When the Nether Legion transforms into a Kamen Rider and meets the Armor

Chapter 194 The teachings of the old man from the sacred mountain

The armor team was rebuilt due to Beimiao's return. Except for Li Ziyang, who was still lying in the hospital, all the remaining armor summoners, including Xizhao and Xu Tingfei, gathered in the new ERP laboratory.

Meizhen, Yingying, and Lingling did not join this meeting. They had other things to do.

"Everyone, long time no see."

Bei Miao sat at the front and greeted everyone with a smile.

However, everyone did not respond much to it. Beimiao summoned everyone here just to re-establish his leadership position in the armor team.

They are used to this kind of drama.

"Stop beating around the bush and tell the truth. What do you want?"

Xizhao didn't have a good impression of Beimiao at all.

If the other party had not used the method of upgrading the Five Elements Armor as a bargaining chip, Xizhao would not have participated in this meeting at all.

Xizhao was already upset when Bing'er was arrested. He didn't want to talk too much with Beimiao. He just wanted to get a way to upgrade his armor quickly, increase his strength, and rescue Bing'er as soon as possible.

"Let me declare in advance, if you summoned us here to compete for the position of captain, then I advise you to give up. I will never agree to you becoming the captain."

Xu Tingfei, who has a deep grudge with Beimiao, is not willing to look good on the other party. Some prejudices cannot be resolved in a short time.

Although Li Haotian and Duan Muyan did not speak, their attitudes were the same.

Li Xinnan didn't have much reaction, he just did his duty.

Kunzhong and Dongshan stood on Beimiao's side.

"Ha ha……"

Hearing these words, Beimiao was not angry, but laughed softly: "It seems that there is a deep misunderstanding between us!"

"Misunderstanding? I don't think so. Some people have forgotten what they have done, right?"

Xu Tingfei said angrily.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to steal the captain's position, but there is a senior who wants to meet you." Bei Miao said with a faint smile.

"Senior?" Everyone frowned, obviously not knowing what trick Beimiao was playing.

"Everyone, I believe you have also discovered that the strength of the shadow world is getting stronger and stronger, and it is very difficult for us to deal with it. If this situation continues, who do you think the final winner will be?"

Beimiao spoke slowly, but each word seemed to hit everyone's chests, making them fall silent.

The power of the shadow world is getting stronger and stronger, but their growth in strength is far from keeping up with the pace of the shadow world. If this situation continues to get worse, who will be the ultimate beneficiary?

The answer is already obvious.

"So, what do you want to say?" Li Haotian asked first, and the others also looked up at Beimiao, waiting for his answer.

"The virtual battle room, there are ways to make you stronger."

"Virtual battle room? Old Man of the Holy Mountain?"

Li Xinnan seemed to recall the days when he was training in the virtual training room.

But too many things happened later, and Li Xinnan gradually forgot the existence of the old man from Shenshan.

Xu Tingfei was deeply impressed by the old man from Shenshan in the virtual training room. In his memory, he seemed to be the one who helped him break through to the king level.

Beimiao stood up and walked to a wall, stretched out his hand and pressed it on the wall. A door quietly opened as the light flickered.

"Everyone, please." Bei Miao made a gesture of invitation, waiting for everyone's next reaction.

Li Xinnan didn't have much worry, after all, he had seen it more than once.

On the sacred mountain, Li Xinnan was the first to enter and met the old man of the sacred mountain.

"Senior." Li Xinnan bowed his head.

"Lord of the Fire Armor, I already know what you are worried about." The old man from Shenshan said with a kind smile, all because of the concern of the younger generation.

"I hope senior can clear up my doubts." Li Xinnan cupped his hands and begged.

Li Xinnan's heart has been in chaos from the first battle with the shadow world to now.

Doubt, self-blame, guilt...all kinds of emotions made it difficult for him to calm down.

He never seemed to be a qualified armor summoner.

Nothing can be protected.

He even joined the Netherworld Legion. Now Li Xinnan can no longer even tell whether he is good or evil.

Where should I go in the future?

The entanglement with the past and confusion about the future prevent Li Xinnan from taking further steps.

"Look, what is this?" The old man from Shenshan stretched out his hand, and the black and white energy converged into a Tai Chi pattern on his hand.

"This is Tai Chi?" Li Xinnan replied with some confusion, not sure what the old man from Shenshan meant at this time.

"Everything in the world is like this Tai Chi. There is white in black, and black in white. Good and evil are not absolute. Good and evil only exist at the intersection of the two, or at a certain point, and are not fixed."

After the old man from Shenshan finished speaking, he restrained his black and white light.

"Instead of worrying about good and evil, it is better to let go of everything, abandon distracting thoughts, follow your heart, and feel more free and easy."

"Your past is bound by some invisible rules, and you want to use them to discipline yourself, which is a good thing."

"But they also limit your growth. There are always standards in this world that can be used to evaluate whether an armor summoner is qualified. Every summoner is unique. You have to believe in your own heart and leave everything to yourself. Heart."

Hearing this, Li Xinnan, who was in a confused predicament, suddenly brightened up.

At this time, the old man from Shenshan pointed at the center of Li Xinnan's eyebrows.

"Master of Fire Armor, think about it carefully. I believe you will make your own judgment."

After solving Li Xinnan's matter, the next one is Li Haotian.

"Lord Xingtian, this is our first meeting. We have been looking forward to it for a long time." Seeing Li Haotian, the old man from Shenshan spoke first.

"Senior." Li Haotian bowed his hands in salute. He still respected the old man in front of him.

"Honestly, I don't have much to teach you now, but there is still something I need to warn you." The old man from Shenshan looked at Li Haotian and said slowly.

"Senior, please give me instructions."

"The fact that you can face your own heart and face the mistakes you have made in the past is enough to prove that you are a mature armor summoner."

"But the power of hatred can make people lose themselves. Of course, I am not advising you to let go of hatred. It's just that hatred can be resolved in many cases. Finding a way to redeem yourself is more valuable than hatred."

During the period when he was possessed by Chi, Li Haotian lost his will to live and committed many murders, so that after Chi left, Li Haotian fell into despair.

Fortunately, Li Haotian finally faced his own heart and his past mistakes, which allowed him to regain hope and return to normal.

But this also released the shackles that had been binding Li Haotian, making Li Haotian a little more violent.

If he hadn't been unable to defeat the three captains, Li Haotian would have taken Kula's head as a memorial to his parents.

"Recover? People cannot be resurrected after death. Seniors understand this, right?"

After hearing what Shenshan said, Li Haotian was quite unhappy.

How can one give up the hatred of killing his father and his mother so easily?

The old man from Shenshan didn't speak. He put his hand on Li Haotian. A feeling of weightlessness swept through Li Haotian's body. The surrounding environment instantly began to flow rapidly, and time began to pass backwards.

When the feeling of weightlessness disappeared, Li Hao came to a world full of black and white.

"This is……"

After seeing the surrounding environment clearly, Li Haotian was instantly excited. This was the place he had dreamed of countless times, the park that took the lives of his parents.

"I've given you the opportunity, and it's up to you what to do next."

After saying that, the old man of Shenshan disappeared from this space.

The old man from Shenshan used big tricks to send Li Haotian back to the past, giving him a chance to change the past.

As for the final result, it depends on Li Haotian's choice.

"Please give me some advice, senior." Duan Muyan bowed to the old man from the sacred mountain.


The old man from Shenshan nodded and said:

"Asura Armor is the king's armor. It moves with the summoner's thoughts and can reverse the past and change the future. Therefore, if you want to control Shura Armor, you need the strongest Qi in the world. Only the king's Qi can be recognized by Shura Armor."

"Your Qi is very strong, and you have used the power of Shura Armor to its fullest."

"At the same time, the other armor in your hand called Extreme Fox is in charge of the power of creation and can create and reshape the world. Your mastery of this power is not bad, and you have even mastered the new powers evolved from its branches. .”

"From a summoner's point of view, you have done your best, but this is far from your limit!"

Duan Muyan was excellent both in talent and character, but he lacked guidance and lacked the understanding and use of armor.

Regarding the use of the Five Elements Armor, there is an old man from Shenshan who guides the practice.

Xingtian's team also has the guidance of martial artist Qing ZiZe, who understands armor combat techniques and upgrades.

Although Duan Muyan also had training, it was more about improving combat skills and combat awareness. His understanding of armor and the use of power were far from enough.

Whether it was upgrading the Shura armor or developing the power of creation, Duan Muyan did it all by himself.

"My limit?"

After listening to the words of the old man from Shenshan, Duan Muyan couldn't help but think deeply.

"Yes, by combining the two forces in your body into one, you can go one step further."

The old man from Shenshan said, stroking his white beard.

"But I have already merged these two forces, haven't I?"

Duan Muyan raised his hand, and the power of the gods spread around.

Jihu and Shura, they are destroyed once in a lifetime, and they are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other.

"Let's feel the truth of birth and death!"

The old man from Shenshan smiled and put his hand on Duan Muyan's shoulder, and a terrifying energy suddenly burst out from his body.

The purple-gold power of Shura and the blue-white power of creation continued to gather in the air, and finally condensed into two statues.

The statue on the left is glowing with dazzling purple and gold light, while the statue on the right is glowing with bright blue and white light.

And with the surge of the power of destruction and the power of life, Duan Muyan's whole person became illusory.

"The impermanence of all actions is the law of birth and death; birth and death have ceased, and cessation begins. I hope you can understand the profound meaning."

With another wave of his hand, Duan Muyan, like Li Xinnan and Li Haotian, disappeared and entered a certain space.

Then, Xizhao, Xu Tingfei, Qing Zizai and others also entered and started practicing.

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