The captain seemed to know who the man wearing the red prajna mask was, but he didn't mention the topic about him for a long time. He sat on the tatami with a look of uneasiness on his face.

"Are you sure the person you saw wearing the Hannya mask is a boy?" Kamo Garu couldn't help but check with Tomie.

Fujiang nodded repeatedly, "He has no breasts."

"Haha? In that case, you actually went to see if it had breasts!" Hoshikuma Doji was shocked by this sentence, and then he reacted, "How can you tell whether there are breasts in a kimono? It's very cool to wear. ?"

Tomie showed an awkward smile, which was blocked by the mask on his face. In fact, he didn't see it. When he opened his eyes and saw the Prajna statue, he subconsciously stretched out his hand to push it.

"He is indeed a boy." The captain also felt a little embarrassed. Although he was not ready to reveal the child's information, he did not want him to be misunderstood like this.

Tomie looked at the captain. Since he had already mentioned it, he must be able to speak.

Even after a long period of psychological construction, the captain still felt unable to speak, and finally he made a decision.

He took Fu Jiang and the three of them to a house in the village.

The captain with a melancholy look on his face explained in a low voice: "I think it would be more intuitive to see it with your own eyes instead of me telling you."

Fu Jiang was so surprised that he was speechless.

In his eyes, the house was shrouded in black and red demonic energy. The huge amount of demonic aura was not because the demon itself was powerful, but because it was separated.

It's like putting cut hair in a box. It looks terrible, but it can no longer be used by the owner.

Unlike the accumulated hair loss which only has the effect of irritating people, the evil spirit separated by the owner will act according to the owner's last obsession before separating them. Even if the owner wants to release the obsession set at that time, it will attack the owner first.

Unless those demonic energies are exhausted, they will never stop.

And the evil spirit shrouding this house makes it feel as if it has changed from a gaseous state to a liquid state. It is a qualitative change caused by a quantitative change.

Even Xingxiong Doji unconsciously sighed: "It is truly a prajna..."

The Kamo Ga-ryu that I can also see is amazing. "How did the people here offend him?"

The captain sighed and looked even more sad.

Because he didn't know what was attached to the house, the captain approached it directly.

Before Fu Jiang could stop him, he saw him knocking on the door.

His open mouth slowly closed.

Very good, after testing, it turns out that the existence of these evil spirits is not to prevent approaching.

"This is not like Hannya anymore." Hoshikuma Doji was still commenting.

Generally speaking, most of the causes of evil spirits like Prajna are jealousy.

Jealousy often leads to possessiveness.

For example, a woman who becomes a prajna because of love may not hurt the man she loves, but she will definitely attack the women related to the man as soon as possible.

It's the kind of strong possessiveness that even if a strange woman says a word to this man, she can't bear to sneak into the other person's house in the middle of the night and kill them.

After knocking for a long time, and with the captain's constant persuasion, the door was finally pushed open a small crack.

The sallow-looking woman stuck her head out and looked carefully before opening the door for them.

Everyone walked in one by one, Tomie followed behind Kamo Garu, and from the front, he was completely blocked by him.

The woman didn't see it for a while until Fu Jiang passed by him.

The woman suddenly screamed without warning.

Tomie was frightened by her screams, and before the captain could comfort her, panicked footsteps could be heard in the room.

An equally haggard man rushed over with a hoe, and before he could say anything, the hoe had already been smashed on Fu Jiang's head.

Because the movement range was too large, Kamo Garu had time to react and quickly kicked the man.

Hoshikuma Doji has also stood in front of Tomie.

"What are you doing? This is the master of Onmyoji who is here to save you!" The captain rushed over and held down the man, preventing him from causing further trouble while also protecting her from the hands of Kamo Ga-ryu and Hoshikuma Doji.

The woman was so frightened by this sudden situation that she collapsed on the ground. Only then did she see clearly that although the person in front of her was wearing a mask, the mask was a formless mask, not the Prajna mask that had become their nightmare.

But even after seeing the mask's style clearly, the woman still couldn't control her emotions, covered her face and cried.

Another childish and weak cry also sounded in the room.

Tomi Jiang followed the sound and looked over. It was a boy less than four or five years old. Most of his body was hiding in the corner of the room, watching them quietly, his eyes full of fear.

After the captain's comforting explanation, the family of three sat on the left side of the fire pit hollowed out on the tatami, Tomie and the other three sat on the right side, and the captain himself sat on the other side between the two groups like a boss.

It was past the time of encountering evil spirits, so it shouldn't be time to eat, but the host always needed something to entertain people, so he hurriedly set up a pot on the fire pit and cooked a simple seafood stew.

The captain did not take the initiative to speak. He held a stick in his hand and poked the piled firewood from time to time.

The four or five-year-old child would look up and peek at Fu Jiang from time to time, then bury his head in his mother's arms in fear, and then let out a few sobs that were obvious in the silent room.

Tomi Jiang had realized that it was his mask that made the family of three feel uncomfortable, so he raised his hand and took it off.

He smiled and asked the three people opposite him: "Is this better?"

Just looked stupid.

"Ahem!" Kamo Gaoliu coughed loudly.

The three adults lowered their heads in embarrassment.

The remaining child was still looking directly at him.

Tomie asked the couple gently: "The reason why you are afraid of masks is really because of the Prajna statue, right?"

The man didn't respond at all, and the woman nodded slightly.

Fu Jiang looked at the couple and thought for a moment, then he asked in a guided manner: "Does that person usually come to you at this time?"

This can probably be seen from the woman's reaction when she first called the door.

I'm afraid that Prajna often disguises himself in various forms to trick them into opening the door.

Monsters like ghosts, except for very powerful ones, must abide by a rule and obtain the owner's permission before they can enter the house.

The woman nodded slightly.

Tomi Jiang looked at the house. According to the standards of this era, as a civilian home, it was fully furnished. He can be considered a wealthy household.

But maybe because of the infestation by monsters, the owner didn't seem to bother to clean up, and many places looked very messy.

Tomi Jiang asked the woman: "Are there only the three of you in this family?"

The woman nodded and finally spoke: "This is my husband's home. After marrying him and giving birth to Mrs. Qing, the three of us have been living together."

Star Bear Doji couldn't help but interrupt when he heard this. He asked very directly: "Huh? Then why did that Prajna come to you?"

The family of three fell silent again, saying nothing to each other.

It was obvious that he wanted to hide something deliberately.

Kamo Garu felt very aggrieved. Even though he was here to help them, these people involved always kept it secret and refused to say anything.

Xingxiong Dozi asked with a smile: "Can't you tell me?" Seeing that neither of them answered him, he stood up unhurriedly: "Go back, it seems that they think this Prajna is harmless to them, and we don't need it either." You’re minding your own business.”

Tomie glanced at the nervous couple, then at the timid child, and finally he looked at Hoshikuma Doji.

Hoshikuma Doji looked at him with his narrowed eyes.

Fu Jiang stood up.

He didn't know much about manipulating people's emotions, but since Hoshikuma Doji had expressed his stance, let him do it.

If you are not good at handling it, then you should listen to those who are good at it.

Kamo Garu also felt that the other party's attitude made him feel very uncomfortable, so after standing up to each other, he immediately stood up too.

To be able to express this almost straightforwardly, the meaning of "no longer serving", was what he had always wanted to do most to those guys who were obviously asking for help, but were either secretive or had a arrogant attitude.

The captain also stood up anxiously.

"A few, several Onmyoji masters..." He obviously wanted to plead for this family.

"Destroying demons is a life-and-death thing. You don't want to tell me why, so you want me to work hard for it?" Hoshikuma Doji's seemingly emotionless words left the captain speechless. .

So he turned to look at the family of three and cursed: "Now that we've reached this point, what else can we hide?"

The couple still refused to let go, and even the still-ignorant child had his mouth covered by his mother.

Hoshikuma Doji didn't force anything, he just said goodbye to them politely and took everyone back to the house where they lived when they came back.

The family of three anxiously followed them to the door. Seeing that they were really leaving, they wanted to stay but in the end they didn't say anything.

Tomie looked at their family of three, mainly the child named Keita. After all, he couldn't bear it and set up a small barrier in front of the door of this house.

"Come to us when you have figured it out." Fujiang waved to the children, put on his mask, and trotted to keep up with the people walking in front.

Although their trip came back in vain, neither the captain nor the villagers blamed them.

He was still very considerate and prepared hot water and food for them.

The village presents a very subtle atmosphere.

It was clear that the person involved was in danger, but he did not seek help in any form. On the other hand, the villagers who did not seem to be affected were very crisis aware.

Thanks to the sponsorship of the villagers, the variety of sashimi for dinner has become much richer.

Tomie added a piece of fish and put it in the soy sauce dish. Because he was thinking about the problem, he unconsciously poked it with chopsticks for a long time before putting the fish into his mouth.

"Wow!" He almost died at that moment.

It took a lot of willpower for him not to spit out the half piece of fish meat in his mouth. He didn't dare to chew more and swallowed it directly.

"How many people still don't have enough to eat! Don't play with your food!" Kamo Galiu complained to him while quickly handing over a cup of tea.

Tomi Jiang took it and drank it, finally diluting the bitter salty taste in his mouth.

Hoshikuma Doji took away the remaining half of the fish on his plate. Seeing the sashimi that was completely dyed black, he tried to hand it to the cat who had been squatting at their feet.

When the little calico cat saw the handed chopsticks, he quickly ran over and sniffed it, then turned away in disgust and returned to squatting at Fu Jiang's feet.

Hoshikuma Doji took back his chopsticks. He really didn't understand how long it took Tomie to put this piece of meat in the soy sauce dish and poke it with his chopsticks before it tasted so good.

Tomi Jiang saw what he did, reached out and took the smallest piece of clean fish meat from the plate and handed it to his feet.

The calico cat took it away in one gulp and ran to the corner to eat it bit by bit.

The cute behavior of the little animal made Fu Jiang couldn't help but put on a smile.

"So what were you thinking about just now?" Xingxiong Doji, who knew him well, asked with a straight face.

Tomi Jiang looked at him and asked in an uncertain tone: "Monsters like ghosts must obtain permission to enter other people's homes, right?"

Star Bear Boy nodded.

There are actually many monsters in Tanba Kingdom, but it may be because the owner of Oeyama is a ghost, so more than 80% of Oeyama are ghosts.

Unknowingly, Ojiangshan has become the largest gathering place of ghosts in the entire Neon, but even in a place with many ghosts like Tanba Country, ghosts want to enter people's homes. Also follow the rules about getting permission to enter.

Prajna is not a powerful species among ghosts.

"Then..." Tomi Jiang pursed his lips and finally said: "Why was Prajna able to enter the place where I slept before?"

Kamo Garu, who was still eating by himself, heard this and simply put down his chopsticks to listen to Tomie's analysis.

"Then what do you think?" Hoshikuma Doji's tone seemed to have a hint of encouragement.

Tomie finally expressed his judgment: "As far as I can see, Prajna's strength is not strong. I don't think he can break the rules. It can only be that this house has already invited him."

Hoshikuma Doji nodded encouragingly. "Then what?"

Tomie looked at Hoshikuma Doji's expression and tentatively expressed his speculation: "When he escaped today, he escaped through the wall. You didn't even notice it, which means he was probably hiding in a nearby home."

After noticing that the expression on Hoshikuma Doji's face had turned to one of appreciation, he continued talking. "That means that many families in this village may have invited him. But at the one I went to today, the woman had to check again and again even when the captain called the door. It should be to prevent unintentional invitations to Prajna. The purpose of this village asking us to help Maybe it's not to exorcise demons. It's to let Prajna enter that house."

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