When the Nether Legion transforms into a Kamen Rider and meets the Armor

Chapter 32 The Death of Shadow Ba, Strengthening the Wolf Beast

"You are defeated!" After the explosion, Li Xinnan stood with his sword in hand. Although his momentum had declined a lot, he still had the strength to fight.

On the other hand, Bing'er knelt down on one knee, supporting the ground with the meteor gun. Her aura had already dropped a lot. After a while, she was no longer able to maintain the armor and disarmed it.

In the end, Li Xinnan was the winner in this battle, but if Bing'er used Dark Kiva, the ending might be different.

"You win, here you go!" Bing'er stood up and wiped the bloodshot eyes from the corner of her mouth, and threw the water shadow stone in her hand to Li Xinnan.

"Is it over?" Xizhao and Duanmu stood beside Bing'er.

"Do you still want to fight?" Li Xinnan held the flame knife tightly and stared at the two of them indifferently and asked.

"If you want to fight, I can accompany you at any time, but now I have more important things to do, so I won't accompany you." As they spoke, a white light shrouded them faintly, and their figures gradually became illusory.

"Wait, who are you? Since you can summon the Five Elements Armor and are so powerful, why don't we deal with the Shadow Realm together?"

"We will meet again soon. You will know then!" Xizhao left these words and disappeared.

After removing the armor, Li Xinnan held the water shadow stone in his hand for a long time and could not recover. Until Meizhen's call came from the transformer.

Beimiao was sent back to the hospital by Meizhen before the explosion, otherwise the Black Rhino Armor would have to be replaced. Xiaoxi was also well protected by Xizhao and slept on the propeller fox. Li Xinnan picked up Xiaoxi and the propeller fox also disappeared.

As for the half-dead Chou General, Li Xiaochou personally went out to pick him up, and Shadow Ba's life was about to come to an end.

The night in the Shadow Realm is shrouded in a cold and desolate wind, the chill penetrates into the bone marrow, tightly binding the human mind in the darkness. At the edge of this world, sin and darkness intertwine into a terrifying picture.

"Shadow Ba, I heard that you have objections, huh." Karen's low and hoarse voice was like a devil whispering in his ears.

The huge palm penetrated into Shadow Ba's neck like a devil's claw, squeezing his throat tightly. Shadow Ba struggled involuntarily, trying hard to escape from the clutches of this demon's hand.

But how can an old man fight against a supernatural beast?

"No, no, I, I have no objection." Shadow Ba, who was pinched in mid-air, was still trying to explain.

"Don't you have any objection? Then let me test your loyalty."

"Someone, give him an injection and throw him into the incubation pool." Karen's order was cold and cruel.

The minion on the side took out a syringe, which was filled with green liquid, and injected it into Ying Ba's neck.

"Asshole, what did you hit me with?" Shadow Ba roared angrily, and then his body began to twitch violently.

As the liquid in the needle was injected, Ying Ba's body twitched violently as if being hit by electric current, and every inch of his body was burning.

Karen looked coldly at Shadow Ba who was twitching on the ground, and without hesitation lifted Shadow Ba up and threw him into the incubation pool.

There were ripples in the incubation pool, and then Karen took out the evil wolf beast's supernatural sticker and inserted it into the incubation pool.

Suddenly, the entire base was shrouded in intense white light, and the thunderous power destroyed everything in the base wantonly. The power of the evil wolf beast was infinitely amplified at this moment, and countless electric arcs danced wantonly in the base, as if a doomsday was coming.

"Hahaha, I don't know what kind of monsters can be created by combining the Dark Violence Virus enhanced with supernatural energy and the host of light and shadow blood." Karen laughed excitedly, his voice full of arrogance and cruelty. Listening to Shadow Ba's painful screams, Karen's laughter became even crazier.

Snake Xinzi's laughter echoed throughout the base, making Xiao Lizi and others tremble with fear, and broke into cold sweat all over their bodies.

Finally, Shadow Ba's screams stopped abruptly.

The Wolfmon, which fully unleashed the power of the Demon Stone, was born.

Today's evil wolf beast is completely different from what it was before. Forty-centimeter giant claws grew out of his hands, and his skin changed from bluish-purple to dark red. The iconic scarf disappeared, replaced by four pairs of huge bone spears on his back. There are three more huge dark red eyes on the belly of the evil wolf beast, the armor on its body is stronger, and eight eyes grow on the wolf's head.

The poor Shadow Tyrant became the host of Spider Oxer, and was forcibly transformed into the carrier of the Wolf Beast, and his consciousness was completely obliterated in the process of mutation.

Not everyone can stay sane while becoming one with a supernatural beast. Only resentment and negative energy that are stronger than supernatural beasts can maintain one's own consciousness.

Looking at the ferocious monster in front of him, Karen showed a satisfied smile.

"Hahahahaha, this is simply a perfect work of art."

"It's time to inject new power into my little darlings."

Karen then began to use the Dark Violence Virus to strengthen the supernatural beasts in Shadow Ba's hands.

With the help of the Dark Violence Virus, Karen can create mutant carriers with high-level awakenings. With the help of these carriers, all the powers of supernatural beasts can be realized and unleashed.

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