager to grab Beaufrei, didn't even look at what he got and stuffed it into his mouth.

Chew it with big mouthfuls,

next moment,

Xiaozhi saw with his own eyes that Ha Lili's black face was burning red, and a pillar of fire was ejected from his mouth!

"Halili learned to spray flames!?"

Harry uses flame jet

The Citron brothers and sisters who happened to see this scene were all stunned.

"Gegege asked Xiaozhi to train Halili specially?"

Citron shook his head quickly,

Xiaozhi also shook his head,

"It's not special training, it's because he ate tomato."

Just as he was talking, the golden ring appeared again on the table in front of everyone.

The target this time is donuts,

Because Xiaozhi's left and right shoulders were respectively occupied by Mew and the heterochromatic vine snake,

Pikachu looked a little unhappy,

Seeing that he was still being bullied after eating something, he immediately angrily grabbed the hand sticking out of the aperture.


Knowing that the owner of the aperture was Hoopa, Xiaozhi quickly reached out his hand to grab Pikachu.

Hupa’s Battle of the Gods, the power alone takes the Skin God + the Super Newcomer

But Hupa, who just increased his strength, pulled him over.

Passing through a portal-like aperture,

Ash disappeared in front of Serena, Nazi, Touko, Citron and Yurika.


Serena and Touko exclaimed,

Nazhi released her superpower and tried to find Xiaozhi who had disappeared, but she found nothing.

Thank you picture (*^▽^*)

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