NBA: Start by torturing Jordan and add points to upgrade

Chapter 14 If you make a mistake, you have to admit it. It is impossible to get beaten!

Chapter 14: If you make a mistake, you have to admit it. It’s impossible to get beaten!

Of course, if they knew that the fight lasted less than two minutes in total, that it was 1 vs. 3, and that all three people who were beaten were sent to the hospital, they would never feel this way.

But no matter what, the name Lin Tian has left the first impression in the minds of many people in the league.

The next morning, Lin Tian seemed to have nothing happened. He still drove his noisy Corvette to the training hall to prepare for today's training.

However, this time, as soon as he got off the car, he met Phil Jackson, who happened to be passing by.

"Coach, good morning." Seeing the head coach, Lin Tian calmed down a little, which is called a well-behaved person.

"Just like them, just call me Phil." Jackson looked at Lin Tian with a smile, with such a bad fox expression that Lin Tian couldn't help but shudder.

This old man is really full of bad ideas at first sight!

"Lin, this seems to be our first face-to-face chat?" Jackson continued: "You made a big fuss yesterday."

"I hope it won't cause too much trouble to everyone. I will accept all punishments and will definitely not have any complaints." Lin Tian was serious about what he said. If you are out to fool around, you must admit your mistakes and accept any beatings. stand at attention

Forget it, unless Tyson comes, Lin Tian can't be beaten.

"Aren't you afraid that the team will trade a thorny and troublesome person like you?"

Looking at Lin Tian's attitude, Jackson suddenly felt curious.

This kid never thought that the team would trade him?

"If the team wants to trade me, I don't think it will be you who comes to talk to me in person, so I believe it must be the coach who said a lot of good things for me last night, which made me stay. I promise , I will definitely play well in the future!" Lin Tian looked at Jackson sincerely.

"You know it's good to work hard. In order to make you stay, we had a meeting until almost early in the morning last night!" Jackson narrowed his eyes and did not deny Lin Tian's part about saying good things for him, but used an ambiguous word. description.

Jackson, I still hope that Lin Tian can be a little grateful to him, so that the team will be easier to lead!

But looking at Lin Tian's eyes, he felt a little guilty inexplicably, shook his head and said: "It's boring to talk to you psychology guys, there is no secret at all, but I said it before, stay here, stay here, You will not be able to escape the punishment you deserve."

"I promise to do it."

"The first thing is that you have to apologize." Jackson looked at Lin Tian. Regarding Lin Tian's evasive way of answering, he once again had an inexplicable feeling of being seen through. He quickly continued: "Don't worry, Instead of asking you and the three guys who got beaten up to apologize, if everything goes well, you won’t see them in Chicago again.”

"Klaus will trade them away before the start of the season. You want to apologize to Steve. Why did you wear his clothes? You know he was waiting on the court last night in soaked training clothes. Did he wait for a full 40 minutes before his family finally came to give him clothes?"

"I will apologize to Steve." Lin Tian was really a little embarrassed this time:

"I remember that was Harry's locker. I didn't mean to embarrass Steve at all."

<divclass="contentadv"> "Harry's locker is on Steve's right, but that doesn't matter anymore, that locker is empty now." Jackson shrugged, and continued: "Team fines 1 and a three-game ban, is that okay?”

"No problem, I accept it." This punishment was much smaller than Lin Tian imagined. Originally, he really thought that he would be suspended for at least ten games!

After all, he didn't show any mercy yesterday.

In addition to deliberately avoiding key points such as the back of the head, chin, and throat, every punch was given with full force, and it was completely aimed at death!

Otherwise, if you don't take action, your opponent will be afraid for the rest of his life!

This is the basic principle of Lin Tian's fight!

After confirming that he would not be traded, Lin Tian's mentality when he walked into the locker room again was completely different.

In addition to his greater confidence, the way his teammates look at him is noticeably different.

In addition to Kukoc and Wennington, other players on the team also began to say hello to Lin Tian!

The teammates' attitude towards Lin Tian is much better than before!

In addition to the fact that Lin Tian can really play and no one dares to mess with him anymore, it is also because everyone has seen that Lin Tian will not leave the team because of this matter. Instead, the three people who were beaten have to go. Looking for a new home.

This means that Lin Tian's position in the team is very stable! And there is a high probability that he will get a lot of playing time in the future. Even if he doesn't get much playing time, he is guaranteed to be the top thug bodyguard of the big guys. This kind of play usually beats top-notch villain players, ranging from 8-90 In the NBA of the s, almost every team had a few.

And in places like New York and Detroit where gangsters gather, 80% of the team is this kind of guy!

And no matter where he is, players who will stand up for his teammates at any time and are always on the front line of all fights are highly respected!

Although no one said it clearly, everyone knew... Lin Tian's status suddenly jumped to below the Iron Triangle, and was at the same level as the main players of Langley, Hubble and others!

The future is limitless!

In the following days of the training camp, more and more people began to mix with Lin Tian and start playing together, and Lin Tian was very familiar with how to integrate into the group! Naturally, he became more and more popular with everyone.

As for the three unlucky guys who were beaten, they never appeared in the locker room again. Their lockers were cleaned and organized by the team's staff! In the entire Bulls team, it was as if those three people had never appeared before and were completely forgotten.

For Lin Tian, ​​everything is getting better and more comfortable, and he is enjoying it more and more!

The only thing that hasn't changed may be Jordan's attitude towards Lin Tian, ​​as if he wants to prove to Rodman that he is not afraid of Lin Tian. During training, Jordan still targets Lin Tian crazily, confronting him again and again, elbow after elbow. The elbow hit Lin Tian's body, still fierce and merciless!

In the blink of an eye, the one-month training camp has officially ended. Lin Tian has also made great improvements during this month. In addition to becoming more and more able to use his talents and characteristics to play, Lin Tian and his teammates Our tacit understanding is getting better and better, and our various abilities have made great progress during the training camp!

At the end of training camp and the night before the Bulls were about to start their preseason tour, Lin Tian lay alone in his room and turned on his system, wanting to take a look at his current attributes!

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