"Mea Yi..."

"Thunder and Lightning Meiyi."

Bai spoke softly and repeated.

Should she be surprised? Maybe, but her expression was very calm. After the initial doubts, a subtle smile appeared on her face.


"Sure enough, Sister Bai, do you know?" Leiden Meiyi let go of the girl in her arms, her eyes looking into the eyes of the person in front of her.

Lei Dian Meiyi had noticed from Lei Miaomiao's memory that Bai Mo seemed to know the future, but he couldn't believe it at that time, so he didn't think about it in detail.

But now, seeing Bai Mo's performance, the answer to this question seems to be ready.

"Well, I don't know how Mei came here and became Dr. Mei."

"But for me, time travel is actually not that unbelievable."

Lei Dian Meiyi was stunned for a moment. She looked at Bai Mo with a smile on her face and finally came to her senses.

"Is it a misunderstanding?"

But this is not surprising. Compared with imprinting the world, time travel does seem to be more believable and easier to relate to.

She didn't know what would happen if she told Bai Mo that this was the engraved world, and that wasn't what she wanted to pay attention to now.

Taking Bai Mo's hand, Lei Dian Meiyi looked at her anxiously and shook his head.

"Sister Bai, you can't step onto the experimental platform."

This is what Leiden Meiyi wants to do now. She knows this is an illusory world, but she can't do it if she is asked to watch Bai Mo step into the abyss.

But facing Leiden Meiyi's reminder, Bai Mo didn't seem to hear it.

She looked at Mei Yi, and then looked at her hand holding hers. After a few seconds of silence, she seemed to be breathing more excitedly, and her face gradually started to feel hot.

Lowering her head and blushing, she said a little embarrassedly: "This may be a bit rude, but in fact I have already heard it clearly."

"But I still want to confirm, Meiyi..."

"What did you call me just now?"

"Ah?" Lei Dian Meiyi was indeed stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that Bai Mo was most concerned about this.

But she reacted quickly, nodded and answered seriously.

"Sister Bai."

"Sister Bai?" Taking a deep breath and exhaling it slowly, Bai Mo had one hand held by Leiden Meiyi and the other hand on his chest, acting like a little girl.

Her eyes went from trembling to dull and finally a little dazed, as if it still felt a little unreal.

But she quickly raised her head, nodded and smiled softly.

"Well, it seems that I haven't missed you in the future."

"This is really, really good..."

Holding Lei Dian Meiyi with his backhand, Bai Mo pressed her down on the chair and asked her to sit down. He bent down and asked softly.

"Okay, don't worry, tell me, why doesn't Mei Yi let me undergo the experiment?"

It was supposed to be Raiden Mei who persuaded her, but unknowingly, she was the one comforting Raiden Mei.

She carefully protected Raiden Meiyi's emotions, telling her not to get excited, and telling her at all times.

"I'm here and I'm not going away."

In order to verify this, and to reassure the girl in front of him, Bai Mo held her hand and never let go.

Raiden Mei didn't know how she should respond to her. In the end, after thinking about it for a long time, she started all the stories with a question.

"Sister Bai, do you believe that someone can experience 50,000 years of life, 50,000 years of pain, and experience reincarnations in the world?"

"She suffered all the pain and sorrow in the world, was abandoned by the world, and was not understood by the world. She walked forward in the dark thorns that we never thought of, and finally brought her gentleness to future generations."

"Sister Bai, do you believe there is such a person?"

She looked at Bai Mo and met her eyes.

But her question silenced Bai Mo.


"I don't know, that kind of thing would be difficult for even a fusion warrior to do." After a few breaths of silence, Bai Mo shook his head bitterly.

"In 50,000 years, no matter how powerful the soul is, it will be changed, not to mention, it will have to go through endless reincarnations."

"Maybe Alicia can, but it's still hard for me to believe that someone..."

"Someone did it!" Lei Dian Meiyi held Bai Mo's hand harder.

She pulled Bai Mo closer, her voice was a little trembling with emotion.

"Someone has done it. She has experienced endless reincarnations in fifty thousand years. She has felt everything, experienced everything, stood up from countless collapses and despair, and lost the few remaining emotions in the abyss."

"She was supposed to turn into a numb machine, but in the end, she came 50,000 years later and selflessly dedicated all her tenderness and the feelings that had been erased and mutilated by time to me, Kiana, And everyone.”

"That was all she had left at that time. She gave everything again, but in the end...she got nothing."

Silence, Leiden Meiyi was silent for a moment.

"Sister Bai, that was you. You did it. I witnessed that scene with my own eyes." Standing up, she met Bai Mo's slightly absent-minded eyes.

In the following time, Leiden Meiyi told the girl in front of her everything she knew.

That body that has gone through eternity, that will in despair, and everything she will do in the future.

Raiden Mei's narration was neither fast nor too detailed, but it still took her a long time.

When the final scene settled on the Battle of Destiny, Raiden Mei stopped.

"This may be a little confusing to you." Her voice was bitter.

"Yes." Bai Mo lowered his head.

"Is this my future?" Strangely, Bai Mo didn't have any fear, and she even showed a gentle chuckle.

"I didn't expect that I really protected you, Kiana, and everyone."

"But that's in the future. For me now, I don't know if I can stand the sister in your heart."

"And, leaving aside the end, it really wasn't such a wonderful life."

"So Sister Bai." Leiden Meiyi approached.

"Don't accept the experiment, don't step onto the experimental bench."


"But Mei..." She let go of Mei's hand and turned to look at the experimental table used for fusion warrior surgery in the center of the laboratory.

Her eyes were in trance, and no one knew what she was thinking.

"After knowing that kind of future, everyone will want to escape, and I will be the same." Bai Mo shook his head and spoke with a hand on his chest.

Yes, who wants to experience pain? Who wants to go through that unless it is a last resort?

No one would think that Bai Mo is the same. She is not a masochist. She also wants to live a happy life, even if she can only live a few short years.


"I don't seem to have a choice, Mei."

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