Under one person, do you call this a paper maker?

Chapter 167 Wang Ye’s tragic experience.

In the afternoon, An Yi took Luo Yiyi, Lu Linglong, Zhi Jinhua, the Feng family siblings, and Zhuge Qing in the car.

Along the highway, drive quickly toward the southwest.

The undead battlefield is currently in a forest park in the southwest.

On the road, An Yi, who was sitting in the passenger seat of the vehicle, glanced at Feng Shayan, who was driving the vehicle.

He turned directly back to Lu Linglong and others in the back seat and asked:

"Hey~ how was your action yesterday?

Has Wang Ye's current trouble been resolved? "

Facing An Yi's inquiry, Lu Linglong was gathered together and playing mobile games.

He immediately looked up at An Yi and said helplessly: "Oh, how could it be solved so quickly!

Now, Wang Ye and Zhang Chulan are still solving the problem. "

After Lu Linglong finished speaking, she sat in the last row of the vehicle.

Zhuge Qing, who was holding a secret book on licking people, also narrowed his eyes and said:

"An Yi, the difficulties Wang Ye encountered this time cannot be underestimated.

Now the situation has changed, almost throughout the Inhuman Realm.

All warlock families sent personnel to monitor Wang Ye.

Some of them had malicious intentions and wanted to use some unfair means to obtain the inheritance from Wang Ye.

Some people were curious and wanted to discuss it with Wang Ye and ask him to tell him about the secrets of his inheritance.

This is just the Warlock family, not counting other families and other individual aliens.

In short, the current Wang Ye is like a piece of meat among a pack of wolves.

There’s no one who wouldn’t want to step forward and take a bite…”

At the end of the conversation, Zhuge Qing gently pressed his eyebrows, feeling worried for Wang Ye again.

The problems Wang Ye encountered this time were much more severe than those encountered by Zhang Chulan some time ago.

At the beginning, Zhang Chulan had this behemoth as his backer, no matter who he was.

The old Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain Celestial Master's Mansion also personally went out to support Zhang Chulan by holding the Luotian Dajiao.

And among them, Lu Jin, a good friend of the Heavenly Master, also openly spoke in the alien world to support the situation.

He also threw out one of the Eight Magic Skills in his hand, the Tongtian Lu, as bait to attract people's attention.

Under such circumstances, there are many people who have ill intentions towards Zhang Chulan.

This is not to mention the fact that he was expelled from Wudang Mountain.

The relatives at home are just ordinary people with a little money.

Especially Wang Ye, when he was having the Luotian Dajiao at the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain.

He also personally used his eight magical skills, Fenghou Qimen.

That kind of ability and means is definitely comparable to a miraculous existence in the eyes of a warlock.

Moreover, in the current world of aliens, it is one of the best even among the eight magical skills.

This is much more attractive than the Qi Ti origin that Zhang Chulan is rumored to have inherited, which makes people confused.


After hearing Zhuge Qing's words, An Yi felt a little sympathy for Wang Ye's current situation.

With the current situation, I am afraid that Wang Ye will not be able to calm down in the next one or two years.

Sitting in the driver's seat next to An Yi, Feng Shayan was wearing sunglasses and driving.

At this moment, he also interjected: "My father has also talked to me before.

Wang Ye's current situation is very difficult to handle.

He himself said it was okay, whether he was like Zhang Chulan or not, he could join anywhere.

Or join our Tianxiahui to get temporary protection.

But it was very difficult to deal with his family.

He is different from Zhang Chulan. Zhang Chulan is currently an orphan and no one can find his weaknesses.

Wang also has his family, and other strangers with ideas will definitely use his family as a breakthrough point.

Fortunately, his family members are ordinary people, and the country is also very strict in controlling strangers' attacks on ordinary people.

Otherwise, some people would have lost their patience and started taking action. "

After Feng Shayan finished speaking, the entire car fell into silence.

No one has a good solution, and even An Yi is no exception to the problems Wang Ye is encountering now.

After all, this is not a fight and killing. You can't let it be easy and summon three characters to protect Wang Ye's family at all times, right?

Let’s not mention when it will end. Even the consumption involved is also a big problem.

As for relying on one's own deterrence, that is obviously not a good idea.

It was okay to say one or two before, but now almost half of the alien world has been mobilized.

An Yi even wants to intimidate, but it is a bit intimidating.


In this atmosphere of silence, it was approaching evening.

An Yi and his party finally arrived at their destination.

"Hey, Wang Ye, it's easy to talk about it. When I take some time in the next two days, I will take action as you requested.

You should hurry up and urge Zhang Chulan to formulate a new plan as soon as possible!

I dare not say, how long can my deterrence be maintained? "

An Yi got out of the car while making a phone call and glanced at the people who were looking at him.

He sighed and hung up the phone.

Wang Ye is now also tortured by the new situation and is suffering unspeakably.

Thinking of making peace, I issued a statement to deter those with bad intentions.

In this regard, An Yi naturally has no intention of refusing.

Moreover, according to Wang Ye's narration, An Yi also knew the reason for this change.

The reason why this situation has changed is because of the secret instigation of thoughtful people.

Who exactly it is is still unknown.

However, it may be that the aliens who initially monitored Wang Ye were behind the scenes.

According to Zhang Chulan's guess, they may have seen that An Yi and Wang Ye have such a good relationship.

So I think I can do nothing about this situation.

Only then did he secretly encourage others to muddy the water so that they could better fish in troubled waters.


After hanging up the phone, An Yi smiled at everyone around him.

Then he made another call and asked someone to pick him up.

At this time, they were on the outskirts of a forest park.

The battlefield of the undead is located deep in the forest park.

Judging from what An Yi said when he called last night.

This forest park was probably an ancient battlefield hundreds or thousands of years ago.

"An Yi, isn't this near Xiangji Temple in Xi'an?"

Just when An Yi finished the phone call and was about to talk to Lu Linglong and others with a smile, he said that someone would come to pick them up in a moment.

Zhuge Qing glanced around and quickly judged their location.

After hearing Zhuge Qing's words, several other people also looked around.

Originally, when I started driving, the navigation and other things were all set in advance by Anyi.

Plus they don't pay attention to that, so they people.

I only know that I came to Xi'an City, but I don't know where exactly it is in Xi'an.

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