But they, who were very familiar with Xilin, knew that something was wrong with Xilin's situation at this time.

Out of worry, little Leilu flew to her side, hesitated for a moment and then stretched out his hand to gently push Xilin's body.

"Hey? How are you?"

Siren seemed to be relieved by this push.

He took a deep breath, but he could hear obvious trembling and pitiful crying in the voice.

However, Siren didn't show it. She raised her head and closed her eyes.

She tried hard to maintain her emotions, but the more she restrained herself, the more unable to calm down her emotions became.

Finally, she opened her eyes and looked at Kiana again.

"Bella~ did you say anything?"

Kiana was a little hesitant. She didn't know whether to tell Sirin, as that would only make her feel more uncomfortable.

But looking at Sirin in front of him, he met her eyes.

She didn't rush herself, nor did she threaten or force her. She just stood there obediently, as if she was a person who had made a mistake, waiting for her judgment.

Will the proud and indifferent queen be sad? Will she shed tears because of her arrogance?

can you?

Kiana didn't know, maybe not, she was the queen, and her pride prevented her from crying.

Kiana used to be so understanding, but now she realizes that she doesn't understand Xilin. Looking into Xilin's eyes, Kiana can feel her sadness, and she has never seen Xilin so sad.

Today, she is also the most vulnerable Siren Kiana has ever seen.

Kiana shook her head. She wanted to deceive Sirin, but she still choked on her words.

Kiana couldn't deceive her, she couldn't.

"Bella said...she wanted to hear you call her, Bella."


Kiana's eyes dodge, she doesn't dare to look at Sirin.

Xilin didn't speak either, and the scene was quiet again.

"Uh... damn fat guys, we..."

Xiao Xiaozhibao seemed to want to comfort Xilin, but she was not good at comforting others, so she wanted to change the topic.

"The core is here, or we..."

Xiao Xiaozhibao wanted to say whether he should vent his anger on the core.

But before she finished her words, she saw Xilin exerting force on her palms.

With the crisp sound of "stuck!", cracks appeared in the core.

And under Xilin's fierce force, the core exploded, turning into a little starlight and dissipating in the air.

"……………………" Xiao Xiaoshibao opened his mouth and was stunned.

Xilin didn't speak again, she turned around and left without saying a word.

"Hey! Wait for us!"

Xiao Shibao and Xiao Lei Lu hurriedly followed.

The moment she turned around, Kiana saw a drop of crystal water slipping quietly without making any waves.

But why is there such a drop of water?

Maybe the world is crying.

"Ci Lin..."

Kiana stretched out her hand, she wanted to hold her or comfort her.

But in the end, she could only watch her back leave.


"Above Hyperion, the laboratory lights are flickering, and high-frequency flashes are constantly lighting up, making the entire laboratory flicker even more than the disco scene."

A group of scientific researchers blocked their sight, dodged and retreated to speak.

"Hey! Hey! With this flash, I can't see anything clearly."

As he spoke, he reluctantly raised his head and looked in front of him.

"Uncle, is this okay? I think this should be closed."

At the front of them, an old man had his hands behind his back, his waist straight, wearing sunglasses and facing the flash of light, standing still, as if a small flash of light could do nothing to me.

This high-frequency flash did not last long, and when everyone was about to exit, the flash finally ended.

Everyone also put down their hands and breathed a sigh of relief.

This experiment almost cost me my eyes.

However, looking at the old man who remained motionless in front of them, everyone couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Look at people, they are still not afraid of hardships and dangers despite their age.

Look at yourself again, it’s so shameful.

For a moment, a group of scientific researchers gave a thumbs up and applauded to the old man in front of them to show their respect.

The old man was also very calm. He first waved his hand to ask everyone to stop, and then extended his hand.

The person whose hand was extended was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized.


He took out a wrench from behind and quickly handed it to the old man's hand.

Unexpectedly, the old man squeezed the wrench and threw it away, then grabbed the researcher's hand.

"You little bastards, don't bully me! These sunglasses don't work well and my eyes are blurry. Come on, come on, help me."

After hearing this, everyone stepped forward and helped the old man with all their hands.

The scene was also a bit chaotic, and I was afraid that the old man would just explain it here.

You must know that the principal of the academy has told you that you cannot believe everything this old man says, but there is no need to doubt his ability.

If this is the explanation, what a loss it will be.

"Okay, okay, help me up."

The old man was helped to his feet and a few drops of eye drops were put into his eyes.

"Well~ These human gadgets are good. They are not complicated and have very direct functions. They are much more comfortable than those flashy ones."

After commenting on what was in his hand, the old man turned his gaze in front of him.

In front of them was a cylindrical silo that was not particularly huge.

The silo occupies most of the space in the house, and judging from the material and condition, it was just built not long ago.

At this time, after the light gradually dimmed, white mist began to spray out from around the silo, and the lock on the hatch began to rotate, stretch, and finally unfold.

In front of everyone, the silo slowly opened.

Following the opening sound, a series of mechanical sounds rang in everyone's ears.

"The host's body functions normally."

"The body is operating normally."

"Honkai replenishing fluid is filled."

"Honkai can adapt well."

"Honkai energy usage rate, 98%."

"The function is 70% adaptable to the host and in good condition."

"Start intelligent recognition."

"Start successfully."

"Linking to artificial intelligence systems."

"The system started successfully."

"Hello, artificial intelligence furball is at your service."

"Linking thoughts, do you want to give permission?"

"You have rejected mind sharing and can make the best choice based on the best calculation."

"Apply again."

"You refuse again. I feel that you are repulsive to this system and start the flattery process."

"Send flowers."

Then a large bunch of flowers were thrown out of the silo and stuck directly on the old man's face.

"Failure to please, aggrieved~"

"Warning, I feel that the host is experiencing severe mood swings and urgently modify the program."

"The process is being modified."

"Successfully modified."

"Hello, Artificial Intelligence Furball No. 2 is at your service. Let us throw away the previous unpleasantness along with the deleted No. 1."



"Send flowers."

"You reject again, skip this step."

"Start testing body functions."

"The body function is good, but it has been detected that it has been exposed to high-concentration Honkai erosion. We think that you can promote the recuperation plan to better restore your body function."

"The test has been completed. Your body is fine. Thank you for your cooperation."

"The ninth generation Hunter God Armor, [True Red Knight, Flame Light] has been put on."

"Hey~ What kind of artificial intelligence is this? It's so annoying." After the mechanical voice fell, a clear and teasing female voice sounded.

In the silo, Jizi, who had red hair and wore a red armor, walked out with one hand on her hip.

Ji Zi raised an eyebrow when she saw the old man whose face was blurred by two flowers outside.

"Needless to say, you are responsible, right?"

"Please don't say that. Don't you think imperfect things are imperfect?" The mechanical voice sounded again.

"System startup."

"Try again."


"Send flowers."

A flower popped out again and appeared in front of Ji Zi.

Ji Zi just glanced at it, then raised her hand and flicked it, and the flower turned into fly ash and disappeared.

"Okay, the system records that you like incomplete beauty..."

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