Saka: Start by cutting Hudna!

Chapter 100 Ultra’s signature!

Everyone stepped off the spaceship one after another,

A Teng still looked at them with a little resentment in his eyes.

However, the good news is that he won't come up and curse ~

"Raymond! It's okay, he performed well,"

Kate came to Lei's side, crossed her arms, and said calmly,

Raymond didn't say anything, but the corners of his mouth that couldn't help but raise revealed his true inner thoughts.

"Thunder! Look! Mr. Makoto gave me a gift. Through this thing, I can also control monsters! I can fight side by side with you in the future!"

Oki held up the monster capsule and came to Raymond excitedly.

"Fight side by side~"

Xiang Tian looked at Lei, who had formed a bond with the Panlong crew, and sighed silently in his heart,

"Will you also fight alongside Raymond in the future?"

"Me?" Kate pointed to herself when she heard this.

Then he looked with relief at Raymond who was getting along happily with the team members, "No, he will have his own journey,"

"What about you? Where's your journey?"

"Me? I don't know either..." Kate fell silent. Her original goal was to promote Raymond's awakening.

After learning that Leonix's battle was a conspiracy, Kate lost the direction of her struggle.

Even now, I am just using the excuse of training Raymond to stay.

Even though Raymond no longer needs to participate in Leonix’s battle,

"I'll give you a gift~"

Xiang Tian glanced at Keren beside him and saw the confusion in her eyes.

He took out the only capsule containing the monster, released EX Sadra, and released the capsule's restrictions.


"Given it to me?" Kate pointed at herself in disbelief,

The ferocious beast in front of us, its terrifying power, is difficult to associate with the Sadra that is spread all over the planet Polis.

"It's yours~" Xiang Tian urged her to quickly use the combat instrument to subdue him.

The EX Sadra transformation card was absorbed into Kate's initial battle instrument.

The power of Leonix can strengthen the power of monsters,

On the contrary, if you conquer a powerful monster, it will also give strength back to Leonix!


Powerful power feeds back! Kate finally begins her first awakening of Leonix!

With her purity, she was actually on the verge of awakening a long time ago, but she was deliberately suppressed.

The purpose is to be able to fight Raymond with appropriate strength and ultimately stimulate Raymond's awakening!

Kate's Leonix form has a similar appearance to Xiang Tian.

Black and blue skin lines, slim and pretty figure~What a female Leonix~


Xiang Tian looked at Kate with a smile,

"No, I want to thank you~" Kate looked at Xiang Tian with a faint look, maybe she can try another life~

"Thank me?" Xiang Tian scratched his head, feeling like he wanted to grow a brain,

"Oki! Come here!" No longer wasting brain cells, Xiang Tian called Oki over,

"Mr. Makoto, what do you want from me?"

"Didn't I just give you a monster capsule? Why don't I give you this Garula too?"

Xiang Tian pointed at the super ancient monster Garula that had not been recovered and said,

Oki, who was about to become happy after hearing this, suddenly reacted, "Really? Mr. Makoto? What will you do if there are no monsters?"

"Me? I just want to be casual,"

Xiang Tian waved his hand and stretched out his right hand, and the knightly aura emerged actively,

"I almost forgot, besides being Leonix, Mr. Makoto also has the power of Ultraman~"

Oki reacted when he saw the knight's aura, and scratched his head shyly,

"Thank you, Mr. Makoto! Then I'll accept it~"

Xiang Tian used the combat device to remove Garula's restrictions, and was then taken into the monster capsule by Oki.

"Raymond! Look! I also got a monster! It's a super ancient monster-Golzan,

Oh no! Wrong, it's Garula! A little older than your ancient monster, Gomora~"

Oki ran towards Lei excitedly, cheering,

"Golzan? Speaking of which, isn't it the synthetic fragment of the Five Emperors?

Kate has Flame Gorzan and Qion Q, and I have Super Gob.

Now all that’s left is the super ancient dragon – Melba and the space sea beast – Raichubas.

Use Bruton to summon these two brothers when you get back! "

Xiang Tian looked at Kate beside him and thought to himself,

"What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"

Kate felt Xiang Tian's gaze and asked with some doubts,

"Oh! There's something beautiful about your face~"

Kate instantly frowned, full of disgust.

The words that came out of Xiang Tianji's mouth came out from Xiang Tian's mouth, and she didn't want to try a new life anymore~


As the sun set, everyone stopped what they were doing as they watched the β-Fighter embed into the Panlong.

"Okay! This combat mission has been successfully completed! Everyone! Return!"

Captain Hinata looked at everyone returning to the command room and announced,

"Okay! I can finally go back!"

Panlong takes off! Returning to Greenhouse Island with the necessary parts,


"Mr. Hayata, we are back,"

Xiang Tian and Kate stepped off the spacecraft and came to Mr. Hayata.

"It seems that you have made new progress in this operation,"

Mr. Hayata looked at Kate and Xiang Tian thoughtfully,

"It's not bad. The replacement parts have been found. All that's left is to repair the Xilong and then fly away from this planet together,"

Xiang Tian waved his hand, not understanding the deep meaning in Mr. Hayata's tone.


Accompanied by the blood-red setting sun, a golden special symbol was suspended in the air.

"It's Ultra's signature from the Kingdom of Light!"

Mr. Hayata stood up suddenly and looked at the sky with a serious expression.

"Ultra's signature? What does it say?"

Xiang Tian looked at the symbol that only the two of them could see, indicating that he was not a native of the Kingdom of Light and could not understand this ghostly talisman~

"Seven is missing!"

Hayata Susumu explained in a solemn tone,


Xiang Tian thought it was some kind of news, but it turned out to be this~ After recalling the plot,

I think by this time, Severn should have fallen on the planet Hama and become the new wearer of the Dark Armor~

Speaking of which, this dark armor, why does it feel like the Ampera planet made many pieces?

Why is it everywhere, and everyone wears it, Hikari, Severn, Reblondos, etc.

Even if it is eliminated, I don’t know which corner it will come out from next time.

There is no way to tell Mr. Hayata the news directly, but it doesn't matter, let Seven be an evil element for two days~

It doesn’t have any impact~

"I'm leaving it to you, Mr. Makoto! I want to go back to the Kingdom of Light first!"

Mr. Hayata Shin said to Xiang Tian with serious eyes,

"No problem, Mr. Hayata, I'm here!"

Xiang Tian nodded,


I saw Mr. Hayata holding the Beta Magic Wand high and pressing the button.

A familiar voice sounded and light emerged!

The giant body of the first Ultraman appears on the earth!

"It's the first generation!" "It's Ultraman!" "..."

Seeing Ultraman's appearance, the survivors of Planet Polis looked at him in surprise.


I saw the first-generation Ultraman nodding to everyone and flying into the universe! The holiday is over~

"Ultraman has left~"

Oki looked at Ultraman flying away, feeling a little frustrated. After all, he was his idol.

"Mr. Makaku, Mr. Hayata, he..."

Captain Hinata came to Xiang Tian's side and hesitated to speak.

"He is just going back to the Kingdom of Light. I am here and there will be no problems. Don't worry,"

Xiang Tian saw Captain Hinata's worry and immediately comforted him,

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