NBA: Start by torturing Jordan and add points to upgrade

Chapter 79 The magician cooks wine and discusses heroes

Chapter 79 The magician cooks wine and discusses heroes

So at this moment, Lin Tian was actually somewhat restless.

First of all, of course, it was because the magician suddenly praised him to the sky after the game, which made Lin Tian somewhat deserved!

He knows his own situation best. Although he is playing well now, in terms of absolute strength, he may not even be ranked among the top ten point guards in the league, let alone the number one point guard in the league. name!

Of course, Lin Tian is full of confidence that he can become the number one point guard in the future, and he will not have any doubts or questions!

However, this deservedness is not the main reason why Lin Tian is restless.

The most important reason is that Lin Tian's look in the magician's game is really fake.

It was really full of eroticism, overflowing with eroticism, and it made Lin Tian look like a big man!

If it weren't for the 200 experience points gained before the end of the game, Lin Tian really wouldn't want to come!

At the very least, you can’t meet a magician in a place with dim lighting and an ambiguous atmosphere, where couples are talking private words!

Lin Tian didn't wait too long. In less than 5 minutes, the magician walked into the box with his usual smile and sat opposite Lin Tian: "Have you been waiting for a long time? I just wasted some time in the interview. I think you heard what I said after the game."

"I heard it." Lin Tian nodded with the idea that he would be content with what he had come, since the fat man couldn't beat him anyway: "But I feel somewhat deserved."

"Are you not confident? Do you think you can't do it?"

"No, I can definitely become the number one point guard in the league, I can definitely become the number one player in the league! That's my purpose in joining the league." Lin Tian said truthfully: "But I know, it's not now, I'm still far away. "

"It's good to be confident and self-aware! I think I saw you right!" Magic looked at Lin Tiandao: "Who do you think is the number one point guard in the league now?"

"Seattle Payton is good both offensively and defensively, is he number one?"

The magician said disdainfully: "There is no spirituality in playing, the style of play is ugly and awkward, and you rely on fierce defense to dominate. How can you claim to be number one? Ridiculous!"

"Dallas Kidd, who is new to the league, is full of spirituality and can be said to be number one?"

The magician continued: "He likes nightclubs more than playing basketball. His offense is so bad that he can't bear to look at him. He is a third-rate person!"

"Golden State Tim, he has excellent luck control and his extraordinary changes of direction are unparalleled in the world. He can be said to be the best?"

"You can attack but not defend, you can run but you can't stop, and you lead a lottery team. How can you be called number one?"

"Salt Lake City John, who is as strong as iron and has stable statistics, can be said to be number one?"

"He plays dirty, relies on small moves for defense, relies on open baskets for offense, and relies on strong teammates for passing. How can such a person be considered the number one?"

"Phoenix's Kevin Johnson has a superb leadership temperament, strong physical fitness, can pass, shoot, burst and dunk, can he be said to be number one?"

"I can't lead Barkley, I'm willing to settle for second place, but I'm already over 30 with a bad body, I'm past my peak, and I'm not good enough to dominate the league!"

"Orlando Penny, with his elegant playing style and handsome appearance, defeated Jordan in the playoffs. Can he be called the number one?"

"It's unethical to do point guarding in the name of a point guard!"

"Toronto Damon, Indiana Mark, Portland Strickland, etc., can they be called number one?"

<divclass="contentadv"> "Hahaha." After hearing this, the magician finally couldn't help it. He slapped the table and laughed and said: "These people are not worth mentioning! No one deserves to be called the number one. !”

"In this case, I really don't know." Lin Tian shook his head. In fact, he already knew what the magician was going to say, but by being a compliment to the senior and making him happy, there might be benefits to be gained. Lin Tian definitely enjoys doing this!

"Can be called the number one point guard in the league."

The magician pointed at himself, then at Lin Tiandao: "There are only two of you and me!"

After the magician said this, the door to the private room suddenly opened, and the waiter leaned in and said, "Can I order now?"

"Now." The magician turned around and saw that Lin Tian had actually dropped his chopsticks on the ground. He asked curiously: "Why did you drop your chopsticks? Could it be that you were frightened by the waiter's sound of opening the door?"

Lin Tian picked up the chopsticks from the ground and said, "No, no, I just suddenly felt that I should drop my chopsticks! Let's order, let me see what signature dishes are here!"

Lin Tian put the chopsticks back on the table, and then opened the menu handed to him by the waiter.

"Sir, our signature dish here is potato steamed cabbage, which is basically our must-order dish! And if you want to taste the most authentic taste of Chinese cuisine, I suggest you order dumplings stuffed with tomatoes and green vegetables. ! It’s also a dish that has a high order rate. Also, we recently launched a new fusion dish, pasta with fried leeks! It’s also very good.”

"Well..." Lin Tian looked at the gaudy, messy, incomprehensible dishes on the menu and had no idea what they were. He really wanted to stand up and leave, but the magician next to him had already ordered several dishes with great interest. When the dish was ready, he could only force himself to sit there and continue reading the recipe.

Lin Tian felt that... he was stuck in the most difficult multiple-choice question in his life!

It is also likely to be the multiple-choice question that has the greatest and most serious impact on his life!

If you choose poorly, you may die!

Finally, Lin Tian gritted his teeth and ordered a tomato tofu burger and a chili glutinous rice ball, and then quickly put down the menu.

It's so annoying! It's so annoying!

I will never eat American Chinese food again in my life!

Lin Tian didn't know what the magician's taste was, but looking at the pile in front of his table, which could be anything, but definitely not Chinese food, he ate it with gusto. Lin Tian also bit his back molar, Tried a bite of the tomato tofu burger.


not dead!

Very good!

Is this what it feels like to survive a disaster?

The magician suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Tian, ​​who was crying with joy because he survived, and said with a smile: "How about Lin Tian, ​​have you tasted the taste of your hometown? This store is also open in Los Angeles. I think it is the best and most popular one." Authentic Chinese cuisine! If you like it, I can give you my membership card so you can come often in the future!"

"No, no, no, no, no!" Lin Tian quickly waved his hand and refused: "No, let's talk about what you came to me for this time."

"Didn't I say that I hope you can become the number one point guard! So I want to ask you what you mean." When the magician said this, he was actually a little embarrassed. He reached out and touched his bald head and said, "You You said before the game that you want to train with me after the season. Are you serious? It’s just the two of us now, so you don’t have to lie to me.”

"If you are afraid, if you are just talking about the scene, I don't mind! So even if you reject me, I am willing to help you find someone else to train with you, such as Isaiah Thomas? My relationship with him is also very nice."

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