"Gaia, there's no need to hide it, it's gone!" Apollo's tone did not mean to blame Gaia at all, but Gaia felt that Apollo's eyes were going to see through him.

"Well, well...(;′⌒`)"

After finishing speaking, Gaia did not dare to look at Apollo with her eyes, and kept her head lowered.

Yes, after all, the Heart of the Galaxy is a treasure that the star gods are sworn to protect.

It is a treasure that the star gods of the universe would not hesitate to sacrifice their lives for.

Although Gaia and the Star Gods were indeed preparing to take back the Galaxy Star, it was obvious that the enemy who took Apollo's body was too powerful.

After the Saron incident, Gaia also understood Poseidon's previous approach. After all, if he left the green hills, he wouldn't be afraid of running out of firewood.

But there is no denying that Gaia had a large part to blame for the loss of the Milky Way Star.

According to the situation at that time, Gaia's first choice should be to launch a large-scale fire attack together with the star gods, but in fact, Gaia could not hold back and was escaped from the Milky Way Star.

At this moment, Gaia only felt that the situation had become more complicated...


What is Apollo doing?

Quiet, very quiet, this entire star field seems to have been in a state of silence.

No one knows what Apollo's next move will be, not even Bo Shi Zun.


Creeper's left hand holding the hammer trembled slightly. It was not that he was afraid of Apollo's sudden anger, but it was just that the three hundred light-year star wall that had been built since the beginning was really not that tiring.

If Apollo attacked, Cripper was at least confident that the wall could be built and transported away in an instant.

"Don't make trouble, Creeper!"

Bo Shizun's words came into Cripper's mind, and he tried his best to dissuade him, but whether Cripper would listen or not is another matter.

"Huh..." Apollo exhaled a long breath and stretched out his hand to Gaia.

What are you going to do? !

"Apollo, I know what losing the Galaxy Star means. If you want to punish me, then do it!" Gaia did not avoid it, but just followed Apollo's actions.


Gaia only felt two taps on her left shoulder and raised her head in confusion.

"As long as it's okay, it's okay..." Apollo comforted Gaia and said, "Gaia, it's the best news that you can survive."

Indeed, it is good news that Gaia can survive Ultan, very good news.

"Apollo..." Gaia stood blankly, then seemed to think of something and asked: "By the way, they said you were injured! Are you okay?"

Seeing Gaia's anxious look, Apollo glanced at the other two star gods, and finally admitted the fact that he was injured.

"Well, internal injuries..."

Apollo held his chest, and then an interstellar core filled with various galactic stars appeared in Apollo's hand.

Gaia frowned at the interstellar core that Apollo took out, why does it look so similar to that...

"Apollo, this..."

"This Milky Way star has merged with me. I can't bear that much energy. Now I can't even get one out of ten in strength."

"how so……"

Gaia looked worriedly at the interstellar core in Apollo's hand.

Could it be that Apollo cannot be rescued this time?

Thinking of this, Gaia's face was full of bitterness.

But compared to Gaia, the expressions of Creeper and Bo Shizun are more exciting.

"Oh, are you still fighting?" Cripper asked Bo Shizun with a joking shrug.

"What are you fighting for? I have always been close friends with Mr. Apollo in terms of intellectual exchanges." Bo Shizun explained calmly, and then asked: "What about you?"

"I have known him for tens of thousands of years, and we have always had feelings for each other. How could I destroy him?" Creeper curled his lips.

In fact, all the previous words are farts!

Because even though Creeper and Bo Shizun knew that the Destiny Star God who held the Star God Conference must be hiding something.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with what Destiny Star God said.

Apollo's power is nothing? Indeed, he is nothing out of ten.

But it’s not what they thought!

What the star gods were thinking: If there is no one out of ten, Apollo can no longer exert even 10% of his power.

In fact: if you don’t save one out of ten, you can use half of it at most, but it doesn’t mean that you will rush to use ten percent of your strength to die with you!

Now that this is the case, why are you still having fun? Let’s continue the relationship as before!

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