The natural empire of ocean dragons

Chapter 66 The Way of Shadow

Chapter 66 The Way of Shadow

That night, the kobold leader led his people to Dajiao Town. He quickly separated the male and female kobolds according to the instructions and started working all night!

Just to not be abandoned by the Dragon Lord!

The underground waterway extended ten miles from the river bank in just one night!

This construction speed made Attilan even begin to forgive them for their innocent behavior.

Well, kobolds are still useful, at least they are indispensable for building karez.

If you want to grow more food in the desert, you need water-retaining karez to extend to both sides of the desert. Attilan even plans to put a cover on the southwest river at the end!

At the end, a water channel was dug underground to turn the Southwest River from an open river to an underground river, and at the same time, the underground river was connected to the karez extending into the desert.

During the karez excavation process, some wellheads will be opened to facilitate the transportation of the excavated soil. Once the underground sewers are opened, nearby residents can draw water through these wellheads.

Or take water from rivers that are limited to open rivers. Of course, these rivers will be covered with stone slabs to reduce water evaporation.

Lista was puzzled as to why he slept so well, and the kobolds were suddenly summoned to start digging underground rivers.

"Lord Dragon, what happened?"

"There is only enough food for one month. Tomorrow morning, let your tauren speed up the work of reclaiming farmland. If you tauren eat the most, then do the most work for me."

"If there is no wheat and black beans to eat, carrots and grass will become your staple food in the future to survive the food shortage. Do you think everyone will be emotional?"

Lista blew out a puff of white smoke from his nose.

"Dragon Lord, you are so kind-hearted. You used to fight for your life against other tribes when you were hungry, but now you have forgotten your roots after eating fine food for a while? If anyone has any complaints, Dragon Lord, just let me teach you a lesson!"

"Besides, I think eating carrots and grass is good for the stupid tauren and centaurs. I observed the diet of the forest centaurs and they actually eat very little meat."

"Their food is mainly black beans, wheat, mixed forest fruits, nuts, and alfalfa and other grasses. They are much smarter than the men and horses recruited by the Dragon Lord from the wasteland."

Attilan raised his eyebrows. It was indeed true. Compared to the forest people and horses, the wasteland people and horses were more barbaric and ignorant. Not to mention, they were mainly stupid!

"In addition to the Great Totem War Dance designed by the Dragon Lord for us, I found that continuously consuming soybeans, alfalfa and other plant foods made my brain clearer."

"I forced some thin tauren to eat only plant food, and found that not only did they not become thinner, but they became much stronger. The most important thing is that they became smarter and could understand my instructions."

Being vegetarian can also make tauren smarter, so he has even more reason to promote a vegetarian diet among tauren and centaurs. After all, meat provides protein and fat, and beans can also provide these two nutrients.

Attilan still remembers that the reason why alfalfa has become the king of pasture is that it is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, which can meet the growth needs of livestock and poultry.

Minotaurs, humans and horses are also cows and horses, so it is appropriate to feed them alfalfa.

The most important thing is that even if the soil in the wasteland is poor, the yield of alfalfa per acre is more than 3,000 kilograms, and it can be harvested three or four times a year.

The first batch of milkvetch planted by Attilan has reached harvest time, and the second batch of alfalfa is about to mature.

"When the milkvetch is ripe, part of it is harvested and given to horses and sheep to feed. The rest is mixed with black beans and made into a stew to test everyone's acceptance."

Lista nodded vigorously, clenched his fists and said threateningly:

"Don't worry, leave it to me. Whether they like the taste of milkvetch stew or not, they must eat it all."

"Let Qinglin Town transport some fish and lizards to adjust the taste of the stew. Although we are short of food, we are not out of food yet, so we cannot be so frugal."

"For tauren and centaurs, add meat, but for kobolds, you don't need to add meat."

Lista didn't understand why the Dragon Lord had such a strong opinion against the kobolds. These days, he ordered the kobolds to dig soil to build city walls, dig soil to level farmland, build docks, and plant fruit trees in the mountains. No one was disobedient.

Much smarter than tauren and centaurs.

Obviously the kobolds work hard and bear no complaints, but they just have more children. Why does the dragon master exploit the kobolds so much?

After explaining the Minotaur's work arrangements, the sky began to get brighter. Attilan was going to catch a few fish in the southwest river for breakfast, when he happened to see a forest leopard galloping past in the wilderness.

Isn’t this Leopard Girl?

Not in a hurry to eat, Attilan flapped his wings and sped up to catch up to the Leopard Girl, concentrating his breath in the air and approaching the Leopard Girl from behind like a ghost.

Who knew that the sneak attack technique that had always worked would not work against the Leopard Girl today. The Leopard Girl suddenly made a sharp turn, opened her claws and pounced towards Attilan in the air.

Fortunately, Attilan reacted quickly and tilted his head back suddenly, so that he was not caught by the Leopard Girl's claws. Of course, he inevitably collided with the Leopard Girl.

A dragon and a leopard rolled around the wasteland several times before stopping.

"Attilan, what are you doing!"

Attilan stood up awkwardly, smiled and said:

"I don't want to say hello to you. I didn't expect you to have such strong senses, and when you sensed danger approaching from behind, your first reaction was to turn around and pounce on him."

"A normal person's reaction shouldn't be to speed up and distance themselves, and then turn around to see what thing is planning to attack them. Are you afraid that you won't be able to defeat them if you pounce on them so rashly?"

The leopard girl returned to her human form and patted the dust and weeds off her body.

"Accelerating is of no use. Instead, it will make the opponent more vigilant. My master told me that if you don't notice until the opponent is already close to you, it means that the opponent is stronger than you."

"Running away is the wrong choice. Turn around immediately and fight the opponent. Try to use the opponent's lack of vigilance to injure the opponent in the first counter-sneak attack. Only in this way can you get a real chance to escape."

<divclass="contentadv">That seems to be the case. It seems that you can no longer greet people from behind casually in the future.

"Who told you that it was like a sneak attack just now? It's not because you were lucky that you were not injured, or because my strength is too weak."

Leopard Girl suddenly became frustrated and kicked an alfalfa plant on the roadside away.

"Grow grass! Grow grass! When will days like this end! My Black Panther, why don't you start transforming, so that I can try to transform into a Shadow Leopard and raise the level to level 10."

"You can't become a Druid master in this life, so it's not bad to become an expert."

Seeing the pitiful look on the leopard girl's face, Attilan thought that the leopard girl had been helping to plant grass for so long, so it would not be too much for him to help nourish the panther in return.

Of course, Leopard Girl cannot be cheap.

"I can help you nourish the panther, but you also need to plant alfalfa, milkvetch, and vetch in all the places in the wasteland that can be planted with pasture, okay?"

The depressed Leopard Girl suddenly became stunned.

"No problem! If we're just growing grass, I, Sandri, will fight it to the end!"

The energetic Leopard Girl turned around and pointed at Attilan and asked:

"Then when are you going to nourish the black panther? You can't really wait until I plant the grass all over the wasteland before you nourish it, right?"

"I'll go tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay! I'm going to plant grass!"

Sandri whined and turned into a forest leopard, and Attilan felt that her speed had doubled.

He hasn't asked how many acres of pasture have been planted, but thinking about the function of these pastures is to fertilize the fields. When the pastures mature, he will have the kobolds break the grasses into pieces and press them into the soil to wait for the grasses to decompose and become nutrients for the soil.

There is an exquisite house built by a fishman architect in Bighorn Town and Tubao Town. Taurens and centaurs who do not take a bath are prohibited from approaching the house.

The round trip was hundreds of kilometers every day, and even an iron man couldn't bear it. Leopard Girl could only ask Taishan and the others to help keep an eye on the movements of the black panther. If the black panther behaved abnormally, he would ask the Eagle King to take her back immediately.

She herself would go back once a week. Fortunately, the Black Panther had not improved under the nourishment of shadow energy for a year or two. In the final analysis, the Black Panther's own body was not strong enough.

The Black Panther's instinctive resistance is further nourished by the shadow energy. More shadow energy is not only not good for her, but may even kill the Black Panther.

This is why the Leopard Girl hopes that Attilan will nourish the Panther with the water of life.

The Leopard Girl is not good at mobilizing natural magic power to turn into vitality to nourish animals. Even though she has been working hard to nourish the Black Panther, the Black Panther is still stuck in the last step of transforming the shadow creature.

Attilan can only say that he knows a little more about nourishing life than Leopard Girl. He relies more on the innate ability of the ocean dragon.

The little Black Panther has always been popular with Attilan. He had originally planned to train the Black Panther. Goats couldn't take the path of shadow warriors, and there were two little fishman apprentices.

The two little guys are pretty good at it. They are now level 1 rogues. Attilan sent them to the rainforest to find out information, and they were the ones who brought the Snake Man back.

When a black panther is transformed into a shadow panther, his intelligence will be improved accordingly. Attilan wants to try if he can let the panther walk the path of shadow and become a shadow leopard shadow warrior.

Even if Black Panther can't completely walk the path of shadow, at least the little murlocs who study with Black Panther can have enough understanding of shadow energy, which will make it easier for them to choose whether to change careers as Trickster or Shadow Warrior in the future.

Leopard Girl came back last night. Seeing that Attilan was still bringing two little fishmen, she asked curiously:

"Why did you bring them here?"

"They are wanderers, let them learn from the Black Panthers."

The Leopard Girl couldn't help but laugh out loud. When will the Black Panther become a senior?

"Do you still want Black Panther to teach them the ways of the shadows?"

Attilan said nonchalantly:

"What's wrong? Barbarians can practice under the guidance of animal spirits. Why can't rogues walk the path of shadow under the guidance of the Shadow Leopard?"

Leopard Girl blinked in confusion. Why did she think Attilan was right?

The black panther walked up to the little fish man and took a sniff. He preferred the calm and steady No. 2 to the lively No. 1.

"let's start."

Leopard Girl nodded and waved to Black Panther.

"Panther, come and sit down."

A large group of turquoise water of life was condensed by Attilan, slowly containing the black panther, and bits and pieces of emerald green vitality merged into the black panther's body.

Change comes quietly.

There is another chapter of 4,000 words tonight

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