Tomie didn't think about why Kurumi's mother was here. He was completely attracted by her mother who appeared here.

The other party stretched out his hand towards him, "Come here, my child."

Tomie walked towards her.

Kurumi knelt on the ground and took Tomie into her arms, stroking his hair lovingly. "My child, mother has finally found you."

"Mom." Fu Jiang hugged her back, and all the recent worries turned into tears of grievance pouring out of his eyes.

"My poor child." Kurumi pulled away the crying Tomie in her arms, and gently wiped away his tears, "Tell mom your name, and mom will take you home, and no one can hurt you again. "

Tomie seemed to feel something strange. Looking at Kurumi's face, his reaction was a little slow, but his instinct was frantically calling the police. Something seemed wrong with his mother.

"Son of God...Son of God!" Hoshikuma Doji's voice finally reached Tomie's ears.

He turned around and saw Hoshikuma Doji being pinned to the ground by the skeletons of dozens of babies. He just got rid of the baby bones that were pressing his mouth and reminded Tomie.

Although the number looked scary, these small skeletons obviously couldn't suppress him for long, and Hoshikuma Doji was gradually losing control.

Fu Jiang looked at the woman hugging him again in horror. It was still Kurumi's gentle smile, but it made people feel creepy at this moment. Because it was night, he finally noticed the blood stains from the other party's waist. What she was holding in her arms was not a baby, but a baby. A red and skinny baby corpse.

He stared into the other person's eyes and backed away step by step.

The woman tilted her head and looked at Tomie, who had retreated to Hoshikuma Doji. Ask softly: "Are you leaving me, child?"

Hoshikuma Doji broke free from the infant body that was suppressing him, covered Tomie's eyes and protected him in his arms, and shouted viciously at the woman: "Get out of the way of the childbirth girl! This is not someone you can touch!"

When Hoshikuma Doji released his hand covering his eyes, the woman no longer held Kurumi's face, revealing her original withered and thin face.

During this period of time, Xingxiong unlocked the woman's illusion and allowed Fujiang to see her true appearance.

"Are you going to take my child away!" The woman glared at Xing Xiong Dozi fiercely, with blood-red tears flowing from her eyes.

"There is no child of yours here! Your child is in your arms!" Star Bear Doji yelled at her. He knew the trouble of this monster.

"No one! Can't take away my child!"

As she finished speaking, the baby corpses all over the floor crawled toward the woman and gathered in the baby bundle in her hand. The red baby opened its eyes, turned its head and howled at them: "をばれぅ,をばれぅ.”

Hoshikuma Doji pressed Tomie into his arms and covered his exposed ears with his left hand, trying not to let him hear those cries.

The entrance to the cave was guarded by the banshee, and the two children had no chance to escape. Rubbles began to fall inside the cave. Xing Xiong released all his demon power and struggled to protect Fu Jiang and himself.

The warm liquid fell down on his head, and Tomie raised his head. Star Bear Boy, who had returned to his human appearance after nightfall, now appeared as a monster again. He exposed his canine teeth and tried to threaten him. Blood slowly flowed out of his nose and ears.

Tomie subconsciously grabbed his clothes and wanted to call him: "Hoshikuma Doji..."

The woman's shrill cry was still echoing in the cave: "Give me my child back!"

It was so harsh that Hoshikuma Doji couldn't hear Tomie's voice and thought he was suffering from the crying, so he held him tighter in his arms.

The wound on Xingxiong's back that had begun to heal opened again under the attack of the sound wave, and most of his weight was already pressing on Fujiang.

Tomie knew that Hoshikuma-dōji had reached his limit. The monster was coming for him. If he didn't do something, Hoshikuma-dōji might not be able to see the sun tomorrow.

Tomie yelled in the woman’s direction: “Mom!”

The cave instantly became quiet.

Xingxiong knelt down on the ground, his ears were buzzing and his eyes were full of black spots.

Fujiang supported Xingxiong Tongzi and tentatively called her softly: "Mom..."

"No..." Hoshikuma Doji, who vaguely heard his mother's voice, grabbed Tomie's wrist.

It is taboo for a child to call the mother who gave birth, and she will be taken away.

His body was tense, but he didn't have much strength to stop the Son of God.

Tomi Jiang is trying to treat the woman as a mentally disturbed lunatic whom he has encountered before, and tries his best to follow the other person's imagination to appease her emotions.

"Good boy, I finally found you, come here." The woman stretched out her hand to him, trying to coax him to her side.

Tomie swallowed, looked at her for a while, and directed her gaze to Hoshikuma Doji, who was relying on himself to vomit blood, "I left with my mother, what should I do with my brother? I don't want to leave my brother."

Fu Jiang tentatively put forward his own conditions, hoping that the woman would save Xiong Tongzi for him.

"He's not a brother, come here and be with mom." The woman knelt down and, although she was a little anxious, she still tried her best to coax Fu Jiang.

Fu Jiang shook his head: "I want a mother and a brother."

"Why are you disobedient?" The woman's face changed instantly and she screamed: "You are disobedient! You are not my child!"

The red baby in the arms cried again: "をばれぅ, をばれぅ."

Overturned. Tomie stretched out his hand to cover Hoshikuma Doji's ears, and the sound waves hit his brain as expected.

Just like how white appears when black is extreme, sharp high-decibel noise seems to become quieter after hearing it too much.

"Not bad, kid, you've persisted for so long."

The vague sound seemed to come from across the water.

Fu Jiang looked up hesitantly. He seemed to be hallucinating, as if he had seen the Ghost King.

The ghost king's phantom came to him, reached out to cover his eyes and comforted him: "It's okay, I'll take you home."

Fujiang lost consciousness due to the tenderness he felt at that moment. When he opened his eyes again, he was in the Iron Palace of Dajiangshan again.

Tomie stared at the ceiling in a daze. Because of Tomie Kawakami's physique, he didn't have any scars on his body that could be used as proof. So I unconsciously fell into the philosophy of life, whether lying here peacefully at this moment was a dream, or whether the escape and wandering with Hoshikuma Doji was a dream...

ah! Hoshikuma Doji!

Tomie's mind flashed back to the pitiful appearance of Star Bear Boy, who was bleeding and vomiting blood along the way, with not many good places on his body. He couldn't lie down anymore and immediately got up and rushed to the main hall of the Iron Palace.

Usually Shuten-douji would be drinking there, and Hoshikuma-douji would be playing nearby. Even if they were both away, Ayu would be there anyway.

His first priority now is to confirm the safety of Star Bear Boy.

As soon as they arrived outside the main hall, they heard the sound of the rattan bat used to beat the quilts when drying them being forcefully slapped against the wall.

Along with it came Ayu's roar: "So you have found the person a long time ago, but you deliberately let it go and let the monsters in Tanba country riot for so long!"

The majestic King of Ghosts, the protector of the great rivers and mountains, and the Lord of the Hundred Ghosts of Night in Danbo Kingdom, knelt down in front of him and was being disciplined.

"Haha." Shuten Doji smiled awkwardly, and then began to explain Ayu's reading and writing quibbles: "At first, when I saw Shenzi bringing back wound medicine and food from a human village alone, I was just curious about him. I couldn't help but observe how far a child could go.

Then Star Bear woke up. I thought this was a good opportunity to train him, so I didn't show up for the time being and quietly followed behind to protect them. "

"You followed behind to protect them, and you still let them both be attacked by the childbirth?!" Ayou slapped the cane again angrily.

Shuten Doji was frightened, and his already weak momentum weakened by three points.

Maternity women are women who die before giving birth to their children. Because they are worried that their obsession with dying before seeing their children will turn them into monsters, their families will cut open their abdomens and put the unborn children in when they are buried. In their arms.

Even so, some dead women will still turn into monsters called childbirth monsters under the resentment evolved from their obsession. They will take on the appearance of weak women and walk at night with their unborn children, unable to hold their waist and abdomen. The blood stains removed and the distinctive cry of the child in their arms are their most distinguishing features.

They will adopt and take care of children abandoned or lost by humans. In rare extreme cases, they may abduct children from human villages.

Normally it would not harm human babies.

However, most of them are in an unstable situation because they overlap with many of the characteristics of the yokai Goguori introduced from the Tang Dynasty in recent years, and their characteristics as yokai are being changed.

Originally, Hoshikuma Doji's apparent age was not within their hunting range, but they happened to bring along a divine child who looked to be no more than three or four years old at most.

The birthing girl she encountered seemed to have some mental problems. She was actually planning to kill the Son of God because he wouldn't follow her. It simply went against the instinct of a birthing girl.

But it’s hard to say whether it’s because of the divine son’s own fatal attraction to monsters.

Shuten Doji quietly looked away and did not dare to look at Ayu because he passed by a human village on the way. He couldn't help but steal a bottle of wine. I didn't pay attention for a moment. The mother was asked to get into the cave where the two children were resting.

"That's right, you can still get attacked if you follow us. Don't you think it's no big deal and go find a drink?" Xingxiong Dozi waved his little hand that was already red, and interjected at the side.

As soon as he woke up, Ayou caught him here and taught him a lesson for his inappropriate pranks, which put him and the Son of God in danger.

Of course he was slapped on the palm. Even if he was a monster, he couldn't be hit like this.

Now he wished that Shuten Doji would also receive a beating from Ayu and suffer with him.

"Shut up!" Ayou's cane paddle was pointed directly at him.

Xingxiong Doji immediately knelt down and sat down next to Shuten Doji with a well-behaved look on his face.

"Since you found the two children, why didn't you tell me and let the monsters continue to search and cause such a big battle? Did you know that a large number of priests and onmyojis entered the country this morning!" Ayou became angry when he mentioned this matter. bigger.

Shuten Doji found the two children on the day they disappeared, but the search for the monsters in Tamba Country lasted three days before they were told to call it a day.

This time, not only Shinto and Onmyodo were attracted, but also many monsters from other areas began to suspect that the Son of God was in Dajiangshan.

If this kind of thing is not handled well, Dajiangshan is likely to face siege from all forces.

Shuten Doji showed a flattering smile: "The main purpose is to convey the news to humans that the Son of God is still alive, so as to prevent them from giving up the search."

Ayou was so angry that his eyes were red. "What about Dajiangshan? Start a war?"

Shuten Doji saw Ayu whose eyes were red with anger and hurriedly explained. "I have already planned this. When the Son of God wakes up, I will take him quietly to the boundary of Kurama Mountain and let him reveal his whereabouts there. This will create the illusion that the Son of God is being snatched away by monsters."

Hoshikuma Doji, who was sitting on his knees, thought about it for a while and found that this method was very feasible. He immediately became excited, "We can use genjutsu to transform into a tengu, and be seen with the Son of God on Mount Kurama. Shuten Doji will find another reason to talk to Da Tengu fights. Naturally there will be rumors that Shuten fought with him because the big tengu stole the Son of God."

"Huh?" Ayou looked at him.

According to Hoshikuma Doji's idea, even if this method is feasible, the already bad relationship between Oeyama and Kurama Mountain will definitely become even worse.

Although the two forces are already at odds with each other, if Anma Shan steps forward to clarify that he did not kidnap the Son of God, no one will believe him because of his bad relationship with Da Jiangshan...


I saw Ayou slowly put down the rattan pat he raised. The smiling Hoshikuma Doji immediately added: "You can also ask Shuten to fight with the Great Tengu first, just say that the Great Tengu sent people to kidnap the Son of God.

Then we and Shenzi performed a scene in the territory of Mount Kurama, where Shenzi was intercepted from the tengu by the tanuki of Shikoku.

In this way, the angry Daitengu will become enmity with the stinky tanukis of Shikoku. When the Son of God really appears in the Four Kingdoms, they might start fighting. "

"What a great idea." Shuten Douji immediately praised him.

Ayou had a headache and covered his face.

In fact, most monsters are innocent. Compared with humans, their world is simpler and rougher. Full of violent aesthetics.

Therefore, Hoshikuma Doji is really special. He knows all kinds of strategies without any teacher, which makes the monsters in the country unable to guard against him.

There is always a prank that can play a trick on you.

Fu Jiang outside the door looked confused. Is this something he can hear?

In the end, Ayou rubbed his brows and said helplessly, "First of all, your own illusions are not good enough to deceive so many monsters, and your plan requires the Son of God to take risks, and you must agree to it anyway."

Hoshikuma Doji immediately expressed his position: "We can strengthen our practice! We can practice to the point where we don't need the Son of God and use illusions to take risks on his behalf!"

Ayou rolled his eyes. With Xing Xiong's level of cultivation, he would be able to live in years of monkeys and horses.

Shuten-douji smiled, seeing that the existence of Shenzi was not without benefit to Hoshikuma-douji's education. He smiled and said: "Why not ask him himself?"

Shuten Doji turned to look at the door: "Are you willing to help Ojiangshan with this?"

Fujiang knew that he had been discovered, so he walked in directly.

He looked at the people in the room and nodded slowly: "I do."

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