Under one person, do you call this a paper maker?

Chapter 98 Preparation 4: The aliens spread out and went to rescue everywhere.

Just when Lu Linglong received a message from her great-grandfather Lu Jin.

There was a sudden commotion among the strangers at the scene.

Hearing the noise, Lu Linglong and Zhang Lingyu immediately turned to look into the crowd.

When I looked at it, I immediately saw a lot of strangers discussing with each other with worried expressions on their faces:

"What should I do? My second aunt, the grandson of the third uncle's family, just sent me a message asking for help.

It is said that there are people in Quanxing who are hunting them down. "

"Me too. My sister just sent me a message saying that there are several wretched perverted men who have been following her..."

"Brothers, my situation is the same as yours. I have several good friends who are all sending me messages asking for help..."

"It's not good, my eldest brother was stabbed by Quanxing.

Fortunately, he had a companion by his side to protect him, so he didn't die directly..."

"Damn it! You are such a treacherous all-sex lover. You know Brother An Yi is here, so you don't dare to come over.

So they spread out to find other people to attack.

There's a chance they could come here to challenge Brother An Yi in a duel! "


After hearing this, Lu Linglong and Zhang Lingyu still didn't know why Quanxingzhongren was so late in coming.

He obviously knew An Yi was here, so he bypassed them and went to find the strangers who were not gathered here.

Lu Linglong and Zhang Lingyu also felt a little troubled by this.

Not all the younger generation of strangers come here to participate in the bonfire party.

Many strangers took advantage of the Luotian Festival held in Longhu Mountain to find the other half of their lives.

It is not easy to find a partner for a stranger. Couples who have nothing in common cannot live together.

Therefore, usually strangers find strangers as husband and wife.

It’s rare to choose an ordinary person to be the other half of your life.

This time, the Luotian Dajiao actually served as a blind date meeting.

In addition to these, there are strangers who did not come to the bonfire party, but to cultivate feelings.

During the period from the bonfire party to now.

There are also many strangers who choose to leave because of various things.

Now these people, because they are not protected by An Yi here, are being hunted by everyone in the world.

This immediately put Lu Linglong and Zhang Lingyu into a dilemma.

Go to the rescue~ So many people are scattered, being hunted down in various places.

If they were to rescue, they would also have to disperse the strangers present.

But once they are dispersed, comfort cannot protect everyone.

By then there will be a high possibility of accidents and casualties.

If we don't go to the rescue, those who are being hunted are all strangers here, beloved relatives, friends, and brothers.

Knowing they were in trouble, they didn't lend a helping hand to rescue them.

The strangers present simply couldn't get past the test in their own hearts.

After thinking about it carefully, Lu Linglong and Zhang Lingyu actually knew the choice they could only make.

After making a decision in her heart, Lu Linglong no longer hesitated and directly moved her energy, shouting loudly to the audience:

“Everyone, our respective friends, relatives and friends are in trouble right now.

I know you won't be able to sit still here.

So I decided to go down the mountain to support them. "

"Sister Linglong, what do you think we should do? We all listen to you now!"

After hearing Lu Linglong's words, the strangers who were originally chattering and talking about each other.

They all seemed to have found a backbone, waiting quietly for Lu Linglong to continue speaking.

What Lu Linglong said was exactly what they were thinking.

They are all at an age where newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, so who is afraid of whom?

Aren’t they just a group of all-sex people?

He was a strange person who drank too much and listened to the praise from his friends around him, boosting his self-confidence.

Except for the initial panic after hearing the news about Quanxingzhongren's siege on Longhu Mountain.

Now that's really not cowardly at all.

There are even many who have never played against anyone of all genders.

I have only heard of their aliens in the descriptions of elders.

At this moment, everyone was gearing up and secretly looking forward to it.

Looking at the eyes of everyone present, their eyes were shining, their fighting spirit was high, and they looked very confident.

Although Lu Linglong felt a little bad in her heart.

But he could only continue:

“Since we are fighting against everyone of all genders, there are only those who consider themselves capable.

Form a team on your own and go down the mountain for rescue in small team mode.

Remember to put safety first in everything. If you encounter an enemy you can't handle, just run here.

There is comfort here..."

Just when Lu Linglong was about to leave An Yi here and act as the patron saint of this place.

Looking at the information on the phone, his face was filled with the comfort of serious thought.

Suddenly he raised his head and said to Lu Linglong:

"Linglong, I also have to rescue some people here."

Just now, An Yi received a message from Xu San.

Claiming that he and Xu Si were seduced by Xia He and are now trapped.

I want him to come to the rescue.

Just looking at the tone of the message, An Yi felt that this was not something Xu San could say.

However, just in case, An Yi still wanted to take a look.

After all, Xu San, who didn't know whether it was true or false, even sent him the address where he was trapped.

Lu Linglong, who had planned everything, was stunned when she heard An Yi's words.

Comfort is an extremely important part of her plan.

It is the guarantee for all the strangers who are preparing to go down the mountain for rescue.

If An Yi leaves this place, the possibility that aliens will be in danger will greatly increase.

After all, having a way out and having no way out are two completely different things.

The strangers present were full of enthusiasm and were ready to go down the mountain to rescue.

Hearing An Yi's words, they all panicked for a moment.

Although he quickly adjusted his condition, he still looked a little unnatural.

An Yi also noticed this, looked around at everyone present, and coughed twice.

He said to Lu Linglong and everyone present again:

“Although I will leave, the friend I summoned will not leave this place.

He will still stay here and provide shelter for you all on my behalf..."

As he said that, An Yi pointed to the Fourth Raikage who was eating and drinking at the edge of the bonfire party.

Hearing An Yi's words, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

The strength of the Fourth Raikage was obvious to all.

He felt that with his strength, he was fully capable of protecting them.

Lu Linglong was naturally the same. She was also very worried when she heard that An Yi was leaving this place.

After all, there were still many drunks present.

For example, if you are already delirious and standing on a high platform in the center of the bonfire party venue,

Zhang Chulan dances the bird-flipping dance that makes people unable to bear to look at her.

In addition to Zhang Chulan, there were seven or eight other drunkards present at the party venue.

If An Yi leaves, just how to place these drunkards will be a big problem.

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