Under one person, do you call this a paper maker?

Chapter 68: It’s over, just brush off your clothes and go.

After hearing what the old master said, An Yi turned his head and glanced at the old master.

During this period, he also noticed the eyes of the people around him looking at him.

After thinking for a moment, An Yi put a smile on his face and nodded in response to Master Tian:

"Alas~Old Heavenly Master, I was just doing this out of good intentions and wanted to help change the feng shui of this mountain in your Heavenly Master's Mansion.

But now I see that you are not willing, so let’s forget about it~

As for Feng Xingtong and Wang Bing, let them handle it themselves..."

To be honest, An Yi asked Yixiao to summon this meteorite.

In fact, it's not just because of revenge for Feng Xingtong.

More importantly, it was because he was unhappy with the king and was angered by Wang Bing's strange words.

After all, as Feng Zhenghao said just now, it is normal for injuries to occur in the competition between different people.

Like those previous games, there were no injured players.

There were even some seriously injured contestants.

One of these examples is Lu Linglong.

Hancock's kick was so hard that Lu Linglong's bones and internal organs were all injured.

But this situation is different from Feng Xingtong and Wang Bing.

Those who were injured were all during the game, and the injured were all conscious.

It was because he was not sure of his own strength and failed to call for abstention, which led to his injury. This situation cannot be blamed on others.

But Wang Bing was different. He refused to let go of Feng Xingtong, who had already passed out...

Hearing An Yi's words, the Heavenly Master's smile couldn't help but freeze.

After a pause, he returned to normal and said to Anyi with a smile still:

"Little friend An Yi, I appreciate your kindness~

Let’s keep this mountain like this! "

After the Heavenly Master finished speaking, Xu Si, who was beside An Yi, also urged An Yi:

"Okay, you kid, stop nagging and take action quickly to get rid of that meteorite!

Is it possible that you really want this meteorite to take away everyone present? "

Xu Si knew An Yi very well, and he knew that An Yi had no intention of killing anyone.

The fact is indeed what Xu Si thought. An Yi just wanted to summon meteorites with a smile and scare everyone present to achieve his own goal.

Now that his goal has been achieved, he should indeed deal with the meteorites that are still falling rapidly in the sky above his head.

"Mr. Yixiao, I still have to trouble you to take action again."

Standing next to An Yi smiled, looking at An Yi's smiling face, the corners of his mouth also raised slightly.

He nodded and responded:

"Mr. An Yi, leave this to me~"

After saying that, he smiled and picked up the staff knife in his hand again, and slowly pulled it out again.

Let some purple circles emerge from his body again, heading straight towards the rapidly falling meteorite in the sky.

Under the influence of Yixiao's ability, the meteorite in the sky slowly changed its falling direction.

Heading towards another mountain in the distance, under the influence of Yixiaojianwense's domineering spirit, the empty mountain top fell away.

The situation of a meteorite in space is completely different from that of a meteorite that has entered the atmosphere and fallen at high speed.

While in space, Yixiao only needs to give the meteorite an attraction to achieve his goal.

But once it enters the atmosphere, the incalculable gravity and force... will make the meteorite extremely lethal.

In this case, even in the world of pirates, a smile can exert its full power.

It is also impossible to change gravity and allow meteorites to return to space.

This is not to mention that he is now in a castrated state and is just possessing the paper man's 'smile'.


Under the gaze of everyone present, the meteorite in the sky slowly passed over their heads.

The meteorite rubbed the air at high speed, and the flames caused by it were clearly visible to the audience.

Even occasionally, some meteorite fragments fall and hit people's heads, and are picked up and put away by people.

Finally, the meteorite hit another mountain far away from the mountain they were currently on at extremely high speed.

The next second, a scene that was almost impossible for ordinary people to see suddenly took place.

The mountaintop hit by the meteorite collapsed instantly, and a large amount of dust and gravel spread out in all directions along with the shock wave.

Even for these people, the mountain top they are currently on is not close to that mountain top.

You can still feel the shock wave and air waves caused by the falling meteorite.

After a while, the mountain covered in dust appeared in front of everyone again.

In just a moment, everyone who saw it was shocked.

I saw that the originally lush and green mountain top had now changed from a convex shape to a concave shape.

A lot of vegetation disappeared, and even fire appeared on the top of the mountain.

The instigator of all this, An Yi, looked around at the shocked audience.

He took out the bamboo dragonfly from the storage ring and handed it to Zhang Chulan, Feng Baobao, and Pang Dun.

Later, after saying goodbye to Yixiao, Anyi directly canceled the ability and put away Yixiao's paper man.

Finally, he rushed to take the bamboo dragonfly, and Zhang Chulan and others who felt overwhelmed said:

"Let's go, don't stay here, let's go see what's going on with that meteorite!"

He could feel the frightened look in the eyes of the surrounding audience when they looked at him.

An Yi knew that he had left a heavy psychological shadow on most of the people present.

I know that if I continue to stay here, regardless of the next contestants, I will be timid during the competition.

The spectators watching the battle in the surrounding auditoriums will also be unable to let go.

At that time, this Luotian Dajiao can be declared to end early!


Looking at the backs of An Yi and others flying away from the air with bamboo dragonflies on their heads.

Wang Ai stood in the middle of the field with a cane, silently calculating something in his heart.

Especially when he saw Queen Bing, whose eyes were dull, her head lowered and she was silent, losing her former vitality.

The vicious look deep in his eyes was even worse.

He wants to replace his son...

No, he wants to avenge his great grandson King.

The primary goal of this revenge is to also go down to the competition venue and pick up the unconscious Feng Xingtong with both hands.

Feng Zhenghao was going to take him for treatment.

At this time, Feng Zhenghao also felt the meaningful gaze behind him.

As the sixth child, he could clearly feel the profound meaning in those eyes.

First, he sneered, looking at the unconscious Feng Xingtong in his arms, a fierce look flashed in his eyes, and he made a decision in his heart.

Then he put on a warm smile, turned around and nodded to Wang Ai.

The old master in the audience watched the silent exchange between Wang Ai and Feng Zhenghao, who were both ten men in the competition venue.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and silently thought about why he wanted to hold a Luotian Dajiao properly, but the final result would be like this.

While thinking about it, Master Tian couldn't help but cast his eyes on Xu Si in the audience.

Recalling that a few days ago, I received news of Xu Xiang's recovery.

The old Heavenly Master moved his wrists and had an idea in his heart.

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