Saka: Start by cutting Hudna!

Chapter 83 Dark Circle!

Walking out of the ruins, Xiang Tian avoided the monsters attacking each other not far away.

They are model worker rock monster – Sadra! The battle with the space monster-King Airei,

In other words, it was three Sadras beating up an Airei King!

Although Sadra has two giant pincer-like hands! The body is as thick as a Michelin tire, but it's useless.

Sadra is a little Karami-level monster here, the kind that can catch a lot of them!

Even if three giant beasts attack a classmate Xiao Ai,

King Airei was also able to do it with ease. While absorbing the remaining electrical energy in the ruins, he whipped the three Sadras with his long tail!


King Airei's electric shock is not very effective against the rock monster Sadra.

However, it does not only have the electric shock skill! The arc-shaped mouth emits yellow light!

That is a manifestation of concentrated energy! Then a crescent-shaped light bomb erupted!

Cut off one of Sadra's giant pincers with one shot!

He swung his tail carelessly and slapped the other Sadra,

I actually use them as a little fun during ‘eating’ time~

King Airei's electric shock has no effect on Sadra, but it has an impact on Xiang Tianke.

Although Xiang Tian is far away from their battlefield, the energy of the towering beasts still affects a large area.

That's why his hair is standing on end now!

"RBQ! I can't hide from RBQ~ Let's go~"

Xiang Tian stopped watching the battle and carefully found the footprints of a giant beast!

According to the famous theory: 'The probability of a cannonball falling into the same crater is not impossible, but it is very small! ’

So he was very relieved to find the footprints of a giant beast as a temporary residence.

At present, he has not awakened and his strength is weak. It is better to be more careful.

He was only joking when he said he was picking on Dana and Xiang Tian before.

They are one person, so their real thoughts are known to each other.

In order to maximize the benefits of integration in the future! Only gaining new strength is the right thing to do!

"When can I capture my first monster~"

Xiang Tian touched the black and purple combat instrument in his hand and said longingly,

"Wait a minute? Did I forget! I still have a few monsters at home!! Damn it! I actually forgot!"

Leonix Xiang Tian reacted and immediately howled!

"call out!"

Black light streaked across the sky!

The fluctuations in the energy barrier attracted the attention of the mental body of the Reblondo star!

It's a pity that he didn't find any problem until the end, so he could only hide it secretly~

The light finally stopped in front of Xiang Tian who was organizing the temporary residence!

"My supreme master! I finally found you!"

The black light dissipates! A black and red ring emerged, and a flattering voice sounded in Xiang Tian's mind,

"Dark Circle?! Wait? You call me Master?!"

Xiang Tian pointed at himself in confusion!

"Yes! My darkest, most evil master! I have finally found you!"

The Dark Circle trembled with excitement!

"Don't curse! I'm telling you! Don't curse! Who is the darkest! The most evil person!"

Xiang Tian immediately waved his hands! He is actually a very popular Ultraman! Still the kind that can pull Dagu to transform into Saka!

"Master! The darkness in your body shines like a black hole in my eyes!"

The dark circle flashed red,

"Shine like a black hole? Black holes have colors? I'm uneducated, so don't lie to me! Didn't you say that even light can't escape the gravity of a black hole?!"

Xiang Tian immediately said that as a university student, although his cultural level has dropped sharply! But there is still a little bit left~

"Master! The darkness in your heart is my supreme pursuit! Please allow me to follow you!"

The dark ring falls flatteringly in front of Xiang Tian, ​​and he only needs to raise his hand to hold it in his hand!


The darkness in your heart? ! Xiang Tian opened the authority column in the panel and was speechless!

'Authority: Darkness...'

There is really no need to wash it, Leonix Xiang Tian is really the darkest~


I grabbed the Dark Circle with disgust. If I say I’m not excited, I’d be lying. This is a bigger toy that’s even more real than Bandai’s!

He is just a successor of light. Being called the darkest and most evil existence is still a bit embarrassing~

"My darkest master! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! You allow me to follow you! Please give me your orders! No need to cherish me!"

The flattering ring glowed red in Xiang Tian's hand with excitement!

If it were a human being, I think it would have been so exciting that it would have passed away~

"Just call me master! No need to add those titles that are available or not!"

Xiang Tian shyly scratched his cheek,

"Follow your will, Master!"

Flattery Huan happily called,

"First tell me what you can do now! I have a good idea~ Where is your card?"

Xiang Tian patted the ring and said,

"Master, how should I put this? How should I describe it? How should I describe it?"

With the dark circle of nutritious nonsense! Xiang Tian understood, now it is really just a white pole ring!

No cards! That's really the end!

"You mean you don't even have a card now?"

Xiang Tian's eyes narrowed, and there was a hint of danger in his tone!

"Master! My supreme master! As long as a monster dies! I can absorb its power concentration card!"

Flattery Ring was shocked! He quickly explained,

"So you really don't have a card now?"

"Master! In order to come to you, I burned all the cards, just to be able to listen to your teachings for the first time~"

Flattery Huan's little head was spinning very fast, and Xiang Tian felt happy after all the flattery!

"Okay! Let's wait until next time!"

Xiang Tian loosened the dark ring, and the flattering ring was suspended in the air, flying around Xiang Tian. Judging from its flight trajectory, it was quite pleasant!

From the two-dimensional pocket, he took out the furniture that Dyna Xiangtian had prepared before, including everything from beds and furniture to electrical equipment.

This is also a common problem of Xiang Tian Jiuzhou Soul. He always wants to prepare more things~like a little hamster.

Even the field restaurant that was once planted fills a corner in the second dimension pocket!

It’s enough for Leonix Xiang Tian to live happily in this deserted land!

"Tsk, where is this place? There is Leonix! There are so many monsters! Is it Planet Polis?"

Xiang Tian was lucky enough to find a cave in the monster's footprints, which should have been dug out by the nails of a giant beast!

It can be used as a shelter for Xiang Tian!

With the aura of the giant beast as a deterrent, I don't think there will be any other monsters, and I will come and look at other people's footprints when I have nothing to do.

It’s not like you’re a pervert, right~

Take out the universal pipes, from tap water, natural gas, to toilets and sewers,

You can always believe in the charm of Tinkerbell!

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