At night, the door of Taizheng Minister Fujiwara Tadohira's house was wide open.

On this night that should have been silent except for the sound of rain, there were many bullock carts parked outside Fujiwara's house.

The high priest Murakami who arrived in a hurry saw many bullock carts parked next to his vehicle. When he saw the family crest on the vehicles, he immediately realized that there were others coming here with the same purpose as himself.

The servants of Fujiwara House immediately welcomed the nobles who left the ox cart, held umbrellas for them and guided them into Fujiwara House.

In the courtyard of Fujiwara House where visitors are received, the host is already waiting behind the curtain.

There were many visitors sitting outside the curtain. Taking a closer look, almost all the high priests from the major shrines in Kyoto or nearby were already sitting here.

Priest Murakami immediately prostrated himself and showed his respect to the adult behind the curtain.

"Priest Murakami of Kifune Shrine?" came the voice from behind the curtain, which seemed a little older. It was not difficult to hear the other party's fatigue. "Did you come to visit me late at night because of the oracle in your dream?"

Priest Murakami knelt on the ground and said: "Yes, Lord Gao Longshen and many gods of Gao Tianyuan have sent down the oracle. There will be a great disaster in the world. They have given the son of God to the world. We need to raise the son of God seriously. We must let him grow up." He understands the truth, goodness and beauty in the world.”

The voice behind the curtain seemed even more tired, "Uga no Soul God, Ebisu God, Toyouno God, Suzhan Mingzun, Tsukuyomi God, Amaterasu God... so many gods sent down oracles at the same time, just to tell someone. A son of God is born into the world. What kind of disaster will this world face to cause so many gods to send a son of God together?"

All the priests present were quietly waiting for the instructions from the adult behind the curtain, not daring to make any sound.

Finally, a voice came from behind the curtain: "Go find him, find the treasure that the gods gave us. Bring him to me."

From that rainy night, all the samurai from all the families in Kyoto, including the onmyoji interns who had not yet become onmyojis, and even everyone in the Shinto sect from top to bottom.

They all got an order: to find a boy who looked to be three to five years old, with black hair, a tear mole on the corner of his left eye, and a beautiful appearance.

On the other side, Fu Jiang struggled to hold his clothes that had become loose and ran in the forest. He wished he could give himself a slap in the face a few hours ago.

On the first day of his fifteenth birthday, Tomie Saiki received a hint at dawn from his brother Kusuo Saiki who was registered as a registered citizen. Starting today, he will get rid of the miserable life of the past ten years.

So when he was left alone and met the sexy blond sister who called herself Bishamonten, as an adolescent boy, he relaxed his guard.

Although he later felt that the other party's speech was very good, he had seen too many pathological stalkers and didn't take it to heart until someone poked his forehead and forcibly entered a memory, which opened up a new horizon.

The world is no longer simple in his eyes.

Flounders with eyes all over their bodies and dragging long chains swam across the sky.

The chirping little old men hid in the corner and watched him.

A humanoid creature that resembles a scrawled white sack. Holding the huge hatchet tightly, he squatted at the corner and chewed his fingers until they were bloody and bloody. He stared at him closely, ready to rush over at any time.

There were so many, he never thought that his daily life was filled with so many anomalies.

Just when his outlook on life was impacted, he was preached.

The other party claimed to be a god, saying that his sexual transformation was about to destroy the world, and that he was the key to salvation.

Just kidding, how could a neon adolescent boy refuse the title of savior? He promised to save the world as soon as his mind got hot.

Of course he regrets it now. He should leave things like saving the world to his almighty brother.

Why should you believe that the other party will do their best to help you!

What to say, send yourself to a very suitable era to study.

Don’t worry, there are many great people there who can take good care of themselves and learn a lot. As long as you don't be too showy in the early days, you will definitely live well.

Then why, the messy creature behind him kept chasing him as soon as he landed on the ground! Such a long tongue has been dragged to the ground. Does it have to be stuffed back into your mouth after a while?

At first glance, it looks like a toad, but a toad doesn't have so many dark eyes on its body, and its four legs don't have the same hairy legs as a human uncle! Not to mention the tongue is full of barbs!

Tomie couldn't stand still and tripped over a branch and fell to the ground. He was lucky enough to avoid the tongue that was thrust from the top of his head.

How many times has it happened, how many times has he fallen!

He was so short-handed that he fell all the way!

So why! To throw him into a place like this with the appearance of a child!

A little ahead, purple miasma has risen where the long tongue and saliva touched.

The monster behind him is retracting his tongue.

Fu Jiang got up and continued to run away.

A glimmer of light was seen in the stacks of woods ahead.

Tomie didn't know if that was hope, but at least that was the direction.

Maybe the bigger thing would move slower, but even though the opponent was slow, Tomie also had short legs. It has never been able to effectively distance itself.

Tomie looked at the hillside next to him, gritted his teeth, raised his baggy school uniform to cover his head, closed his eyes and jumped down, his small body rolling down as fast as a barrel.

The monster swung its tongue out from behind to seduce Fu Jiang.

Tomie's body was small, so he didn't encounter any obstacles and quickly escaped from the range of his tongue.

The monster roared angrily and startled countless birds and beasts in the forest.

When the rolling stopped, Fujiang climbed up from the ground with difficulty, his eyesight already stained red with blood.

The random way of escaping just now still hurt him.

But fortunately, because of the previous wrapping behavior, all the blood was absorbed by the school uniform.

He covered his forehead with his school uniform and walked step by step towards the white light he just saw.

It was probably because of the aftereffects of the fall that he had just suffered a concussion, or maybe it was because he was hit on the head and felt more and more dizzy the further he walked.

He reached out and rubbed his eyes randomly, and everything he saw was stained with blood.

"Ah, I am still thinking about why there is so much noise outside the Shinta Forest today. It turns out that such a young master appeared. No wonder it made those things go crazy." A delicate voice sounded not far away.

Fu Jiang raised his head with difficulty and saw a beautiful woman covered in white.

Fujiang, who was even unsteady on his feet, was gently helped up. A hand gently stroked the wound on his forehead, and the pain eased.

The hand held him in his arms and comforted him softly: "Don't be afraid, you are already safe when you meet me."

"Please burn everything stained with my blood. You must use fire." Fujiang said this feebly and fell into the other party's arms.

When he woke up again, Tomie found himself lying on the tatami. He had been put into a children's kimono, and he was also covered with a valuable kimono.

He sat up and looked at the environment he was in. The interior decoration was not gorgeous and could even be seen to be old.

The yard has not been carefully mowed and is full of weeds.

"Are you awake, little god?" A voice came from behind.

Fu Jiang hurriedly turned around to see the beautiful woman he saw before he fell into coma. That person's beauty made even Fu Jiang unable to help but lose consciousness for a moment.

It's not that I'm confused, I just feel familiar, a kind of familiarity that is different from the feeling brought by Bishamonten.

The woman put the set meal aside, knelt down next to him, and reached out to brush the hair from his forehead to check his wounds. "He has fully recovered. He is indeed a child protected by the gods."

"Those clothes of mine!" Fu Jiang reacted immediately when he heard her mention the wound and wanted to get up to check.

"Don't worry. According to your request, all the clothes containing your blood have been burned. During the burning process, there were constant whining and cursing. It was really scary." The woman held him down and comforted him gently.

Fu Jiang quickly sat upright, bent down and thanked her: "Thank you very much for saving my life."

"Please raise your head. I don't think I have done anything extraordinary." The woman stretched out her hand to help him up.

Tomie then continued to raise his head and look at her. She was really very beautiful. In terms of beauty alone, she could even be as equal as Tomie Kawakami in the distance.

"My name is Kuzu Ye, Lord Shenzi can also call me that." Kuzu Ye brought the set meal that had just been set aside to Fu Jiang and introduced herself to him.

"Ah, my name is..."

Tomie immediately wanted to introduce himself, but before he could finish speaking, Kuzuye reached out to cover his mouth.

"Sir Kamiko, please don't say your name. This is the inside of the Shinta Forest. Apart from you, we are all non-human beings. If your name is exposed, it will be hidden by the gods, and you will never be able to go back."

Fu Jiang nodded.

Kuzu Ye said rudely and then retracted his hand.

"Inhuman creature?" Tomi Jiang asked tentatively, which means that the beautiful lady in front of him is not a human being?

"Yes, this is the inside of Shinta's Forest, the home of the white fox. Of course, I am also a fox." Kuzunoha replied with a smile, and she looked a bit like a fox.

Shinta's Forest, the Home of the White Fox, a woman named Kuzuha... I seem to have heard this configuration in some story.

After all, we have met gods, and a fox fairy who has no ill intentions toward him is actually not scary.

There is something special about Tomie. He can sense whether the creatures approaching him have malicious intentions. This was also the reason why he allowed the Saiki couple to adopt him when he was a child.

That couple were the only ones among so many adoptees who treated themselves with the emotions that elders should have.

Moreover, Fu Jiang's attention was attracted by another matter, "Why do you call me Son of God?"

After only a short period of contact, he had already heard this title three times.

"Ah, don't you know the responsibility you are about to bear? Kyoto has already mobilized everyone to find you. The samurai Onmyoji and Shinto... have mobilized all the forces they can." Kuzuha smiled and handed the chopsticks to Tomie. , "I haven't seen Kyoto so lively in a long time."

Tomie instantly understood that this was probably what Bishamonten said would help him and give him a convenient identity.

If Kyoto is looking for him, then maybe he should go to Kyoto.

Kuzu Ye saw through what he was thinking at a glance and opened the food box in front of him with a smile, "Let's eat first. Children will not grow taller if they don't eat on time."

Tomie finally understood why he felt friendly. Kuzuha had the same maternal aura as Kurumi's mother.

Unknowingly, Fu Jiang was under the care of the other party, had breakfast, changed clothes, packed his small luggage, and appeared in front of the strange door in the evening.

"I originally wanted to keep you for a while, but you must have a mission when you come to this world." Kuzuha knelt down in front of Tomie and arranged his kimono for him.

After saying that, Kuzu Ye took out a bunch of hair and tied it with a red ribbon. She handed the hair to Tomie and said with a guilty look on her face: "This is my hair. You can carry it with you. It can temporarily change your appearance and breath in the ghost world. I should have sent you to Kyoto in person, but I committed a crime." It is forbidden to take a step outside the Shinta Forest, so you can only go there by yourself."

Tomi Jiang took his hair and looked at Kuzu Ye seriously, "Please don't do this. I am already very grateful to you. You not only saved me and provided me with treatment, but also provided me with a clean and warm bed, comfortable clothes, and delicious food." , I don’t know how to repay you. If there is anything I can do for you, please tell me.”

Kuzuye wanted to refuse, but she suddenly changed her mind and said, "It sounds like I do have something to ask you."

Fu Jiang nodded quickly, "You say."

"I once fell in love with a human and gave birth to a child. I named him Doujimaru. Later, I had to leave because my identity as a fox was discovered. When I parted with Doujimaru, he was about the same age as you. If we are destined to meet you, , I would like to ask you to confirm on my behalf whether he is well and whether he has grown up healthy."

Saying this, Kuzu Ye's face was full of nostalgia, thinking that she was also very painful when they were separated.

He said solemnly: "I will definitely do it for you."

Kuzu Ye laughed, the last ray of sunlight disappeared, and the strange door was slowly opening.

"You are about to set off. Let me give you a few final words: Don't talk to anything you encounter along the way. If you accidentally talk, don't let the other person see that you are scared. This leaf can protect you and protect you when you leave the ghost. Please don't throw it away before you go. Finally, the first ray of sunshine in the morning is the key to leaving the ghost path. If you miss it, you have to wait another night."

After saying that, Kuzuye handed a huge lotus leaf that he had just picked to Tomie.

Tomi Jiang held up the lotus leaf and bowed to Kuzu Ye again to thank him, then turned and entered the dark door.

There was a moment of darkness followed by lights everywhere.

Monsters imitate humans and set up stalls to sell goods.

Although it can be seen that it is a monster, the monster that chased him before is different, and his prototype can be seen to some extent.

Tomie didn't know what he looked like in their eyes, but at least his appearance didn't cause a commotion.

For spiritual creatures, food rich in spiritual energy is always very attractive.

For example, Tomie did not hide his aura against the monsters, or the Oden stall in the monster market.

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