NBA: Start by torturing Jordan and add points to upgrade

Chapter 11 Why is he called Pretty Boy? Lossless 1 pick 3!

Chapter 11 Why is it called Pretty Boy? Lossless one versus three!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Three muffled sounds came out between Lin Tian and Harry!

Before Brown and Caffey next to them realized what happened, they saw Harry's face covered in blood and he staggered down!

Lin Tian punched Harry three times in a row!

No matter what curse words Harry wanted to say, he couldn't say them. These three punches broke at least 6 of his teeth! He also broke his nose bone by the way!

It wasn't until Harry fell to the ground and started screaming that Brown and Caffey finally understood that Lin Tian had actually made a move first!

"Boy, you are looking for death!" Kafei shouted and rushed towards Lin Tian.

At the same time, his upper body kept shaking. Judging from his posture, he was obviously an expert!

However, in front of Lin Tian, ​​all practitioners are wild!

Lin Tian saw Kafei's punch path and quickly lowered his upper body to avoid his two straight punches. Then he punched Kafei with his left and right hands continuously, hitting Kafei's stomach. The painful Kafei immediately bent over in pain. , the whole person looks like a cooked shrimp!

Then Lin Tian punched out two more punches, hitting Kafei's left and right cheeks!

Then, Lin Tian didn't even look at his results.

Instead, he bent down and stepped sideways, and was in front of Brown in an instant.

Brown instinctively wanted to attack with a punch, but his fist only hit halfway and could no longer be punched out, because Lin Tianxian hit his elbow with an elbow, causing half of his arm to become completely numb and unconscious. Then Lin Tian roared loudly and hit a set of combination punches without reservation!

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

In the lightning and flint, no one could count how many punches Brown received. Lin Tian exerted all his strength for more than ten consecutive seconds without any reservation. A pair of iron fists were like machine guns, smashing at Brown!

During this period, Lin Tian did not forget to give Harry a kick on the ground!

In less than 20 seconds, Brown was beaten into a pig's head and completely lost the ability to resist. He could not even perform the most basic defensive action of protecting his head with both hands!

After a burst of explosive output knocked Brown out of action, Lin Tian immediately retreated, turned around and hit Kafei directly in the stomach with his elbow, who wanted to come up to help! The impact of this elbow was so heavy that poor Kafei even lifted off the ground!

Then there was a burst of vomiting, and a lot of filthy stuff spurted out of his mouth!

Fortunately, Lin Tian's reaction was extremely fast. He turned around and dodged Kafei's side, cleverly avoiding all the vomit!

However, Harry lying on the ground did not have such good luck.

Lin Tian really couldn't look at the disgusting scene behind him, and didn't dare to turn his head. He walked quickly to the door. Hearing the sound of banging on the door, Lin Tian shouted: "Quiet! Everyone be quiet. !I’ll open the door right away!”

After a commotion at the door, Lin Tian was sure that everyone had moved away, and he took away the mop blocking the door.

He opened the door gracefully and walked out of the shower room.


2 minutes!

In addition, the door was blocked and many people blocked the door, making it impossible for Lin Tian to open the door for more than 1 minute.

Lin Tian didn't even use 3 seconds to kill these three guys!

Shaking his painful fists, Lin Tian didn't talk to anyone. Instead, he found the locker of Kafei, who was about the same size as himself. He took out two pieces of clothes and changed them before leaving the locker room. .

The last sound he heard before leaving was Steve Kerr's exclamation.

<divclass="contentadv">"FUXX! Were the three of them charged by a rhinoceros? Damn it! Harry is eating the vomit of Caffey who stepped on the horse? FUXX! Why should I come in to see such a thing! "

When Lin Tian got into the car and walked away from the training hall, he finally understood why Mayweather's fighting technique was called "Pretty Boy".

It’s true that both dodge and attack are almost perfect! After the fight, let alone injuries, Lin Tian didn't even get a drop of blood! The whole person came out just as he went in, clean and tidy. It didn't look like he had just had a fight, but like he had taken a shower.

The reason why Lin Tian left the locker room directly was not only because he didn't want to listen to the endless questions and blame from Wennington and others, but he also didn't want to face Jackson and Klaus.

He didn't want to accept any criticism or criticism. Lin Tian didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did!

If they cross the bottom line, Lin Tian will use the same method of crossing the bottom line to deal with them!

I didn't take two objects from them as souvenirs today, even if Lin Tian showed mercy!

As for how the team handles itself

Whether it's a trade or layoff, it's absolutely impossible for Lin Tian to apologize!

As for how to go in the future, Lin Tian believes that even if the Bulls are not included, there are still 28 teams in this league, and some of them have their own place!

The only regret is that he can't squeeze more good things out of Jordan, let alone Rodman and Pippen. Lin Tian hasn't even had time to talk to them these days. In short, most of his energy was used to deal with Jordan!

Lin Tian walked away without knowing that after he left, Klaus, Jackson and the Iron Triangle who had just had a meeting with them all gathered in the locker room.

The team medical team came quickly, and after a simple inspection, they took the three people away.

At this time, the atmosphere in the locker room was even more depressing!

"Where's Lin? Who can tell me where Lin went?" Klaus frowned, touching his huge belly out of habit and said, "Or, who can tell me what happened?"

"No one knows what happened, sir." Hubble, who had the highest status in the locker room at the time, said: "What we saw was that Lin went in, locked the door, and then came out again. It was that simple."

"Is it that simple? Don't any of you want to open the door and go in to stop things from happening? You useless trash?" Klaus looked at everyone angrily and cursed when he opened his mouth.

"All this happened too much. It only took one minute, two minutes at most, and Lin came out. What did we have time to do?" Hubble curled his lips. Klaus's face disgusted him!

"What are you talking about Ron? Lin killed three people in less than 2 minutes? And beat them so badly? What are you talking about? Do you think he is Bruce Lee?" Rodman spread his hands, obviously Don't take Hubble's word for it.

"Everyone here is a witness, just ask Dennis." Hubble shrugged his shoulders, was too lazy to say anything more, turned around and sat back in his seat.

"Damn it, where are my clothes?" Steve Kerr suddenly faced his empty locker and wailed, "Why don't I have any of my clothes left?"

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