Chapter 45 Life Control

The bear people saw Attilan's concerns. The power of sky thunder was indeed very powerful. Back then, they built a mountain of earth to build this lightning protection peak to prevent lightning strikes from igniting the forest.

Ordinary lightning strikes will only become nutrients for plant growth, but the thunderclouds here persist all year round, and the thunder is too powerful and contains strange fire or water energy.

And the most violent lightning strike was a purple thunder with such pure energy that it formed purple thunder crystals all over the ground!

What hit the mountain just now was the fire thunder. With the ocean dragon's magic resistance and affinity with the water element, the water thunder was to deliver nutrients to him, while the fire thunder could temper the dragon's body without overly damaging Attilan's body.

Except Zi Lei!

According to the user experience obtained by the Ursine after personally testing three kinds of sky thunder, Attilan may not be able to withstand the blow of the purple thunder. The Ursine brought him here just to temper his body with water mines and fire mines.

"Master, what if there is a thunder that I can't bear?"

"I will take action!"


Attilan flinched and flew towards the thundering peak. Suddenly he realized something was wrong, why the bear-man appeared just after he finished his training.

He will go back to the forest to practice today precisely because the bear man asked the Eagle King to give him life acorns. After the practice, Lao Den appeared. Could it be that he had planned everything?

Just when he was about to go back and ask, a bolt of lightning accurately hit Attilan's back. The pain made him whimper, and his vision went black before he plunged into the hot lava.

The bear man could only pretend not to see such an eye-catching operation.

"You have to concentrate during training. Use the self-healing technique to transform and devour the penetrating thunder, and use the power of thunder to the maximum extent. You don't want to endure the pain but only have little improvement, right?"

Self-healing technique?

Attilan shook off the magma on his scales. In fact, the hot magma was not as harmful to the ocean dragon as the boiling water was to humans.

Of course it hurts.

Jumping out of the lava pit, Attilan used the self-healing technique to dispel the marks left by the lightning strike on his back. He was surprised to find that the improvement of the lightning strike seemed to be not much worse than the life acorn.

Is this thunder so powerful?

The self-healing technique made him feel that he was okay again, and he took the initiative to fly to meet the second thunder.

The first sea thunder made Attilan feel that the power of the sky thunder was within the tolerance range, but when the second fire thunder with a faint red light hit his back.

Attilan instantly let out a dragon roar that could be heard within ten miles.

It hurts, it hurts so much!

If the pain of a water mine is 10, then the pain of a fire mine is more than 100. Attilan hit the mountain directly. Research shows that new pain can distract you from the original pain.

A green light from the Ursine hit the dragon's body, and he suddenly felt that his brain became extremely clear, so detailed that he could distinguish which parts of the body were hurting and the severity of the injury.

How to use the self-healing technique to cure lightning injuries the fastest and most directly, and transform and swallow the thunder that poured into the body, he had a complete plan in his mind in just one breath.

But it hurts even more!

The bear man said calmly:

"You can rest after the effect of the brain activation technique is over. No matter how many thunderbolts fall before that, as long as they can't kill you, you have to follow me!"

"I know your dragon body better than you do. With me here! You won't have to worry about your life."

There was no room for discussion in the bearman's tone, so Attilan could only bite the bullet.

The bear man was also speechless. He was relatively satisfied with Attilan as his apprentice, except for one thing: he was too afraid of death and his requirements for the quality of life were too high.

Forget about recruiting family members, he also started to study magic cuisine. This quality of life is completely aimed at emperor-level enjoyment. He has lived for three hundred years, and he has lived a simple life, hasn't he?

Cultivation inevitably involves hardship, and the Bear Man felt that if he didn't give Attilan more hardship, he might not be able to fulfill his expectations, and his talents would be wasted.

Even among the ocean dragons, Attilan can be regarded as a genius that is one in a million.

<divclass="contentadv"> Body size is an important indicator to measure the strength of a true dragon. According to the records of the founder of the Life School, the Ocean Yalong Taikoolong, the size of the founder was only eighty meters when he said goodbye to his apprentice.

That was a 1500-year-old Taikoo dragon, only eighty meters in size, and Attilan grew to 4.2 meters in three months. When he grew to the Taikoo dragon stage, the bears couldn't imagine how huge he would be.

Precisely because Attilan was a piece of rough jade, the Ursine felt that he had to carve him more carefully.

"Hold on for half an hour, and I will teach you the advanced spell of self-healing. During this half hour, you should work hard to operate the self-healing technique and experience the secret of self-healing!"

Hearing that there was an advanced version of the self-healing technique, Attilan suddenly felt that being struck by lightning for half an hour was nothing, because the self-healing technique was really easy to use.

Convert natural magic power into vitality, and store it in specific parts of the body at the same time. It can be used for healing when needed. The vitality that usually escapes from oneself will also be collected and stored.

Attilan believes that druids who learn self-healing will live longer, that is, the level of self-healing must be high. Now that self-healing has an advanced version, the functions he envisioned and the advanced self-healing must be have.

After trying hard for half an hour, Attilan was finally freed from the lightning strike. The bears lamented that he was very lucky, and he didn't even touch the purple thunder once.

The effect of the brain activation spell faded away, and Attilan suddenly felt his brain was dizzy. This spell can indeed increase combat effectiveness when used in battle, but if it cannot defeat the opponent in half an hour.

It's best to leave the battle five minutes early.

"Continue to use the self-healing technique to remove the negative effects of the brain activation technique."

Attilan made preparations in advance and worked hard to absorb the violent thunder energy in his body and transform it into vitality to remove the fatigue of his brain. After a full hour, he finally returned to full state!

Running the self-healing technique, one hour's rest is as effective as four normal hours, but the process is full of torture. The thunder and lightning energy here can be absorbed at will, without worrying about damaging the environment.

When it is absorbed, it feels like your hand has been touching a wire with a relatively low voltage. The electric shock will not kill you, but it will just be numb.

When Attilan came to his senses, the Bear Man began his inheritance teaching of the School of Life.

"The next thing I want to teach you is the most core skill of the Life School, life control! Life druids of all generations have been studying how to apply vitality."

"But to develop how to use life force, you must first understand it and control it! Then you can let life force play its due role according to your imagination."

"Controlling your vitality is crucial for you to develop the bloodline of your own ocean dragon. The ocean dragon seems to be a water dragon, but in fact it is more closely related to life."

"It is known as the symbol of the vitality of the ocean. After being struck by lightning for half an hour, I think you have a clear understanding of the vitality contained in the dragon body, and you can start to practice controlling yourself."

"The pain of taking control of your life is far greater than you can imagine. Are you ready?"

Attilan looked at the bear-man with sorrow and anger, so being struck by lightning is really just an appetizer. Are you a devil in bearskin?

Gravity, electromagnetic force, strong and weak interaction forces - the four basic forces are the power under my control, my eternal crown, and my immortal throne.

The ignorant call me a tyrant, but the wise call me their king.

Some people are afraid of me, and some people worship me. They all surrender to me.

The gods tremble under my wings, and the worlds fear at my roar.

The world respects me as the Final Emperor Dragon, the Emperor Dragon Saga - Saga Gatangee Aatrox Diavolo Nexus Targaryen Arceus!

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