Minamoto Yorimitsu reminded Tomie in his ear: "Attach your divine fire to his axe."

Tomie obediently moved his fingers, and an orange-red sacred fire floating outside immediately wrapped around Sakata Kintoki's ax blade.

At the same time, Seimei had already used chains to bind the cursed fetus without the need for Minamoto Yorimitsu's reminder.

Although the chain was unexpected, the cursed fetus that had been on guard was able to escape in time.

Sakata Kintoki was also stopped by the huge ghost hand and fought with it.

Sakata Kintoki, who looked at each other with clear goals, asked Minamoto Yorimitsu uncertainly: "He, he is now..."

Minamoto Yorimitsu directly confirmed his conjecture. "Still in the illusion."

Fujiang looked at Hantian Jinshi, who was at full strength and fighting vigorously, but hesitated to speak.

Minamoto Yorimitsu explained to Tomie naturally: "Fighting with strong men has almost become Kintoki's nature. If the curse spirit releases a stronger momentum, he will naturally go to him."

Looking at them, Su Nuo has already used his domain, so that the area is covered with his aura. So it is already unrecognizable.

Fujiang habitually uses barriers to hide his own aura, so naturally he won't be noticed.

Seimei is in the same situation.

Kamoga's aura was weaker than that of a cursed fetus. One of Minamoto no Yorimitsu and Kashima Takaji had just been injured, and the other had just broken the curse. Their auras were quite weak, so naturally neither of them would notice.

So, of course, Sakata Kintoki chose to attack the cursed fetus.

After understanding this situation, Fujiang stretched out his hand and set up a barrier between them, completely cutting off the breath of the people on his side.

Then he came to his senses and asked Minamoto Yorimitsu a little embarrassedly: "Is it okay to let him carry the special cursed fetus alone?"

He obviously had a fight with Su Nuo not long ago. Is it really okay to have to fight against the cursed fetus's clone after such exhaustion of energy?

Minamoto no Yorimitsu nodded, "Don't underestimate Kintoki, haven't you heard the rumors about him?"

Tomie shook his head. To be honest, he had been in a situation where he couldn't accept the rumors and news in Kyoto.

The shrine has always been adhering to the idea of ​​​​nurturing him to be silly and sweet, and did not reveal anything dirty, unhealthy, or non-positive to him at all.

The information he can obtain is all after inspection and screening.

To tell a joke, Hoshikuma Doji who was far away in the country knew more about what was going on in Kyoto than he did.

Minamoto Yorimitsu added: "He is the child of Shan Lao."

Tomie was silent, looking at Sakata Kintoki again but he hesitated to speak.

If I remember correctly, Shan Lao is a monster that lives in the mountains and looks like an old woman. It is said that there are good and bad Shan Lamas. Some are good at granting the land abundant harvests and wealth, while others are scary at eating travelers and children.

However, it is said that after the death of the evil mountain lady, the land will become rich in harvest. It is somewhat similar to the myth of Izanami in "Kojiki", both are gods of harvest.

In most legends, Shan Lao is always eating when seen, so there are also rumors that Shan Lao is a glutton.

It lives in the mountains and eats travelers who come to their homes. It is a kind of monster that can know what people are thinking.

It’s not that Tomi Jiang wants to complain.

From what he learned about this person's character after meeting Minamoto no Yorimitsu, if Sakata Kintoki was completely a descendant of a monster, he would never be able to keep him by his side and let him call him father.

Uh... I suddenly thought of Brother Ayu who was brainwashed by him and turned into Hichiri, and he even tricked him into calling him his master.

At this moment, Tomie was not sure whether Minamoto no Yorimitsu would keep the monster by his side.

But no matter what, as a prominent figure in Kyoto, it is impossible for Minamoto Yorimitsu to let a monster around him openly. If he does, it must be in the name of a shikigami, so Sakata Kintoki should most likely be a human and a monster. Mixed race.

That is, half-demon, this is really too common in Kyoto, and it is not worthy of being criticized.

But Shan Lao! A monster that looks exactly like the old woman! What kind of boss does Sakata Kintoki's biological father have to be to get his wife pregnant and give birth to him?

Maybe it's because there are so many people complaining about this issue. Even if Tomie doesn't say it out loud, Minamoto no Yorimitsu already knows what he is thinking.

After coughing lightly, he said seriously: "So don't worry about him. His strength and physical fitness are far beyond ordinary people, even stronger than most of us."

Fu Jiang nodded, understanding what he meant. When the fire on his ax is about to disappear, attach another divine fire to help him stack attack buffs.

Qingming still releases chains from time to time to try to capture Zhou Ti and interfere with the ghost hand.

Su Nuo, who was sitting in the back, did not participate in the discussion between them, but he saw the battle between Sakata Kaneshi and Ghost Hand, and the more he watched, the more boring he became.

Reach out and wave.

The water that originally only reached the ankles suddenly gathered and attacked the cursed fetus in mid-air as quickly as waves.

The moment the cursed fetus was knocked to the ground, Qingming's chains completed binding him.

The huge ghost hand didn't seem to have the ability to think independently. After the cursed fetus was captured, its attacks on Sakata Kinseki became much more stereotyped. It didn't take long for Sakata Kinshi to chop off five of its fingers and beat him severely with an axe. The core located in the palm of the hand was cut.

The ghost hand and the detached five fingers all turned into ashes and dispersed like the 'jade grass' just now.

Sakata Kintoki was obviously still very restless, holding an ax and wanting to chop at the controlled cursed fetus.

Qingming's chains jumped out of the ground in time and tied him tightly.

Fu Jiang couldn't help but said: "This trick of yours is very useful, please teach me later."

Fu Jiang knew it, but he always used it as if there was something wrong with it.

Qingming nodded, and then smiled back at him: "As long as you are interested in onmyoji, you can come to me to learn it, but for the corresponding magical books of the shrine, you can also lend me to read."

Fu Jiang nodded.

The problem is not big. As long as he asks to read the magical classics, no matter which shrine it is, they will give it to him. Anyway, if nothing happens, he will have an official position again after tonight. When the magical classics are brought out, it will be him or Seimei who reads them. Look, the priests naturally can't control it.

In the eyes of the great priests, there is nothing wrong with the fact that the Son of God is knowledgeable and talented. It is also very beneficial for the future development of Son of God to understand other similar but different systems.

But human nature is actually selfish. While they hope that the Son of God will be knowledgeable and talented, they do not want to see that the Onmyoji masters are also familiar with their magical arts.

Therefore, if the shrine knew that Tomie generously lent magical books to Onmyoji, the high priests would probably make a fuss, so he lowered his voice and reminded Seimei: "It's okay to lend it to you, but don't make it public."

Qingming smiled and nodded.

Because he saw that the cursed fetus had been controlled, Fu Jiang walked out of the barrier directly after saying this.

That unlucky kid Sakata Kintoki was used as a shield by them just as he recommended to Tomie before he came in.

Tomie went there now just to help him remove the illusion.

Although they are obviously the same age, Sakata Kintoki is almost a head taller than Tomie.

Tomie stretched out his hand and touched the center of his eyebrows to detect what kind of illusion he was under, and used the method taught by Star Bear Dozi to help him break away from the illusion.

As Minamoto Yorimitsu introduced, he was in good physical condition and was still confused when he saw Tomie standing in front of him after dispelling the illusion.

"Son of God...Master?" He looked at Fu Jiang in confusion, and stretched out his hand to scratch his golden hair. "Wasn't I just robbing that guy Ibaraki Douji?"

Tomie noticed the familiar tone in Sakata Kintoki's mouth and looked at him seriously.

Well, it's impossible. This kind of natural and simple guy can't possibly be the spy sent in by that little monster.

"Is this the cursed spirit bred by Rashomon?" Minamoto Yorimitsu and others also walked out of the barrier at the back, and began to watch the cursed fetus locked in chains with great interest.

Tomie stood next to Iemoga and asked him softly: "Is there any fraud?"

Although the battle seems to be huge, it does feel quite easy to handle, at least much easier and faster than the last earth spider incident.

"Because it lost the confrontation in the field." Kamogaliu said, looking back at Su Nuo who had come down from the throne.

Hearing what he said, Tomi Jiang couldn't help but look down at the black liquid still soaking his shoes under his feet. After so long, this field is still continuing.

No matter which profession you are in, using a field is very draining of your own spiritual energy.

Judging from the scale and duration of Su Nuo's domain, we can also get a glimpse of his strength.

If it had been anyone else, Tomie would have gone over to help, using his own spiritual power to supplement his.

But this person happened to be Su Nuo, the person whom Fu Jiang subconsciously guarded against for some reason he didn't know until now.

Tomie simply pretended not to notice him and nudged Kamo Gairu with his elbow.

"It's a special level after all, so we won't lose so easily."

What is special grade? That is a strength that can be directly equated with the Demon King level.

It was like Shuten Doji, who was not drunk, was full of fighting spirit, and was extremely defensive against them, but was defeated by these people.

how could it be possible? That's the Demon King!

"Maybe it's because it's just a cursed fetus?" Kamo Garu didn't look too sure.

The curse fetus is a special form of the curse spirit. It can be regarded as the curse spirit that has not fully grown, or it can be compared to the embryonic state of human beings. There may be unlimited possibilities in the future, but if it is still in the embryonic state, its strength will be seriously affected. limit.

So Kamo Ga-ryu means, that’s why it’s handled so easily.

Fu Jiang shook his head and tightened his grip on the bow and arrows in his hands.

He has been eager to try it since he discovered this cursed fetus. If it was not difficult to deal with, the gods would not deliberately remind him of the number seven when he tried to divine.

Because the number of people who walked out of the tent would not exceed seven, he specially added that Sakata Kintoki accounted for seven.

Minamoto Yorimitsu, Sakata Kintoki and Kashima Takaji stood not far from the cursed fetus, looking at the cursed fetus soaked in the water after being bound by chains.

It still exudes purple light, but it looks very weak, as if the candle light will be extinguished at any time.

Looking at the postures of the three people, Tomi Jiang felt an inexplicable sense of sight as if humans were watching animals in a cage.

He shook his head to get rid of any hallucinations he might have had again.

Fu Jiang deliberately raised his voice and asked: "Then what should we do with him now? Kill him?"

Tomie doesn't have much sympathy for the cursed spirits who have no ability to communicate and are full of malice toward humans.

He can accept it no matter what.

The three samurai over there, including Seimei, looked at Kamo Ga-ryu who was standing next to Tomie.

Along the way, Fu Jiang continued to set an example and instill a concept in them. Professional matters should be handled by professionals.

There were two experts present regarding the cursed spirit. After excluding Su Nuo, who seemed to have difficulty communicating, the only one who could communicate was Kamo Ga-ryu, who had been with Shenzi since more than three years ago.

Kamo was surprised and realized that everyone was waiting for his opinion. A little flattered, "Well, let's deal with it directly now."

Tomie nodded, then reached out and poked Kamo Gaoliu.

Kamo Ga-ryu began to introduce the method of dealing with cursed spirits. "Ah, yes, the most effective way to deal with cursed spirits is to use cursed attacks. Like when we deal with cursed spirits, we usually use weapons wrapped with cursed power to attack the core of the cursed spirit. Just like... Kashima-kun and Sakata just now The two curse spirits you destroyed each are the same."

Kamo Ga-ryu pulled out the short sword inserted in the belt at the back and cut open the spherical cursed tire. A large amount of liquid flowed out of the sphere of the cursed tire. There is also a fetus-like object with an umbilical cord attached to it that has not even retracted.

Kamo Garu calmly picked up the fetus-like object, made gestures on it with a short knife, and taught the onlookers how to find the location of the nucleus.

"If you can't see it, it's not recommended to contact the curse spirit. Because in many cases, not being able to see it is actually a kind of protection."

Tomie and Seimei nodded. Many times, abnormal eyes on humans begin when they meet their eyes.

Because I discovered that this species that should not be able to see itself saw me, my interest was aroused, so I decided to observe it.

Then the fearful posture of the observed object deeply touches the observer's appetite, so after confirming that he can really see himself, the observed person will often be eaten.

And in order to collect his fear or fear-like negative emotions, the existence being seen will definitely do its best to bring fear to him.

Kamo Ga-ryu had already found the location of the core. He single-handedly grabbed the part of the cursed spirit that looked like a tail and an umbilical cord. He hung it upside down and lifted it up. The sword was already aimed at its heart.

In front of everyone's eyes, the dagger stabbed hard, and the sound of shattering glass products was heard.

The purple forehead light flickered fiercely, and then went out completely.

Everyone is happy that the situation has been officially resolved.

"Why have you been hallucinating for so long?"

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