I'm a wanderer in Pokémon

Chapter 14 Moon View Mountain

Zhang Chenfeng and La Lulasi stayed in Nibi City for two days, and also worked part-time for two days, and received two thousand yuan.

The sun hung in the sky, and when walking on the hard stone wall, the heat from the ground reached Zhang Chenfeng, making him extremely uncomfortable.

Even La Lulas collapsed in his arms, her little hands constantly fanning herself to dissipate heat.

I quickly found a shady place to rest for a while.

"It's really difficult to climb Mount Yuemi! I don't know if that stupid traveler recommended passing through the cave."

Mount Yuemi is famous for its wild pippi and frequent meteor falls.

The meteorites that fell here gradually turned into moon stones, and some fossils can also be excavated here.

Zhang Chenfeng came here just to get the Moon Stone, because he played many versions of Pokemon in his previous life. Some versions required Moon Stones to evolve Larulash into Gardevoir, and some levels allowed for independent evolution.

Now in the anime world, he couldn't figure out how La Luras could evolve into Gardevoir.

Although Lalu Lasi has no desire to evolve at the moment, she still takes precautions and keeps one with her, even if she doesn't use it later, she can still sell it for money.

But this is all based on fantasy.

“I don’t know if I can pick up a piece or two!”


Zhang Chenfeng looked in the direction Lalu Lasi pointed, saw a floating stone, and reached out to touch Lalu Lasi.

"This is a small fist stone, it is alive!"


Looking at Lalu Lasi in his arms, Zhang Chenfeng had the illusion that he was raising a daughter.

"Okay, Lalulas, don't rest, help sense if there are any caves nearby!"


"Okay, I know!"

Zhang Chenfeng walked around the small floating fist stones and walked to the other side of the mountain, where he saw a dark cave.

"I wonder if it's the cave I imagined!"

After cautiously walking in, a cool breeze hit him, and a few small spots of light suddenly lit up in the black cave. When Zhang Chenfeng saw it, his heart felt a little cold.

"Squeak! Squeak~"

Several supersonic bats quickly flew over his head.

"Phew, it was a false alarm, I thought it was Longlong Rock!"

What he is most worried about now is encountering the Noise Monster and Rumble Rock in the cave.

One attacks with sonic waves at every turn, and the echoes travel through the cave, and the eardrums will be shattered. The other is even more terrifying, it will self-destruct, and if you are unlucky, it will be turned into a box on the spot.

These two guys have bad tempers.

"It's better to be careful!"


"You mean there's light ahead?"


Zhang Chenfeng slowly walked forward. The originally dark tunnel gradually became brighter, and the narrow space became larger.

What comes into view is an irregular round stone about three meters in diameter, with a surface similar to that of the moon.

The top of the head is connected to the outside world and emits light to illuminate the boulder. Around it, a lot of Pipi and Picoxi are sleeping soundly.

He stared at the huge stone in front of him and muttered: "Is this the biggest moon stone?".

Pippi and Pikexi, who were not sleeping around, saw Zhang Chenfeng gradually approaching the Moon Stone, and they became vigilant.

After all, this boulder is their "family heirloom".



Zhang Chenfeng suppressed his greedy heart and said friendly to Pippi and Pikexi: "Hello, I have no idea about this big moon stone. I'll just take two scraps and leave!".

After Pipi and Pi Kexi heard this, they lowered their guard and stepped back. Zhang Chenfeng also walked to the Moon Stone and started looking for "leftover materials".

After searching for more than ten minutes, Zhang Chenfeng shouted happily:

"Yeah, found it!"

With his sharp eyes, he saw a moon stone the size of a baby's fist pressed under the boulder, and he immediately put down the Lalulas in his hand!

He stretched out his right hand to hold the huge moon stone. At the moment of contact, Zhang Chenfeng's superpower passively split a trace into the huge moon stone, and it flashed an almost invisible purple light.

He bent down and picked up the small piece of moon stone with his left hand, blew the dust on it, looked at it in front of his eyes, and said with a smile: "Finally got it!".

Zhang Chenfeng continued to search and found only a moon stone as big as a thumbnail on the edge of the cave, which he also pocketed.

"Lalulas, let's go!"

He knelt down and hugged La Lulas who had been following him, then turned back to say goodbye to Pink Pippi and Picoxi and left.

When he stepped out of the hole with his right foot, he felt someone calling him from behind, and immediately turned back to look at the dark hole.


"Nothing's wrong! Damn it!"

Zhang Chenfeng turned around and ran down the mountain with Lalu Lasi in his arms without looking back. When he encountered a gentle slope, he squatted down and slid down, jumping back and forth among the rocks, like a parkour master.

Ten minutes later, he panted and sat under a big tree, looking up at Mount Yuemi in front of him, always feeling eerie.

"It can't be that there are ghost elves in that cave playing tricks on me!"


"Don't you feel it?"

Larulus tried her best to nod in response to him.

Zhang Chenfeng sat under the tree and thought about the next journey.

"I have two moon stones in my hand. I will definitely keep the big one. I can sell the smaller one. I don't know how much it will cost!"

After almost resting, Zhang Chenfeng put Lalu Lasi on his shoulders and went into the woods to find a way out.

The first task now is to sell the small moon stone on your finger and then go to the Golden City.

Lalulas's skill pool is currently too small, and she only uses those few skills when fighting against others, making it too easy to be targeted.

Golden City may not be very famous, but everyone here knows Nazi, an autistic super girl.

It is said that he has the superpower to destroy everything right after he is born (to put it bluntly, he is born with powerful superpowers)

Zhang Chenfeng also knew that it was dangerous to look for her, but he had no choice. When La Lulas met him, he guessed that it was because of his time travel. His mental power was very strong, which was considered a small benefit for time travellers. At the same time, he was benchmarking against this world. superpower.

He has this ability, so why not take advantage of it, and under the guidance of Nazi, La Lulas may also learn a few skills in advance, so he must go to Golden City!

But the prerequisite for becoming stronger is that Nazi is willing to teach him.

Lalu Lasi, who was standing on his shoulder, felt Zhang Chenfeng's inner agitation and immediately reached out to touch his face.


"I'm fine! Let's find a city first!"


After wandering in the woods for a whole day without going out, Zhang Chenfeng reluctantly came to a creek and took a drink of water.

As for the question of whether it is clean or not, it doesn't exist. Who cares if I'm dying of thirst?

Suddenly, an oval-shaped black shadow appeared on the water. Zhang Chenfeng stepped back warily, staring at the black shadow.

After traveling to the Pokémon world for so long, he knew that Pokémon in this world were not as friendly as in the anime.

If you encounter a ferocious Pokémon in the wild, you will basically die if you don't have any skills.

He doesn't believe that he has any protagonist aura, he only knows that he only has one life.

Slowly, an orange fin emerged from the water, followed by red scales.

"Phew, it turns out to be King Carp!"


"Okay, let's go find a safer place to spend the night!"

Magikarp can stably evolve into Gyarados by leveling up in the game. By leveling up his character and matching his skills well, he can become a powerful fighter.

But in this world, Magikarp are basically everywhere, and very few can evolve into Gyarados.

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