Xiaozhi, who won, also took Pikachu to the Pokémon Center for treatment first, but missed the encounter with Zhang Chenfeng.

He trotted into the Pokémon Center with Pikachu in his arms and saw Joey at the front desk.

"Miss Joy, please help me look at Pikachu!"


Joey responded with a professional smile.

Xiaozhi took out the Golden City gym badge, held it up to admire the sunshine outside, and then put it back into the badge collection box.

He looked outside with a Zhiye's standard smile, looking forward to the challenging life ahead even more.

It's approaching night.

La Lulas woke up in the hospital bed and saw Zhang Chenfeng sleeping on the bed beside her. She stretched out her little hand and poked his hair.

Zhang Chenfeng also woke up very sensitively. He looked up and saw that Lalu Lasi was already awake, and all the cells in his body were exuding joy.

"Lalulas, how are you feeling now?"


"Okay, wait a minute and I'll get you some water!"

He picked up the glass on the table next to him and went to the public drinking area to get a glass of water and ran back.

La Lulasi crossed her arms and started drinking. Zhang Chenfeng was startled by her hurried look.

"Don't be impatient, drink slowly!"

After it finished drinking, Zhang Chenfeng took the empty cup and put it on the table.

Lalu Lasi also floated into Zhang Chenfeng's arms and arched her arms. Zhang Chenfeng also laughed dumbly when he saw it, and came to the front desk with Lalu Lasi in his arms.

"Lalulas has had a good rest, he is such a cute guy!"

Miss Joy saw Zhang Chenfeng and La Lulas.

"Yes, thank you Miss Joy!"


Lalulas also waved his thanks. After all, he occasionally went to the Pokémon Center. It naturally knew that Joey had cured it.

After paying the treatment fee, it was another day to envy the trainer who had the illustrated book.

Lalulas screamed excitedly as she walked out of the Pokémon Center door.


"Okay, okay, let's go, let's have a big dinner!"

As soon as Zhang Chenfeng took a step forward, Nazi suddenly appeared in front of him, startling him.

Out of courtesy, Zhang Chenfeng also extended an invitation to Nazhi.

"Want to have a big dinner together?"

Nazi nodded slightly and replied: "Yes!".

"Let's go, let's go together!"


An hour later, Zhang Chenfeng felt heartbroken when he saw the money in his pocket shrinking.

Fortunately, I chose the restaurant myself, otherwise I would have felt bankrupt if it had been Nazi.

Lalulas and Nazhi were floating in the sky eating kebabs with their mouths full of oil. This operation attracted many people.

Zhang Chenfeng wanted Nazhi to stop dancing many times, but seeing that her feet were bare and embarrassed to damage those delicate little feet, he had to give up the idea.

"Ahem, it's almost done. It's getting late and it's time to go back!"

It's definitely not because I'm worried about money, it's definitely because it's too late.

La Lulas also had a full sleep in the afternoon and had enough to eat and drink in the evening. She immediately floated into Zhang Chenfeng's arms.


After Nazhi heard this, she also looked around, and the people shopping slowly dispersed.

Seeing Na Zi trying to teleport back, Zhang Chenfeng immediately interrupted.

"Wait a minute Nazi, let's go shopping together!"


Nazhi was stunned for a moment, interrupted the spellcasting to look at Zhang Chenfeng, and then replied unhurriedly.

Normally, Zhang Chenfeng would be eager for Nazhi to send them back with teleportation, but he knew that Lalu Lasi could still accompany him today, but he might be dragged to special training tomorrow.

Whatever you make up your mind to do, no matter whether it is good or bad, you must stick to it until the end, unless there are special circumstances.

And he also wanted to get closer to Nazi through this time. Even though he had lived in the gym for a few days, the relationship was relatively cold and he rarely talked.

Under the illumination of the night light, two figures walked toward the gym, pulling their long shadows.

Of course, Nazi was still floating and would scare people to death sooner or later if she let go of her previous life.

The night sky was clear, with only a few white clouds floating in the sky. The moon was bright and clear, hanging like a white jade disk in the sky, with a charming golden halo surrounding it.

Zhang Chenfeng touched Lalu Lasi's head in his arms and then stretched out his hand to face the bright moon,

Suddenly said: "Nazi, do you have any dreams?".

After Nazhi heard this, she stopped and thought. Zhang Chenfeng walked a few steps and found that she had not followed him. He turned around and found that she was frozen in place.

After thinking for a while, he followed Zhang Chenfeng and said softly: "No!".

"Then is there anything in particular you want to do?"



"Want to make friends!"

Zhang Chenfeng was choked up when he heard it. He didn't know what to say for a moment. Nazi was a troubled girl and had no idea about friends and family.

Na Zi looked at Zhang Chenfeng with bright eyes, as if she was expecting something.

To be honest, Zhang Chenfeng had already regarded Nazi as a friend, even after she beat him severely.

"It's okay, Lalulas and I are your friends!"

"Thank you!"

"Is there anyone you admire?"

After hesitating for a long time, even though he knew who Nazhi's idol was, Zhang Chenfeng still asked this question to confirm his idea.


"Can you tell me?"

Na Zi glanced at Zhang Chenfeng and felt hesitant in her heart. He had just admitted that she was his friend.

The black and white little angel Nazi fought for a while, and both parties were strangled to death by Nazi with one hand.

"Daichi Sakaki!"


There are no special surprises, just like the introduction in the previous life.

"Do you have a dream?"

After hearing Nazhi's inquiry, Zhang Chenfeng began to fantasize about his original ambition.

"Me? Yes, I do. I just want to make more money to buy a big house and end my wandering life. In my free time, I can take La Lulas on a trip to see the wonders of this world and catch some new Pokémon!"

Just chatting all the way, we quickly returned to the gym.

They parted ways at the door and went back to their rooms.

Zhang Chenfeng washed up a little. He ate something spicy tonight, and he didn't want to get up with a dry and smelly mouth tomorrow.

Then he urged La Lulas to wash up and then fell asleep holding it.


Early the next morning, gradually, the yellow sun emerged shyly in the east.

Xiaogang got up and shouted to Xiaozhi, who was sleeping in a very cool posture: "Xiaozhi, Xiaozhi wake up!".

Xiaozhi, who had not opened his eyes, half-closed his eyes and realized it was Xiaogang, and said in a daze: "Xiaogang, what's wrong?".

"It's time for us to go!"

"What's going on?"

Xiaogang was speechless after hearing this. He recalled that yesterday Xiaozhi praised Haikou and said he would get up early and go out early tomorrow to strike while the iron is hot and win the next badge.

Pikachu woke up and gave Xiaozhi an electric treatment directly on the bed.



Lightning passed through Xiaozhi's body, and the skeleton could be vaguely seen. It didn't take long for Pikachu to stop.

Xiaozhi immediately sat up, his hair was slightly curled, and his face had a hint of burnt black! White smoke came out of his mouth.

"Pikachu, you've gone too far!"



Zhang Chenfeng also woke up on time because of his biological clock, so he woke up La Lulasi after washing.

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