NBA: Start by torturing Jordan and add points to upgrade

Chapter 9 The team’s status remains unchanged!

Chapter 9 The team’s status remains unchanged!

What Lin Tian didn't expect was that on the first day of the training camp, he had a back-and-forth with Jordan, which did nothing to help him improve his status and situation on the team.

Because Jordan's targeting of him has just begun from this day!

In almost every training match after that, Jordan would find a way to confront Lin Tian, ​​and then ravage Lin Tian again and again, beating him up again and again!

Although Lin Tian can use his speed and passing ability to find some space every time, in comparison, he is still beaten very miserably, and the two of them can barely be regarded as 82 points apart.

Jordan's repeated targeting and provocations also made almost everyone in the team think that Lin Tian was not far away from leaving the team. It just depends on when Jordan gets tired of playing and playing enough, that is when Lin Tian leaves the Bulls. When team.

Which guy who is madly targeted by the team boss can stay in the team for a long time?

Therefore, Lin Tian was basically isolated in the team. Not only did the Brown trio sarcastically mock him from time to time, but the rest of the team almost did not talk to Lin Tian at all. They did not want to be regarded as Lin Tian's by Jordan. Partner, I don’t want to be liquidated by Jordan just because I said a few words to Lin Tian.

The only exceptions are Kukoc and Bill Wennington.

In the 1992 Olympic Games against the Dream Team, Kukoc was jointly targeted by Jordan and Pippen and doubted his life. After he came to the Bulls, he was often bullied by these two villains.

He understands Lin Tian's situation very well and sympathizes with him, so in training games, he is the one who passes the most passes to Lin Tian!

Although Wennington looks fierce and has more hair on his chest than his hair, he has a very good heart. He often tells Lin Tian to just give in and talk to Jordan, so that Jordan might not target him again in the future.

But Lin Tian directly rejected Wennington's kindness without thinking.

As for the reason?

The '92-93 Season Jordan Experience Card (3 minutes)' lying in Lin Tian's system inventory now is enough to explain everything!

That was Lin Tian who was in excellent condition during training one day. He hit 4 mid-range shots against Jordan, blocked several jump shots from Jordan, and spat trash talk at Jordan. Jordan then revealed something good!

Although that day ended with Lin Tian being elbowed by Jordan and almost breaking his ribs, Lin Tian still felt bursts of happiness!

This time it’s an experience card, what about next time? Permanent skills?

Even just for this, he must continue to provoke!

In addition to hoping to continue to get some good things from Jordan, in the more than half a month of playing against Jordan, Lin Tian can clearly feel that... his confrontation, defense and experience are all growing rapidly!

Besides him, who else in this league can make Jordan in a state of rage every day and face off every day?

The infinite one-on-one with Jordan is Lin Tian's best experience!

Although Lin Tian's various skills and attributes have not increased much, Lin Tian can feel that... by the end of the training camp, his strength will definitely be greatly improved!

In addition to Lin Tian himself who felt that he had benefited a lot, Phil Jackson was even more impressed by Lin Tian, ​​a rookie!

Lin Tian has shown resilience and perseverance in these days, as well as the spirit of never giving up and having no fear!

Of course, the most important thing is Lin Tian's talent in fast breaks!

Not only is Lin Tian's awareness and speed of fast breaks the best in the league, but his overall view and ability to distribute the ball during fast breaks and transitions between offense and defense have amazed Jackson time and time again!

<divclass="contentadv">It can be said that as long as the team runs and does not fall into position, Lin Tian can always show his talented side!

Although in positional battles, due to too little experience, lack of physical confrontation and raw dribbling ability, Lin Tian could not show any good organizational skills, but as long as he ran, Lin Tian could always remind Jackson of the passer He's so good that people even forget his name.

‘Magic’ Johnson!

Jackson had even prepared a lot of tactics and methods for Lin Tian in his mind, just waiting for an opportunity for actual combat!

However, even if he was optimistic about Lin Tian, ​​Jackson did not show it.

Even with regard to Jordan's targeting and teammates' isolation, Jackson had no intention of intervening.

This is his style, let nature take its course and let it develop.

Jackson believes that Lin Tian can handle this well!

After all, he has known Jordan for so many years, and he has never seen anyone dare to be so arrogant and confident in front of Jordan!

On this day, Lin Tian drove the car that his parents gave him as a gift after he entered the NBA, a 1954 Corvette classic sports car, and parked in the parking lot with a rumble.

As soon as he got out of the car, he heard Brown's strange voice:

"Some people don't know how much money they have or how much money they can make, and they directly choose to buy luxury goods to satisfy their unrealistic vanity. Such people will most likely end up in the NBA in less than two years. To be eliminated.”

"Then he would be bankrupt within two years, lose everything, and go back to the streets."

"Randy, if you are talking about me." Lin Tian would never get used to this guy who didn't deal with him. He didn't look at him seriously, but said as he walked: "Then you are wrong, I My family’s money is more than the hair on your head, and I’m bankrupt? Do you want to check the Forbes rich list, and then you’ll know how stupid you are!”

"Lin." Wennington also came to the arena at this time. After saying hello to Lin Tian, ​​he said: "Can your family really be found on Forbes? Where do you rank? What business do you do?"

"How is it possible to find out? If I am so rich, I will come to play basketball when I am sick." Lin Tian shrugged: "But that idiot probably can't read at all. I guess he doesn't even know where to buy Forbes magazine." Know."

"They are really asking for trouble when they offend you." Wennington shook his head and said no more.

What neither Lin Tian nor Wennington noticed was that Brown behind them had deep resentment and viciousness on his face!

Not only because Lin Tian is humiliating him today, or every day, but also because Brown clearly feels that Lin Tian is getting better and better recently!

His uneasiness grew stronger and stronger, and he had a very clear and accurate premonition: If this continues, when the season starts, he will be the one who loses his job! It is simply impossible for him to compete with Lin Tian, ​​and he will definitely lose all his playing time and team status.

We must take action!

Even if you can't get rid of this bastard, you still have to let him know who is the big brother!

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