Su Hou took two steps back and kept a distance from the three people in front of him.

They were obviously in the same group, and they had pretended not to know each other before.

Three against one, if they intend to attack him, he is also ready to fight back.

"Brother Dashan, don't be nervous. We are all in the same camp anyway. Although I didn't expect that this mission would be led by two newcomers from Nightmare Space, but as long as we have no conflict of interest, there is no need for conflicts, right?"

The speaker was Feilei, who acted as peacemaker, smiled, and tried to get close to Su Luo.

They could see clearly from outside before that this big guy who looked innocent and silly was actually very careful and extremely strong.

Blocked two assassins' assassinations in a row.

Su Luo narrowed her eyes and put down the Teshun gun in her hand.

"Who were those two guys just now?"

"I'll explain later. Let's detoxify King Arthur first!" Hongyan walked directly past Su Luo and walked into the camp in two steps.

At this time, King Arthur in the camp was not in good condition. In just a few minutes, he fell into a coma and his face became increasingly pale.


Parcival stopped them with a heavy ax in his hand, his body trembling and panting like an ox.

"Percival, we are not enemies. King Arthur is deeply poisoned. If you stop us again, no one in this wilderness can save him."

Percival was unmoved, still holding the ax in front of King Arthur.

"Percival, let them save His Majesty."

Lancelot is still awake. He is very aware of King Arthur's current state. Without treatment, he may not survive for ten minutes.

Percival let out a low roar and rushed out of the camp, holding a heavy ax and charging into the serf soldiers.

I saw Hongyan pulling out the poisonous needle inserted into King Arthur's arm. The poisonous needle just passed through the gap in the armor and pierced King Arthur's arm.

Hongyan sniffed the black poisonous needle: "It's snake venom mixed with neurotoxin!"

"Can it be saved?" Fei Lei and Liu Shu both looked worried.

If King Arthur dies and the mission fails, even if he is not wiped out, he will pay a heavy price.

"You go and block those Roman soldiers outside, and I'll detoxify them."

In Su Luo's eyes, Hongyan swiftly removed King Arthur's armor, and then began to deal with the poison in a very professional manner.

It can be seen that in reality, she should be a doctor, nurse or related staff.

Su Luo didn't intend to stay here. The right way was to first deal with the Roman soldiers who took the opportunity to raid the camp.

"Bang bang bang..."

Su Luo held the gun in one hand and the saw-tooth tearing dagger in the other.

Kill three serf soldiers with three consecutive shots.

These serf soldiers are just ordinary people. If they hit the center of the eyebrow, they will get a headshot instantly.

The attack power of Teshun's gun plus physical strength damage compensation, if it hits a vital point, can kill a serf soldier instantly with one shot.

Even if he misses the vital point, he can still take it away by rushing over to make up for it with a dagger.

Su Luo quickly moved among these serf soldiers with ease.

Unknowingly, he had become so powerful that these ordinary serf soldiers could not get close to him.

Su Luo's killing skills obviously attracted the attention of Fei Lei and Liu Shu.

"Brother Dashan, is your revolver a silver plot weapon?"

Willow said with a greedy expression.

"That's right, a plot weapon from Dino Kombat."

Su Luo didn't bother to hide it, after all, many people should have seen this thing.

Silver plot weapons and equipment require soul binding. Even if you kill him, it is impossible to explode this weapon.

Besides, this time the plot is a peaceful scene.

Liu Shu had an AK47 in his hand, which had a fast attack speed but average power. It often took more than ten bullets to kill a serf soldier.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I've been through three or four plot worlds and I haven't gotten a single silver plot weapon. The explosion rate of this thing is too low. I'm so envious." Willow couldn't help but sigh.

Su Luo raised the revolver in his hand expressionlessly, and with a bang, a serf soldier's head exploded like a watermelon.

[You kill a serf soldier and get 50 points. 】

Feilei, who was next to him, also came closer. His weapon was a long spear, which gave him an inherent advantage when facing these serf soldiers.

"Brother Dashan, I think you are quite capable. Are you interested in joining our Falcon Team? We just lack a fierce man like you." Feilei said, killing a serf soldier with one shot.

"Falcon Squad?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that the three of us are indeed members of a small team and have signed a gray contract. It can be considered a good small group."

Su Luo knew about the gray contract, which was a temporary contract. A contract was signed to form a team, and members of the team were not allowed to attack each other.

Forced withdrawal from the contract will cost 10,000 points.

Before obtaining a formal team contract, temporary team contracts such as gray contracts are the choice of most nightmare space warriors.

It’s easy to join and easy to leave.

Su Luo neither agreed nor refused.

He muttered: "After this world mission is over, I will think about it."

Fei Lei's face lit up: "Then I look forward to Brother Dashan joining our Falcon Team. You are welcome at any time."

"By the way, what happened to those two guys just now? How come other nightmare warriors entered our plot world?" Su Luo asked tentatively.

Fei Lei looked serious: "Since this plot scene is not a confrontation scene or a killing scene, they must have entered this world through other ways."

"How to say?"

"It seems that Brother Dashan has not encountered anything similar. There is a prop called World Invasion that allows Nightmare Warriors to carry out specific world invasions."

"After the invasion, they have three days to move freely in the world. They usually choose high-value targets to assassinate in order to obtain special plot equipment."

"Is there still such an operation?"

Su Luo really didn't expect that there was such a special prop.

In other words, before they woke up, the boy and others had already entered the world in advance, taking advantage of their coma to kill one person and take his place.

The nightmare warrior killed by the boy was obviously a newcomer, and he died tragically on the spot without resisting.

Su Luo was very surprised. Wasn't there teleportation protection? Does the other party have any special means to destroy the teleportation protection?

"Then what is the purpose of these people? King Arthur?" Su Luo asked.

"Nine times out of ten, it is said that the Sword of the King in King Arthur's hand is a special plot prop that can unlock many hidden plot tasks. I think they should also be here for this Sword of the King."

Fei Lei calmly explained that he charged all the way with a spear, leaving five or six corpses on the road.

When the Roman soldiers on the outside saw something was wrong, they wanted to retreat.

In the distance, on the hillside, several people locked their eyes on a knight in full armor riding a tall horse.

The knight carried a long-handled giant ax in his hand, and had a pair of black pupils in his armor.

Seeing that the attack was not going well, he waved his hand and began to retreat.

Feilei was about to give chase when Hongyan's voice came from behind: "Stop chasing. It's important to protect the camp."

Hearing this, Feilei had no choice but to return angrily.

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