NBA: Start by torturing Jordan and add points to upgrade

Chapter 91 Crazy performance! Crazy Chinese fans! Chinese people

Chapter 91 Crazy performance! Crazy Chinese fans! A complete collection of Chinese folk basketball legends!

"Sabonis, the thug fouled! Two points are valid, and one penalty goal is added!" The referee's penalty came very timely, which triggered another wave of crazy cheers from the fans at the scene!

Lin Tian walked to the free throw line. After making the free throw easily, he had scored 7 points in a row!

And time, less than 50 seconds have passed at this time!

Lin Tian's time is obviously not over yet!

Then, the Western team's basketball was given to Sabonis under the basket. He wanted to use his experience and height to stabilize the situation with a strong hit under the basket, but Lin Tian came too fast!

The moment Sabonis got the ball, Lin Tian had already slapped it down, and the basketball was directly held in his arms!

Then Lin Tian turned around and brushed past Sabonis. The basketball hit the floor and passed under the crotch of Smith who was still standing in a daze. Lin Tian then caught the basketball behind Smith and launched a counterattack again!

Finley couldn't keep up with Lin Tian's speed at all. He was squeezed behind him in two steps. After speeding all the way, no one in the entire Western team could keep up with Lin Tian. He went to the basket and suddenly exploded.

Then, Lin Tian made a 180-degree turn in the air, the basketball went from top to bottom, and then from bottom to top. After an extremely exaggerated two-handed dunk with folding levers, the entire scene once again burst into crazy cheers!

This rookie is so handsome!

This rookie is a blast!

Is this the strength of the sixth man of the league's No. 1 Bulls team?


The San Antonio fans did not hesitate in their cheers and shouts. They gave all the praise to Lin Tian without hesitation!

At this time, in the VIP lounge on the second floor, Popovich, who was still the general manager of the Spurs, had also stood up from his sofa. He looked at Lin Tiandao on the court: "This kid is Jordan's half-brother. Well? Why are these two people so similar?"

Sitting next to him was Popovich's number one assistant, RC Buford, who was also the Spurs' later general manager and Popovich's golden partner.

Buford also stood up at this time and said: "I don't know if he is related to Jordan, but I think he is definitely a super genius!"

"A second-round pick, a two-year minimum salary contract, the Bulls have no right to match, right?" Popovich suddenly turned around and asked Budenholzer, another assistant sitting not far away.

Budenholzer nodded and said: "Yes, that's it. Next summer is Lin's contract year! He will become a complete free agent!"

"I want all the game videos of this kid, I want all his data analysis and everything! I also want the videos of all his subsequent games! If he is not a flash in the pan tonight, but really has the ability, next summer , I will get him at all costs!"

"Clear all the cap space! If he can partner with David, we can definitely build a championship team!"

At this time, Lin Tian didn't know that he had been targeted by Popovich's team. He was still feeling the thrill of beating the rookie!

What is dimensionality reduction attack?

In 1992, Jordan beat these rookies who had only played professional games for half a year. It was a dimensionality reduction blow!

At this point, Lin Tian also believed why, more than 10 years later, the almost 50-year-old Jordan was still educating Jason Richardson, Gerald Wallace and others in the training camp.

He really has this ability!

That training session was definitely not the Bobcats’ ‘boss ball’ and worldly ball.

Richardson and Wallace should simply be unbeatable, it's that simple!

At this time, Lin Tian had caused two consecutive fouls on Finley, knocking the poor guy off the court. His opponent became Brent, who is known as "white people can fly" and will participate in the dunk contest tomorrow. ·Barry.

Facing this physically strong dunker, Lin Tian would not show any mercy. He hit after a continuous swing in the mid-range, then went into the paint with a post-up single and forced a layup against Smith!

After Sabonis grabbed the rebound, he suddenly took a shot and cut off the basketball from Sabonis' hand, and then hit him with a bloody dunk!

After the pick-and-roll, he directly faced off with Smith. After a continuous swing of his back, he suddenly turned around and hit a fadeaway jumper!

In these 3 minutes, Lin Tian played extremely comfortably and easily!

He almost never misses, he puts the basketball into the basket time and time again, and he completes amazing goals and defense time and time again!

In the last 10 seconds before the end of the first half, Lin Tian once again held the ball at the top of the arc. Facing Barry's defense, he pressed the time to the last 3 seconds, and then suddenly started laterally to the left, impacting Near the free throw line, he suddenly changed direction and pulled back, and then directly pulled up and took a cool shot from mid-range!



The moment the buzzer sounded, there was a crisp sound from the Nets!

Lin Tian completed his tribute to Jordan's last shot in 1998...

Well, it’s not a tribute, it’s a preview!

After this goal, the first half of the game was officially over!

At this time, the score between the two sides was already extremely exaggerated!

91: 65.

In 3 minutes, Lin Tian led his team to a wave of 25:6!

In other words, Lin Tian himself played a wave of 25:6!

After all, in this wave of offensive frenzy, Lin Tian got all the points! He made 12 of 10 shots, made all 5 free throws, and scored 25 points! At the same time, Lin Tian also recorded 4 steals and 3 rebounds!

And all this was done by Lin Tian within 3 minutes!

too crazy!

It’s really an exaggeration!

This was the only reaction of everyone at the scene and in front of the TV!

Even if Jordan came in person, he would still be like this, right?

Are today's Bulls teams as strong as this? Can a sixth man play such a crushing game?

During the halftime break, Lin Tian enjoyed the cheers and shouts that only David Robinson could enjoy at the ATT Center. All the fans gave Lin Tian their MVP shouts!

In this game, if Lin Tian doesn't win the MVP, it is simply unjust for him!

One person massacred a team!

Being able to see this in the rookie game, everyone felt that the trip was worthwhile!

And the name Lin Tian has once again resounded throughout the United States!

Throughout the United States, more people know the name Lin Tian!

In the VIP room on the second floor, Popovich suddenly stood up and said: "I think I have to meet with Lin. Even if it is still a year and a half away, and even if I still don't know what his future development will be, I have to let him." He made a good impression on me! It will definitely be easier to recruit him then!"

As Popovich said this, he quickly opened the door to the private room and walked downstairs.

What Lin Tian didn't know was that a huge change was taking place on the other side of the ocean because of his performance!

A few weeks ago, David Stern had just completed his trip to China. Once again, he waited at the door of China Sports Station for more than an hour before getting another chance to meet.

Although this time, Stern no longer needs to be very humble as he did five years ago to get the opportunity for the NBA to broadcast some highlights for free in China, but this time, China Sports Station still does not attach much importance to him.

After all, the person in charge of China Sports is now fully focused on the five major European leagues! They want to win the full broadcast rights of at least one company so that Chinese football fans can see the top football feast in Europe!

As for basketball?

Say it again, don’t be in a hurry!

People are like this sometimes, they don't appreciate what is given for free.

Of course, there is nothing we can do about it. Football is the number one sport in the world, but basketball? Regardless of whether it is a second sport or not, there is a huge and insurmountable gap between it and football in terms of commercial value, number of participants and global participation!

After Stern entered the office, he talked with the leaders of China Channel for more than two hours.

In the end, Stern finally convinced the person in charge of China Sports that they would broadcast the NBA All-Star Rookie Game!

However, he also refused the request to broadcast the All-Star individual events on the grounds that the sports station wanted to broadcast table tennis and marathon.

But no matter what, this is the first time in the history of Chinese sports!

And one thing that the person in charge could not imagine at this moment is that his choice will directly make him become a god!

The reason why he agreed to Stern's broadcast of the All-Star Rookie Game this year was because Stern said: "There is a very good young man from China in the Rookie Game! I think your fans will want to see him Performance."

In addition, there were no table tennis, dragon boat or marathon competitions on Friday morning, so the person in charge agreed to Stern’s request!

This is a huge step for Stern!

In fact, the NBA has a long history of broadcasting in China. As early as 1982, China Sports Station would broadcast NBA highlights in "Sports Window", a program that allows people across the country to understand world sports.

However, there is only one segment a week, and each session about the NBA will last no more than 2 minutes.

Then in 1986, China Sports broadcast a 50-minute Lakers playoff highlight for the first time on the "Around the Game" program! It was this 50-minute game that won the first wave of fans for the Lakers and the NBA!

Then in 1988, China Sports broadcast the NBA Finals that year for the first time in a recorded format! This is the first time that China Sports will broadcast and commentate on a complete NBA game on television.

Then, Stern visited China. After waiting hard for several hours in the China TV building, he finally negotiated a cooperation. The NBA would choose a wonderful game every week to make a video tape of about an hour and send it to China. , broadcast by China Channel once a week!

This is also the first time that China Sports has started broadcasting NBA games on time and on-site every week.

Then, in 1994, 2 years ago, China Sports chose live broadcast for the first time!

They broadcast the NBA All-Star Game and Finals that year live on TV!

Later in 1995, China Sports also broadcast these two games.

Then, this year, China Sports finally agreed to increase the stakes again and broadcast one more All-Star Rookie Challenge!

It can be said that the cooperation between China and the NBA is progressing and deepening step by step, bit by bit, and bit by bit! Only he himself knows how much effort and manpower and material resources Stern spent on this!

But no matter what, on this day, I finally took another extremely solid step!

Next, we can only rely on Lin Tian!

Stern sighed as he walked out of the China TV building. Next, he really can only hope that Lin Tian can perform outstandingly and wonderfully to retain the fans of China!

Therefore, in the past few weeks, Stern can be said to have been living like a year. He really hopes that Lin Tian can play well and play well, but he is also worried that if Lin Tian does not play well or performs poorly, he will lose the first place. This gimmick of a Chinese player was wasted.

Worried about gains and losses, Stern often suffered from insomnia in the weeks before the All-Star Game!

As time passed quickly, on the day of the rookie game, Stern sat alone in the highest VIP room, watching the rookie game.

No one would have thought that the most nervous, worried and excited person in the entire ATT Center at this time would be David Stern!

His phone was always open and the overseas calls were always open. His people in China had to report to Stern in real time the situation of the game broadcast!

"China Sports Channel, China Sports Channel! Hello viewers, welcome to the NBA All-Star Rookie Challenge."

The moment Song Shixiong's signature voice sounded on the TV, although Stern had no idea what he was saying, the excitement of finally taking another step forward after years of hard work almost made this veteran who had been NBA president for 10 years leave. shed tears.

Finally one step closer!

As long as Lin Tian performs well this time, then maybe China Sports will be willing to broadcast some NBA games every week. Everything depends on Lin Tian!

In fact, Lin Tian doesn't know anything about the above.

Stern was afraid that he would be nervous, so he didn't tell him about it at all.

But that's why, when Lin Tian was about to return to the locker room after halftime, what he saw was Stern who almost shed tears and hugged him excitedly!

"Lin! Lin! You did it! You really did it! You are great! You are really great!" Stern hugged the confused Lin Tian and kept saying some incoherent words. I really don't know what this old man is excited about.

After Stern hugged Lin Tian and muttered for more than a minute, Lin Tiancai finally understood what Stern was talking about.

The All-Star Rookie Game was actually broadcast live on China Sports Channel!

In other words, Lin Tian's violent performance in the first half was seen by fans across China. This also means that the NBA has taken the first and most important step in converting Lin Tian's exports to domestic sales. step!

Both Lin Tian and Stern believe that as long as Chinese fans watch this game, they will definitely become Lin Tian's fans! They will definitely be impressed by Lin Tian's performance!

After all, as long as you understand basketball, have a love for basketball, and like basketball, you can't refuse Lin Tian's almost crazy performance in the last few minutes of the first half!

It will definitely attract countless fans!

Not to mention, Lin Tian has the additional bonus of being a compatriot in China!

The 90s were a time when China was developing rapidly and people's self-confidence and self-esteem were growing rapidly! During this period, Chinese people are eager to go out of the world and go to the world!

This is why joining the WTO and successfully bidding for the Olympic Games can make the whole country rejoice, and why countless people are so excited that they shed tears!

And in this special period, Lin Tian, ​​a player who seems to have fallen from the sky and has already made a name for himself in the NBA, is actually a Chinese player!

The excitement and excitement this incident brings to Chinese fans is even more extraordinary!

You know, whether Yao or Yao, these two people have received overwhelming praise and admiration after entering the NBA! Compared with them, Lin Tian is more handsome, his playing style is more gorgeous, and his figure is relatively closer to ordinary people.

Compared with China's Mobile Great Wall, Lin Tian resonates more with fans.

It can be said that this game is enough to help Lin Tian and the NBA create a gap in China!

Stern suddenly took out a piece of paper in his hand: "Let's take a look! The first-hand information from my people in China."

Lin Tian took the piece of paper and glanced at it. The ratings of this game in China were clearly written on it!

It was only about 1.3% at the beginning, and 3 minutes after the game started, the ratings reached 2%! I think Lin Tian staggered down and dunked at the beginning, which made fans all over China rush to tell each other, and the ratings doubled!

In the last few minutes of the first half, this number exploded again, climbing to a terrifying 5%!

In this day and age, it is absolutely exaggerated for a basketball game to reach this rating!

Not to mention, this is just a rookie challenge! Of the 16 players on the court, at least 9% of the Chinese audience definitely didn’t know any of them!

If China Sports hadn’t promoted the game as ‘the All-Star debut of Chinese players’ before the game, it would probably not even have an initial ratings of 1.3%.

Of course, the most noteworthy thing is that the peak ratings of the entire first half of the game came from the first half player highlights played during the intermission.

There is a high probability that the fans rushed to tell their friends and relatives to come out to watch the game, but everyone did not make it in time and could only see the highlights in the middle.

But even if it’s just a collection, it’s absolutely shocking!

"Lin, play well in the second half! Let your compatriots see what you are capable of! Whether you can become a new generation of sports idol in China depends entirely on you!"

"Although... I understand what you mean." Lin Tian scratched the back of his head and said helplessly: "The point difference is already 30 points, how can I fight well! Beating up a drowned dog and abusing a weakling is not my style."

" try your best, at least play a few exciting rounds." Stern also knew that Lin Tian was right, brushing up data during garbage time is not something worthy of praise.

Of course, what Lin Tian and Stern didn't know was that in the private room on the second floor of the ATT Center, Popovich closed the door of the private room in displeasure.

Seeing his unhappy look, Buford asked curiously: "What's wrong? That kid didn't say anything to you about loyalty being priceless and vowing to never leave the Bulls."

"No, I didn't talk to that kid at all." Popovich sat on the bench depressed and said: "Stern is also there for some reason. If I go to talk to him at this time, it will not be for him. Opportunity fines, do you think I violated recruitment regulations? I won’t do such stupid things!”

"I just don't know, why is Stern looking for him?"

At this time in China, the telecommunications bureau and major paging stations are facing extremely rare challenges and huge tests since their establishment!

All the lines are crowded!

There are not many mobile phones or mobile phones and landline phones in China today, but there are not many corresponding lines. At this time, there are some strange scenes all over the country!

People with mobile phones are calling one after another, and people with landline phones are also calling one after another. In some family homes, where there are only one or two phones in one building, those families There was a long queue at the door of anyone who had a phone!

Neighbors all want to borrow a phone to promote the project to their relatives and friends.

Then at those public phone booths, there were long lines one after another, with countless people waiting to make calls and send pagers.

The major paging stations are about to collapse. One message after another is sent, and they need to forward one by one. The major paging stations are all very busy!

And everyone, everyone who calls to notify their relatives and friends, actually what they want to do is very similar!

In other words, they are doing the same thing!

"Hurry up and turn on the TV! China Sports Channel! There is a young man of our own in the NBA who plays like Jordan!"

<divclass="contentadv">"What? Who is Jordan? You know Hu Weidong and Liu Yudong, right? Ten times better than them!"

"You don't even know them? You know Ronaldo, Baggio, and Van Basten, right? You're better than them!"

"You don't know me yet? Why don't you die? You know Iron Hammer, right? The one who won five consecutive championships in the women's volleyball team! He's as good as her! Stop nagging and turn on the TV!"

Similar conversations, rumors, and paging messages swept the entire China within a few dozen minutes. Countless people received notifications from relatives and friends, and either changed the channel, found a TV, or simply turned on the TV in a group of people in the office. It’s opened!

The direct consequence was that when Stern returned to his private room after chatting with Lin Tian, ​​he was almost given a heart attack by the new ratings reported by his assistant!


In China, Xinwen Lianbo has this ratings, right?

Also frightened to the point of almost squatting on the ground was the director of China Sports.

It's not that he has never seen this 35% ratings, he has even seen ratings that are twice as high as this!

From 1981 to 1986, when the women's volleyball girls took the world by storm and won five consecutive World Series championships, as long as the women's volleyball girls' games were broadcast, the ratings exceeded 70% or even 80% every minute!

Or in the 1994 World Cup final, China Sports also got more than 50% of the ratings!

But these competitions, whether they are world-class grand prix events or the World Cup held every four years, all have characteristics that cannot be copied or repeated! The women's volleyball girls carry the hope and love of the whole country!

But what is this game?

It's just an NBA Rookie Challenge, but it can be so exaggerated?

You know, the ratings of the NBA games previously broadcast by China Sports, whether they were highlights or live broadcasts of the Finals and All-Star Game, were only about 1-2%.

I can't say it's bad, but it's just that.

This is also the biggest reason why China Sports has never discussed cooperation with the NBA!

From the perspective of China Sports Station, the NBA is a dispensable league. If it is broadcast, it will be broadcast. If it is not broadcast, it will be like that.

Not worth the effort they expend.

Now they are willing to broadcast it, and the main reason is actually one.


But if Stern reveals that he wants to charge a fee, China Sports Station will cut off its connection with the NBA in a few minutes. You can stay cool no matter how far away you are!

But now, everything might be different!

People who can be the director of a station are of course very sensitive to such information and figures. The director of the sports station immediately sorted out the relevant information, quickly went to his office, and found the information that Stern left for him. He wants to report this situation to the superiors!

Such high ratings, such explosive viewership and nationwide effect must be seen by leaders!

Thinking of this, Stern's bespectacled look suddenly appeared in front of the director's eyes.

He also had to sigh with emotion: He actually let this little old man do it!

As soon as the ratings are released, the cooperation between China Sports and the NBA will most likely continue to deepen...

Back in San Antonio, the second half of the rookie game has begun.

Because the score difference between the two sides has reached 30 points, the players on both sides no longer defended at this time, but showed off their unique skills crazily!

Flying dunks, one-armed basket attacks, alley-oops, behind-the-back passes, one-handed passes, 3-point pull-ups, and gorgeous dribblings appeared one after another on the court.

Lin Tian even played two ultra-long midfield 2-pointers!

He was very lucky. Among the two, he hit one!

However, although this wave of non-defensive performances caused the scores of both sides to rise very quickly, and the fans also enjoyed watching it, it was still more than one and a half points behind compared to the three minutes of Lin Tian's possession in the first half.

However, although the enthusiasm of the fans at the scene gradually decreased and they soon became slack, the Chinese fans in front of the TV did not think so!

Today's Chinese fans don't have many opportunities to come into contact with high-level basketball. This kind of show-like playing style is unheard of and unseen by them!

Therefore, even though Lin Tian didn't have any too eye-catching and gorgeous performance in the second half except for a midfield 3-pointer, the fans still quickly remembered this handsome "one of their own"!

handsome! He's also cool when playing ball! He can also shoot three-pointers from midfield!

What Lin Tian never expected was that from this day on, one more folk legend would emerge that swept the Chinese basketball world!

Lin Tian's midfielder's 3-point shooting percentage reaches 50% and he will become Chinese folk basketball together with Jordan who stayed in the air for 3 seconds, Chamberlain is Chinese, Magic's pass can kill a rhinoceros, Garnett can touch the top of the backboard 50 times in a row, etc. Part of the legend collection!

In the end, the Eastern team easily won the Western Conference with a 133-point advantage of 100:33 and became the winner tonight!


When receiving the award, Lin Tian, ​​who knew that countless Chinese fans were still watching the live broadcast of the game, said specifically in Chinese: "I know that my compatriots are with me! It is they who give me strength, and I will always I am proud to be Chinese!"

This sentence made countless Chinese fans burst into tears!

have a look! This is what we Chinese men are like! Wherever you go, never forget your hometown people! No matter where you go, you will never forget where you came from! Don’t forget your roots!

This young man is so good!

No matter how many serious NBA fans there are in China today, or how many of these people can memorize the names of 29 NBA teams, from today on, all Chinese people will remember one name——

Lin Tian!

MVP of the Rookie Challenge!

The strongest rookie this year!

Also a superstar!

Lin Tian this night not only gained himself countless fans, but also allowed the NBA to truly open the door to the Chinese market several years in advance!

And the highlights of Lin Tian's last three minutes of the first half were replayed and replayed again and again on the sports channel that day!

On this day alone, the sports station played Lin Tian's 9-minute highlights 3 times!

There were even many fans standing in front of the TV, waiting to watch Lin Tian's performance!

No matter how you look at it, how wonderful it is!

This unprecedented success was beyond Stern's imagination.

He thought that Lin Tian could make Chinese fans watch the NBA, and thought that Lin Tian could make Chinese fans fall in love with the NBA, but he never thought that it would be in such a crazy way!

After all, this year is the NBA’s 50th anniversary celebration!

But this is the year when the NBA will select the top 50 NBA superstars!

This year, the official focus of the NBA is not to mention the rookie game. Even the All-Star Game is not considered the main game!

The real dinner is this year’s 50th anniversary celebration!

The alliance has made countless preparations for this, studied countless plans, configured various emergency plans and matching solutions, as well as various programs, speeches, and speeches by retired celebrities...

Those are the real focus of this All-Star Game!

Stern never imagined that the rookie game could bring him such a huge and crazy surprise!

Lin Tian, ​​this young man, good! very good!

In the future, how about really giving him some extra whistle and care? Let him quickly grow into a star who can play his own role?

After the All-Star Rookie Game, Lin Tian's life actually didn't change much. He was still excluded from the gambling table by the stars that night, and was even banned from entering the room.

Lin Tian could only settle for the next best thing and continue to experience the customs and customs of San Antonio with Rodman.

The next day is the second game day of the NBA All-Star Game, which is also the venue for individual competitions.

Lin Tian carefully recalled this year.

Well, except that Barry, a white man, can fly, there are no highlights. This guy just dunked a mediocre take-off from the free throw line, and then relied on the zzzq of the NBA in the 90s to win this slam dunk contest.

Other than that, there is really no memory point from this year.

Don't go, it's a waste of time.

Lin Tian did not go to the ATT Center that day. When he had time to watch people shoot three-point dunks, he would rather experience the customs and customs of San Antonio.

Lin Tianke still remembers that 7-meter-tall Lamborghini super tractor!

Can't forget! Will never forget it!

However, just when Lin Tian walked out of the hotel door, a voice that surprised him came over.

It's not that this voice is familiar, but it's that the voice speaks Chinese.

"Lin Tian! Teacher Lin! Comrade Lin! Brother Lin! Xiao Lin! Brother Lin! Brother Lin! Uncle Lin..."

Lin Tian followed this series of titles and turned his head to look over.

Hey! What an acquaintance!

Su Qun!

The eldest brother in the Chinese basketball circle, a famous commentator, and the founder of "Basketball Pioneer News", but now he should still work for "China Sports News".

This guy is also the first reporter from China to come to the United States and interview the NBA on the spot!

This year's 50th celebration and All-Star Game, and later the NBA Finals, were all live interviews conducted by him!

The absolute first person!

Therefore, Su Qun should be here to cover the All-Star Game this time!

Seeing Lin Tian looking at him, he quickly continued to wave his press card and shouted: "One of my own! One of my own! I really know him! We are friends! Don't call the police! Don't touch me! I am really a reporter!" Once, Su Qun shouted in English.

It seems that the security guard at the hotel entrance saw this guy squatting and thought he was some kind of paparazzi or criminal, so he wanted to call the police and arrest him.

"Okay, I know him. We are indeed friends. Please let him in." Lin Tian waved to Su Qun and the security guard, turned around, and walked to the hotel lobby with Su Qun, finding a place to sit down.

Su Qun, who is not yet 30 years old, still has a very scholarly temperament. His eyes behind his glasses are very clear, and he still has great enthusiasm for basketball and interviews!

"Thank you, Comrade Lin...?" Su Qun tentatively found a title.

"..." Lin Tian thought for a while: "Call me Xiao Lin, it sounds quite comfortable."

"Xiao Lin, thank you. Let me introduce myself. My name is Su Qun. I am a reporter from China Sports News. I am here to cover the All-Star Game!"

"Then why are you going to the ATT Center? Why are you squatting in front of the hotel? No wonder you are being chased away as a paparazzi." Of course Lin Tian knew what Su Qun was here for, but now the bad taste came, and he just didn't want to say it himself.

"I just arrived in San Antonio this morning. I have no choice. Time is tight and the tasks are heavy. The leaders didn't give me that much funding. I can only stay here for one night, so I can only give up the rookie game and only cover individual games. And the main race.”

"I just have a question." Lin Tian looked at Su Qun who was looking at him cautiously, tilted his head and said: "You don't know that there is a person like me in the NBA."

"This..." Su Qun was obviously embarrassed.

After all, his current main business is really not to cover the NBA. The domestic NBA business is now focused on crossing the river by feeling the stones and watching one step at a time.

"Just tell me if you have any questions. I'm easy to get along with." Lin Tian looked at Su Qun and once again showed his innocent smile.

"Well... we do know that the Bulls have a rookie named LIN, but because there is no further information, we only know that you are from the University of Pennsylvania and are a top student, but we really don't know whether you are Chinese or Chinese. Still Japanese or Korean.”

"Many of us are not even sure whether you are of the yellow race. After all, there are too few domestic game broadcasts, and we have never watched your game." Su Qun became more and more embarrassed as he spoke: "Otherwise, There is no way I can spare one more day!”

"Okay, don't talk about it. What's going on with you here now? Are you going to give me an exclusive interview?" Lin Tian looked at Su Qun, already knowing his purpose.

If you don't go to the ATT Center to cover individual events, but you squat in front of the hotel, what else can you do? Taking photos of Lin Tian's trysts with different girls for blackmail?

"Is that okay?" Su Qun's eyes lit up immediately!

Although he just got off the plane today, he had already heard about the sudden whirlwind in the country. Although the leaders did not give him any tasks, he still decided not to interview individual events and just stay in the hotel. Squatting at the door waiting for Lin Tian!

This wait lasts for several hours! With great difficulty, he finally waited until Lin Tian came out.

This time, Su Qun is making a desperate move. If Lin Tian is not easy to get along with and refuses to agree to the interview, then Su Qun will definitely not have time to go to the ATT Center to interview individual events. Then he will not be able to complete half of the tasks of this business trip. .

Then, he will most likely be criticized!

Therefore, Su Qun looked at Lin Tian with eyes full of expectation. At the same time, he was also thinking in his mind about how to convince Lin Tian, ​​what benefits he could provide him, and how he could help Lin Tian, ​​so that Lin Tian could agree to him. request.

"Okay, this is my first exclusive interview in China, so I'll leave it to you! But you have to do it for me." Lin Tian smiled and agreed directly!

"Don't worry! My writing is very good! I have won many composition competition championships! I am the best writer in our newspaper! I will make your story spread throughout China! Let everyone know you!" Su Qun Eyes shining with excitement!

Lin Tian’s first domestic interview!

Just this one report can make him jump from an ordinary reporter who is not taken seriously in newspapers today to a famous sports reporter in the country!

Famous note!

Tsk tsk tsk!

This name makes me excited just thinking about it!

As for Lin Tian, ​​the way he looked at Su Qun was full of interest.

This guy founded the "Basketball Pioneer Newspaper". At the same time, the sales volume of this newspaper was the highest in the entire sports world!

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a figure who has dominated an entire era!

Since he is going to start the "Basketball Pioneer Newspaper", it wouldn't be a bad idea to turn this newspaper into the "Lin Basketball Pioneer Newspaper"!

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