Xiaozhi immediately looked at Death Walk and said feebly: "That's right. There is sea all around here. Where should we go?".

Xiaogang said: "Xiaozhi, please release the Bibi bird to find supplies!".

"That's right, Bibi Bird, go and pick up what you saw!"

After flying out for ten minutes, I saw a Magikarp pulling Musashi Kojiro and Meow Meow.

In the end, it took a lot of effort to pull them to Xiaozhi.

This operation made Zhang Chenfeng dumbfounded. Such a small bird could actually lift two people. This is an ant.

Before he could react, Xiaozhi and the others felt a little sad.

However, Xiaogang didn't feel sad for long before he suggested water burial.

It's true that Zhang Chenfeng can't be punished.

As the second protagonist of the Pokémon world, how could he possibly die?

As they talked, they began to push the bodies of Kojiro and Musashi, trying to push them into the sea and bury them in water.

Although he knew clearly that the Rockets trio would not die, Zhang Chenfeng still had to remind them: "Hey, is it possible that they are not dead, but just fainted from choking on too much sea water!".

After Xiaoxia heard Zhang Chenfeng's words, she thought it was very reasonable and echoed: "Yes!".

Xiaogang also stood up and nodded: "That makes sense!".

Sure enough, not long after, under the gazes of Zhang Chenfeng, Xiaozhi and others, Musashi and Kojiro spit out a mouthful of water and sat up.

"I feel so dizzy!" X2

"Meow, I feel so dizzy!"

After they calmed down and returned to normal, they sheepishly turned their heads and thanked them.

This was a bit beyond Zhang Chenfeng's expectation.

After all, their identity is that of a bad person, so how can a bad person say thank you?

In this way, this big wooden board carried everyone drifting on the sea.

But a tacit understanding slowly formed, with Xiaozhi and Xiaogang Xiaoxia sitting at one end, and Musashi Kojiro and Meowth sitting opposite them.

Only Zhang Chenfeng sat in the middle. Fortunately, Xiaoxia leaned over a little, making him look less lonely.

As time went by, the sky gradually darkened, and everyone was listless.

Except for the King Magikarp in the middle, he is always alive and kicking.

To be honest, Zhang Chenfeng touched the wooden board for a long time and didn't know which part of the ship it was. It was so big that six people could lie down on it without any problem.

Look at the bright moon in the sky and the twinkling stars around you.

He thought of that poem and began to miss home and his previous life.


With a flash of red light, Larulus appeared. It was too tired before and took a nap in the elf ball before coming out. Now it is more energetic.

He held it in his arms and admired the night for a while before falling asleep.

In the middle of the night, Zhang Chenfeng was woken up by the cold. He looked at the people next to him and found that none of them were trembling and could not feel the cold.

This made him have to sigh once again at the physical strength of the people in the Pokémon world. Of course, there is another possibility, that is, they are all protagonists.

He was envious, so he immediately took out the sleeping bag from the backpack on his back, and got in with Lalu Lasi still sleeping.

A night at sea went smoothly.

The next day, Zhang Chenfeng was woken up by Xiaoxia and the others, but they were all very listless.


At this time, Xiaozhi's stomach roared with hunger.

It seemed that after he started, everyone present except Zhang Chenfeng and Lalu Lasi had their stomachs growling with hunger.

Zhang Chenfeng and La Lulasi were already very full when they got on the boat.

I rarely eat breakfast, and it has become a habit to eat less, so I don’t feel too hungry.

But he had stored a bunch of food, and after all, he had some of the prophet's bugs.

He knew that the ship would have accidents, but he didn't have the same physique as they did, so he bought a lot of food and water before boarding the ship.

Zhang Chenfeng couldn't bear it, so he took out a large bag of biscuits and handed it to Xiaoxia, asking her to divide it up.

Upon seeing this, Musashi swallowed his saliva and said: "Hey, kid, we are hungry too, give us some!".

"Why give it to you? I remember you were trying to get me La Lulas before!"


La Lulas also made an accusing voice.

Kojiro touched his belly, stared at Zhang Chenfeng and said, "Brother, give me some!".

"That's it, meow!"

Xiaoxia's kindness began to overflow.

"Zhang Chenfeng, give them some!"


At this time, Zhang Chenfeng looked at the miserable trio of Team Rockets and began to be tempted.

After all, I was worried about being scolded by fans of the Rockets trio.

He then thought about it, thinking of Kojiro's life experience, and laughed maliciously.

Kojiro was stared at by the smiling Zhang Chenfeng, thinking that he had to sacrifice his beauty to get something to eat.

"Hey, do you want to eat?"

Zhang Chenfeng took out a new pack of biscuits and waved it in front of Team Rocket people.

"Think" X3

"Hey, you guys can buy it with your money!"

As soon as these words came out, the three of them except Miaomiao were digging in their pockets to save money. In the end, they were stunned not to find any money.

This operation confused Zhang Chenfeng, but he didn't expect that the Rockets trio were really poor.

Musashi looked at Magikarp who was still beating in the middle of the board, and immediately punched Kojiro.

"It's all your fault, you spent all your fifty thousand dollars to buy a Magikarp!"

Kojiro's idea is different.

"Yes, I still have Magikarp. Brother, can I exchange Magikarp for some biscuits?"

"No, I don't want to raise him!"

There was no way, he really didn't have much money. He could still afford to raise carp, but who would raise that thing?

This one is about to evolve, and he won't be able to feed it by then. We can't just wait until it gets hungry and throw it back into the water for people to eat at the buffet!

"But you can write an IOU! Didn't Kojiro make a mistake? Just write the IOU in his name!"

Zhang Chenfeng will only ask for Kojiro's IOU. After all, given their status, they will definitely turn away and refuse to acknowledge the debt, but Kojiro is different and may pay it back.

Even if he doesn't pay it back, it doesn't matter. Because of Kojiro's identity, the Sasaki family will pay it back for him.

"Yes, nya, Kojiro, it's time for you to atone for your sins!"

Kojiro was also very excited, and waved his hands helplessly: "There is no paper and pen!".

"Don't worry, I have it!"

Zhang Chenfeng always keeps things like pen and paper with him, and they are not heavy anyway.

Just as Kojiro took it and was about to write it, Zhang Chenfeng said like a profiteer: "Special times and special prices, please be considerate and give you a 50% discount, just five hundred thousand!"

When Kojiro heard it, his voice was several dozen decibels higher.

"What, why don't you go and grab it!"

Now that he has left his family, he can only earn all the money by himself. How long will he be able to save these five hundred thousand?

Musashi pulled Kojiro over and whispered something in his ear.

After finishing speaking, Kojiro changed his previous attitude and wrote the IOU with a smile.

"My son, Jiro, owes Zhang Chenfeng half a million!" (Japanese)

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