I'm a wanderer in Pokémon

Chapter 42 Encounter with Xiaoxia

La Lulas followed the route given to it by Nazi and came to the outskirts, floating in the air.


It stood in front of a blank area in confusion. The route Nazi showed it was here, but there was nothing!

Close your eyes and use your superpower to sense your surroundings.


It floated forward a few meters and disappeared into the air.

The scene turned and he appeared in a small wooden house, where an old man was sitting cross-legged on the bed meditating.

"Lalu~" (You are the old man that Nazi was talking about, please teach me to become stronger!)

After saying that, Lalulas still waved his fist in the air to show his determination.

It can be said that there is no politeness at all.

"Did Nazi ask you to come?"

Larulus nodded in response.

The old man closed his eyes and thought for a while, then took out a red and white Pokémon ball.

With a flash of red light, Hu Di appeared with a white beard and a silver curved spoon in his hand.

"Hu Di, practice it!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Hu Di shook the spoon in his hand, and Lalu Lasi's body was instantly unable to move.

This series of actions were all seen by the old man.

He also began to wonder in his mind whether this Lalu Lasi was sent by Nazi.

After all, it's too weak.


At night, Zhang Chenfeng stopped training when he was hungry and came out of the training barn.

"Hey, where's La Lulas?"

He looked around but couldn't find La Lulas.

"You won't sneak out to play!"

This idea suddenly flashed in my mind! He immediately shook his head and dismissed it.

Since subduing Lalu Lasi, the two have been basically inseparable.

He guessed that La Lulas might have gone back to sleep.

Unable to move away instantly, Zhang Chenfeng had no choice but to open the heavy door with his own hands.

"Ahem, it's really in disrepair!"

As soon as he opened it a little, dust came out and choked him.

He was the first to go back to his room to find La Lulas, intending to take him to dinner with him.

When I opened the door, it was empty, but there was still no sign of it.

"Holy shit!"

Na Zi immediately appeared behind Zhang Chenfeng, frowned and stretched out her hand to punch him in the head.

"Ouch, who the hell attacked me... I seemed to have hit my head just now!"

As soon as he turned around, he saw Nazi with a dark face, and immediately stopped his losses and changed his words to avoid being beaten.

"Have you seen me, La Lulas?"

Nazi was so playful that she immediately said: "It's gone!".

"What? Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

No matter what, Zhang Chenfeng would not believe that Lalu Lasi left him, after all, this year's relationship is here.

Even if I leave, I will say hello.

Although he was relatively confident inside, he still became worried.

Na Zi sensed Zhang Chenfeng's emotional changes, which were very rich.

"It's going to special training!"

"What? Where did you go?"

"You don't need to worry about this. It will come back after the special training!"

"All right!"

At this time, Zhang Chenfeng was not in the mood to go out to eat, so he had to go to the kitchen to make some for himself.

"I'll cook, do you want it?"


In the past two days together, Nazi was actually just like Lalu Lasi, a greedy foodie.

Come to the kitchen and take out the vegetables and ordinary meat and start cooking.

After traveling for more than a year, he still couldn't eat sushi.

Before, he had no choice. He had no choice due to poor conditions, but it was different now. He was in the Jinhuang City Gym and there was no shortage of these things. If he was lacking, he could just let Nazi "steal" them.

One meat and one vegetarian meal will be ready soon. There is no need to eat too much for two people.

He took a bowl and served himself a bowl of rice. Just the feeling of holding the bowl made him very appetizing.

No need to call Nazi, she will appear by herself.

Sure enough, within a few seconds, the rice cooker automatically turned on, the rice spoon automatically scooped the rice into a bowl, and then floated to the table.

Nazi appeared at the table on time and picked up her chopsticks to eat.

Most of the two plates of food soon went into Nazi's stomach.

After eating, she disappeared immediately, as if she had never been there, leaving the hard-working Zhang Chenfeng to wash the dishes alone.


"Nazi, I'm going out for a walk!"


After receiving the response, Zhang Chenfeng walked towards the door of the gym.

Nazhi may be used to being alone, but finally Zhang Chenfeng can accompany her, and now she has a stronger desire to control.

He still remembers that yesterday he took La Lulas out to play without saying hello because he was bored after dinner.

He really stepped out of the gym door with his front foot, and Nazi appeared in front of Zhang Chenfeng with waterdrops in her hair and a gloomy expression on her back foot.

He asked coldly: "Where to go?".

Zhang Chenfeng shrank, pointed at Fanshi behind Na Zi and said, "I'm going out to play!".

"it is good!"

After saying that, Nazi disappeared.

Zhang Chenfeng really looked back three times every step of the way, and walked several steps before he strode confidently towards Fanshi.


On the other side, the equally miserable La Lulas is paying the price for her lack of gifts.

Hu Di is teaching Lalu Lasi the super-power-based trick - Mental Power.

The teaching method is also very simple. The old man said righteously: "The fastest way to learn a skill is to experience it firsthand!".

Then La Lulas was manipulated by Hu Di's strong mental thoughts.

Of course it's a smaller version, otherwise if you just take two shots, even if they are of the same series, you have to light them with mosquito coils.


"Hmm~ The ice cream is good, but it's a pity that La Lulas is not here!"

Zhang Chenfeng started shopping alone in the snack street and had already forgotten all about his savings.

"Zhang Chenfeng?"

When he heard someone calling him, he immediately looked around. Thanks to his improvement in super powers, he immediately saw Xiaoxia behind the crowd.

She squeezed through the crowd and walked towards Xiaoxia, and asked happily: "Are you coming out to play too?".

"That's right! Weren't you kidnapped? How could you come out alone!"

"What, what? Kidnapped, who kidnapped me!"

At this time, his heart was: "How come I didn't know I was kidnapped???".

"Isn't that Golden City Gym Leader bad-tempered? You're in there again..."

"Oh~ Well, I have some super powers and I'm here to be an apprentice!"

"I see, where's your La Luras?"

"Going to special training by myself!"

"Ah, why are you just like Xiaozhi!"

Thinking of Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia was so angry that Pikachu was just taken to special training, and she was still shouting that she must defeat Zhang Chenfeng next time.

"Let's go shopping together!"

Zhang Chenfeng extended an invitation to Xiaoxia. For him, it didn't matter whether he was going alone or two people.

"it is good!"

Soon the two of them became familiar with each other again, and they went shopping in the night market of Jinhuang City. Maybe it was because they were accompanied by others, and they lost track of time while having fun.

"Ah! It's so late!"

Zhang Chenfeng looked at the time and it was indeed quite late, and said, "Let's go back first!".

"it is good!"

After thinking about it, Xiaoxia was a girl and it would be inappropriate to go back alone so late, so she asked, "Do you want me to take you back?".

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