Nightmare Arcade: Start with Dinosaur Kombat

Chapter 62 Heading to Luoya Island


As soon as the man entered the door, he saw Su Luo sitting in front of the coffee table drinking tea. With her right hand extended, the woman behind her tacitly helped him take off his suit and hang it up.

He is Su Tai, now the executive chairman of Hanfeng Group. He is tall and comparable to Su Luo. His Chinese character face and that beard make him look very majestic.

In my memory, this father was always serious, no matter he was a child or an adult.

So I rarely take the initiative to come to him.

"Husband, what would you like to drink?" the woman asked.

"Have a glass of boiling water."

After saying that, he started to take off his tie, watch and put on his slippers.

"I heard that you dropped out of school?" A sudden sentence came out.

"I took a leave of absence and am currently doing an internship. It can be regarded as an early entry into society."

The man nodded, as if he already knew.

"Although he won five million in the lottery, young people still have to have some goals and pursuits."

Su Luo didn't speak, she was habitually silent.

In other words, this is the way he most often gets along with his father.

"Is your mother okay?"

The man was the first to break the silence.

"Fortunately, I'm traveling in Europe now, and I have Ah Hua taking care of me."

"I didn't mean how are you doing?"


Su was taciturn, holding a slightly small teacup in her hand.

"The company has been too busy recently, and I basically don't have time to go back."

Su Luo shook her head: "It doesn't matter, you are busy with your business, and you can't go there twice a year anyway."

The man frowned, making the atmosphere depressive.

The woman next to her saw that the situation was not good and quickly came out to smooth things over.

"By the way, Xiaoluo, what's the reason for you coming here this time?"

"It's true!" He looked at the man: "I want to go to Malaysia, and I need a visa tomorrow."

The man narrowed his eyes: "Why are you going to Malaysia?"

"What else can I do, of course, travel!"

The man took out a cigarette from the coffee table and lit it: "You have never been abroad a few times in your life. Did you encounter any trouble?"

"You don't know if I'm in trouble? After all, the city is so small, so you know every move I make."

Su Luo said calmly.

The man was speechless for a moment and didn't know how to answer.

"Can't I just go out and relax?"

The woman next to me quickly said: "Xiaoluo, don't be angry, your dad didn't mean this."

As she spoke, she pushed the man's broad shoulders.

"Okay, I understand. I'll say hello. Just go and apply for your visa tomorrow. I'll get it done for you as soon as possible."

When a man speaks, it is considered a promise to him.

"Thank you then."

With that said, Su Luo stood up and prepared to leave.

"Huh? Why are you leaving, Xiaoluo? Come and have a meal. Auntie has asked the nanny to prepare dinner."

"No, auntie, I have something else to do tonight, so I won't bother you."

As he spoke, he didn't forget to glance at the man smoking next to him.

"I go first."

The other party waved his hand without even raising his head.

It wasn't until Su Luo pushed the door open that he looked sideways at the door.

"You, you, Xiaoluo finally came here, can't you just swallow your bad face?" the woman said angrily.

The man smoked a cigarette without retorting.

"Look at how old you are, and you still plan to do this for the rest of your life? He will still be your son no matter what."

The man glanced at the woman next to him and finally sighed.

"Some things can't be solved by just thinking about it. Look at this kid, he didn't even say "Dad" when he walked in."

With that said, he turned around and walked towards the second floor.

"What are you going to do?"



When Su Luo came out of the cold villa, he really didn't want to go find that person unless necessary.

When passing by the gym, I glanced outside the door from a distance, but ultimately did not go in.

For some reason, after experiencing the plot world several times, my attitude towards the real world has changed dramatically.

He didn't know whether this change was good or bad, but at least his future was less uncertain than before.

Maybe compared to the real world, the nightmare space is more suitable for me.


I went home and fell asleep, sleeping until three o'clock in the morning the next day.

The tense mood in Nightmare Space completely relaxed, and then I took a taxi with my documents to apply for a visa.

It was good to have connections. Su Luo hardly had to wait. In just over an hour, the review was completed and the tourist visa to Malaysia was obtained.

Not to mention, although the old man has a stiff attitude, he is reliable in his work.

Then I rushed to the airport in a hurry to prepare for my direct flight to Malaysia.

This journey has been relatively smooth. Compared with the dangerous plot world, the real world is indeed much more stable.

Before the nightmare space came out, Su Luo specially changed the language between English and Malaysian.

Nightmare Space allows him to quickly master these two languages ​​without any communication barriers.

The first time I went to a foreign country alone, I felt more anxious than fresh.

In the real world, team contracts have a short-distance communication function of about one hundred kilometers.

As long as they are close, both parties can communicate through the Dino Kombat Team Contract.

After leaving Malaysia International Airport, we started to rush to the destination port.

In order to go to Luoyao Island, Su Luo specially chartered a boat.

It was a medium-sized tourist boat. The boss and his sailors were generally very lean, with smooth muscles under their handsome black skin.

Year-round drifting at sea has exposed them to wind and rain, so they all look very tough.

"Boss, the boat is ready. Do you want to leave now?"

"Of course, the sooner the better!"

Su Luo spoke fluent Malaysian, which surprised the captain.

"Boss, fewer and fewer people have gone to Luoyao Island in recent years. Are you going alone? For tourism?"

The captain started the engine and made sidesteps.

"Don't ask, you won't be short of money!"

Su Luo closed his eyes to rest with an expressionless face, and he smelled a trace of blood.

The smell of blood on the boat is actually normal. After all, who wouldn’t kill a fish or something at sea? But Su Luo immediately smelled it, and it was human blood.

He remained calm. Before he came, he had found out that there were only a few ships going to Luoya Island all year round.

In the past, they were busy traveling and they made a lot of money.

Now that the tourism industry is starting to slump, they are starting to make bad decisions.

Su Luo didn't care what they thought. She wasn't afraid that they had any ideas, but was afraid that they didn't have any.

After all, I went to Luo Ya Island this time in secret, so that as few people as possible knew where I went.

Before coming, he deliberately learned how to sail a boat and read charts in the nightmare space just to deal with these special situations.

The boat was calm, at least until sunset.

Until night began to fall, the surrounding sky suddenly became dark.

In the quiet cabin, Su Luo heard the sound of tiptoeing and a murderous intention that began to gather at the door of the cabin.

Su Luo opened the door fiercely.

Putting one hand on the confused sailor's forehead, applying gentle pressure, 60 points of strength directly crushed his skull, and pushed him forward.

The guy screamed and fell into the sea.

This scene directly frightened the sailors holding knives on both sides.

The captain shouted: "Kill him."

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