The natural empire of ocean dragons

Chapter 17 Return of the Goatman

Chapter 17 Return of the Goatman

Although this is a murloc tribe now, it will not always be just a small murloc tribe with a radius of less than 300 meters!

This was the first tribe that Attilan conquered, and the village was his first town. Naturally, he wanted to use this village to try various plans to build a natural empire.

The geographical location of Qinglin Town is quite good. Attilan has visited both the south and the north along the boundary line of the lake. There is a large river in the north that can communicate with the Human River Valley Principality in the center of the continent, and there are several rivers with good flow flowing into the sea in the south. .

The northernmost part of the continent is populated by forest elves, and the southernmost part is also populated by elves, but they are ocean elves. These elves have built the largest port city on the continent, and are second to none in the entire continent in terms of commerce, navigation, fishery, and literature.

It was like this at least two hundred years ago, and it will only get better in two hundred years. Attilan has no way of knowing how much better it has become. The only people who have been in the forest are the bears.

The other druids in the forest all come from the north, and the nature of the druids determines that they prefer to stay with animals and plants. There is no natural innocence in a bustling metropolis.

A druid whose cultivation is stuck in the middle is completely unacceptable.

As a town under the rule of the dragon druid, Attilan naturally needs to use green plants to optimize the customs and customs of Qinglin Town. The murlocs cut down trees and naturally have to make up for them, so Attilan decided to plan a green belt in the town. !

The trees are planted with peach trees, pear trees, pecans, apples, citrus, and grape vines, and the flowers are sunflowers, blueberries, and strawberries. The main focus is both ornamental and edible!

25 days have passed, and it is almost time for the satyrs to return from Halfling Town with their caravan. With food and iron tools, the construction work in Qinglin Town will be much easier.

Attilan planted fifteen pear trees in the open space between the old area of ​​Qinglin Town and Fengqing Street. He used magic to catalyze the growth of the pear trees. He could use it three times a day. In five days, a row of two pear trees was erected in the open space. A meter tall pear tree.

In another month, the snow-white pear blossoms will become a beautiful scenery in Qinglin Town.

Through this move, the old fishman finally realized how much Attilan disliked those shabby buildings. He simply led people to clean up the shabby buildings and took everyone to move into the new house.

Of course, the old fish man didn't intend to waste this land. He knew very well that the commercial street was only for them to live temporarily, and their final destination would be this residential street.

The appearance of fishmen determines that they are not suitable for hosting commercial activities. If they were replaced by beautiful mermaids, they would be just as good, but it is difficult for mermaids to move on land.

Moreover, Qinglin Town obviously does not have the conditions to recruit mermaids.

"Do you still remember my plan for you to find a few smart fishmen to go to the center of the lake to recruit the remaining tribesmen who were also abandoned by Cerstis? Do you have the candidates?"

Throwing the two wild boars to the cook, Attilan turned to look at the old fishman.

"I selected two young fishmen who are suitable to become rogues. There are many dangerous monsters on the road. If they don't undergo rigorous training, I'm afraid they won't live to see those abandoned tribesmen."

Although Thestis, the swamp dragon, has been at war with the dwarf kingdoms and human kingdoms in the east all year round, it is even said that his swamp kingdom has conflicts with the drow elves in the underground city.

The reason was underground water seepage, and the drow dungeons were almost flooded. For this reason, the killing and destruction of the high elves in the southeast were suspended.

Attilan is not particularly concerned about these major events that may affect the entire continent. The main reason is that if he wants to be concerned, no one will send him information, so he should let the murlocs go to the islands scattered in the eight hundred miles of lakes to recruit. Those tribes that are just surviving.

But Cestis has always been worried about Kyogai, the legendary druid, stabbing him in the back. He has deployed many defense lines in the west of the lake. The monsters responsible for guarding these defense lines will not let these tribes slip away from them so easily.

The fish-men tribe often experienced this kind of thing when they migrated. Monsters such as multi-headed dragon snakes, dragon turtles, and dragon eels devoured many of their tribesmen.

Murloc rogue, Attilan remembered that he seemed to have planned to train murlocs to change their profession to this profession, so that murlocs could destroy the bottom of enemy ships during water battles.

Attilan's memory contains some memories of his ancestors training rogue men. Although the rogue professional level involved in the knowledge is only level 5, it is barely enough for training murlocs. The main reason is that Attilan does not feel that these murlocs are wandering. Those who can break through level 5.

"You give them to me for training. With their professional level, combined with the experience and lessons you gained from the migration, it should be enough for them to return to the lake alive."

"This is not the first time to move the tribes. They just need to collect some information about the defeated tribes and the war in the east, so that I can understand the enemy."

<divclass="contentadv">The old fishman looked at Attilan in horror.

"Enemies!? The Dragon Lord means that we want to go to war with the Zedi Kingdom?"

Attilan was speechless and patiently explained: "It's not that we want to fight them, but that after they know about our existence in the west, do you think they can still let us develop?"

When the old fish man thought about it, it seemed that this was really the case.

"Dragon Lord, how about we go to the south where there are dense rivers to recruit some tribesmen? There is less influence from the Zedi Kingdom, and the people we recruit will not inform the Zedi Kingdom."

What the old fish man said made sense, and Attilan suddenly thought of a question.

"Why didn't you go to the south? Why did you come to the west?"

"The competition in the south is fierce. If you are not careful, the whole family will be killed. At most, a few people will escape, but they have no hope after losing their inheritance."

"Although the products in the west are not abundant, the advantage is safety. The ethnic group whose vitality was seriously injured has successfully passed on the inheritance. There is still a chance of recovery, but the process will take a little longer."

Attilan frowned. The fish-man tribe didn't have enough to eat before he came. Can this be regarded as an orderly inheritance and hope for revival?

Seeing Attilan's teasing eyes, the old fish man coughed awkwardly.

"Cestis used magic to block the west side of the lake. Fish rarely come here, and we can't go deep into the forest, which leads to a lack of food for us."

"Some fishmen crossed the blockade to hunt, but the abnormal aura made them become the prey of aquatic monsters."

In order to prevent the druid from disguising himself as an animal for reconnaissance, the arrangement of the swamp dragon is really perfect. It can go from east to west, but not from west to east.

The old fish man arranged for people to go to the towns of the Zedi Kingdom to inquire about information. His plan was to go south and then east along the border of the lake, and finally enter the marsh from the weakly guarded place in the south, and finally return after collecting information.

Going to the land where tribes live in the south is also along the edge. The main priority is safety, and sending out wanderers who are good at hiding and communicating is also for safety!

Safety first, Attilan still agreed with this concept, so he asked Maple to go buy food with the troops, just because he was afraid of being robbed along the way.

By the way, a month has passed, and it’s time for the satyr to come back.

"That's right! I forgot to build a granary."

"Granary? Dragon Lord, our food can barely sustain consumption, so there is no need to build a granary."

"We'll need it soon. The satyrs will be back with food."

Attilan didn't know that the satyr he was talking about had actually returned. But looking at the doorway and the golden sunflowers on both sides, he wondered if he had come to the wrong place.

The men and horses unloaded the food on their backs and looked at the gatehouses and uniform houses of Qinglin Town written in universal characters. The leader of the men and horses said with emotion:

"It's unexpectedly good. I didn't expect fishmen to build such a good building."

The satyr looked at everything in front of him blankly and rubbed his face.

"I didn't expect that I would go out and come back and not recognize him at all."

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