Saka: Start by cutting Hudna!

Chapter 90 Kate’s request!

"Come and fight me!"

Kate stared at Xiang Tian with piercing eyes,

"Ah? Fighting? Us?"

Xiang Tian couldn't react. Did the two of them start fighting just after they met?

"Come and fight! The real battle belongs to Leonix!"

For Kate, her trip was to find her brother Raymond.

The purpose is to train Raymond to awaken successfully, even if he sacrifices himself, it doesn't matter!

Now a new Leonix suddenly appears, and it seems to be quite strong, so she must clear the way for his brother!

"Don't bother! Don't bother! There's no need! People will die in a real Leonix battle!"

Xiang Tian waved his hands repeatedly!

"Da da da"

Kate didn't answer, turned around and walked out. The sound of her small leather boots touching the ground was slightly dull.

"Master! This woman is so arrogant! Let me destroy her!"

Xiaohuan (Beimeng Niang) on ​​the side said angrily, pouted her lips and walked outside,

Now she is basically used to living in a humanoid body~

Not to mention that her great master likes her like this~

"Hey, hey! Xiaohuan! It's not necessary! It's really unnecessary! After all, we are still relatives,"

Xiang Tian quickly grabbed Xiaohuan,

"Ah? Relatives?"

Xiaohuan tilted his head and said doubtfully,

"Let's go out first and talk about it~ Don't keep her waiting,"

Xiang Tian took Xiaohuan and walked out. Beimeng Niang's claws were a bit hard, but it had a different taste~



When they came outside, Kate had already released a Flame Gorzan and a Qien Q.

There’s nothing to say about Flame Gorzan, it’s the enhanced version of the super ancient monster Gorzan.

Qien Q actually has a good SAN value, with its big eyes, fiery red body, and its constantly waving tentacles,

"Madam, if my guess is correct, you should also be a Leonix from Earth. There is no need for us to fight!"

Xiang Tian is still making his final efforts,


Kate didn't open her mouth. Qien Q's big eyes concentrated energy, and purple destructive light bullets were fired at Xiang Tian.


Xiang Tian sighed slightly when he saw this, and opened the combat instrument and monster capsule one after another.

The Golden Dragon King's space-time barrier rebounded the attack, and Garula got close to restrict Qien's Q.

EX Sadra is even simpler, directly knocking Flame Gorzan to the ground.


Without words, Kate frowned. She didn't expect the Leonix in front of her to be so strong.

"Can we talk now?"

Xiang Tian came to Kate and spread his hands slightly,


The two of them returned to the room together.

"Miss Kate, that means you are here to help your brother?"

Xiang Tian sat on the chair and looked at Kate opposite and said,

"That's right, I will do anything for him to win this battle with Leonix!"

Kate looked at Xiang Tian firmly,

"It's unnecessary, Miss Kate. The so-called strongest Leonix is ​​actually looking for a resurrection body for the people of Planet Reblondo,"

Xiang Tian brutally struck Kate and said,


Kate suddenly heard the news and her mind went blank.

"The Reblondo star has not died. His spiritual body has always been alive. There is no need for him to let a certain Leonix inherit his so-called inheritance,"

"But! Isn't this the consensus of all Leonix in the universe?"

Kate couldn't help but ask,

"Then do you know where this so-called consensus came from?"

Xiang Tianyi said pointedly,


Having hit the mark, Kate fell silent.

"So, Leonix's battle is a scam!"

Kate murmured,

"It's not a scam. As long as you can control your mind, becoming a strong person is simple.

I think you must have experienced Leonix’s innate ability.

Based on this, the Thunderbolts are actually pretty good, at least they give others the ability to become stronger."

Xiang Tian waved his hand. Leonix felt uncomfortable about this.

The violent factor transmitted from genetic factors affects every Leonix,

"And I'm thinking that the violent factor in the genes should be the backbone of the Reblondo people,"

Xiang Tian added,

"Then is there any solution?"

Kate asked Xiang Tian anxiously,

"Speaking of which, I haven't noticed it yet. Let me try it first."

Xiang Tian thought for a moment and then remembered that he had not solved this problem yet. After all, it had no impact on him.

Even if the Thunderbolts in their heyday appear, the worst case scenario is that they will directly bring Dana Xiang Tian over!

Isotopic fusion ontology! The existence of the ultimate pinnacle! Killing indiscriminately!

Xiang Tian closed his eyes and immersed his mind into the deepest part of his body.

This is the location of the dark authority. After awakening, he has been able to freely perceive its existence.

He is not strong enough to lift the system's seal, so he can only rely on external force.

Through the connection with the dark circle, he easily pried the corner of the seal, and a wisp of black mist floated out.

Surrounding Xiang Tian's spiritual body, it seems to be guarding its owner, flying up and down constantly,

As soon as his mind moved, the black mist melted into his body,

"Huh?!!! Master!!!"

At that moment, Xiao Huan, who was still wary of Kate next to Xiang Tian, ​​suddenly felt that Xiang Tian's existence had become supreme!

That deep dark aura deeply attracted her mind! Beimeng Niang's black skin was flushed!


Kate looked at the small ring (Bei Meng Niang) that seemed to be suddenly burned and expressed that it was difficult to understand.

On the other side, under the influence of authority, a strange genetic fragment emerged in Xiang Tian's perception.

Just like the GED sublimator in GED TV, there are two different genes intertwined with each other.

It is the genetic fragment of the people from the Reblondo planet and the genetic elements of the people on Earth.

The two are entangled with each other and merge with each other!

"It turns out that the so-called awakening is actually the process of fusion of gene fragments!"

Xiang Tian had some realization in his heart,

Continuing to search, Xiang Tian suddenly located an incongruous fragment.

"found it!"

I saw that in this genetic factor, in addition to Xiang Tian's own aura, there was also information from a third party!

Like wooden thorns piercing into the flesh, the extra genetic information is inserted diagonally into the original factors.

Xiang Tian doesn't understand genetics, nor does he understand what the genetic fragments here represent.

Through an inexplicable feeling, Xiang Tian had a telepathic connection and controlled the black mist to wrap up the extra information.

That is the power of the universe! I am looking for the power of thinking! waaagh!

Slowly, the extra fragments were pulled out, and then the original genes were recombined and finally blended perfectly!

Xiang Tian opened his eyes suddenly, and black-purple light shot out from his eyes.

Leonix's true form emerged naturally! The initial combat indicator placed aside flashed a few times.

Then it evolved into Leonix’s exclusive combat instrument!

Xiang Tian Leonix awakens for the second time!

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