
A portal appeared out of thin air in the Anti-Entropy Base, and Sirin, who had just received the news, returned with Kiana.

Feeling the different atmosphere of the entire reverse entropy, Xier couldn't help but speak.

"Is it because of Bella?"

"No." Kiana shook her head.

"Bella is probably just a trigger. With the current situation, it seems that Anti-Entropy is in big trouble."

The three of them came to the laboratory with heavy hearts. Einstein, Bronya, and Walter were all here.

Seeing Xilin coming back, everyone's hearts tightened.

"Where's Bella?"

Xilin asked as soon as she came up.

"take it easy."

Walter told Xilin not to be so impulsive, and waited until Xilin's fierceness dissipated a little before he continued to speak.

"We locked her up, also to protect her, and of course, to protect reverse entropy."

There is nothing that can be done about it. If Bella is not locked up if something like this happens, the opinions within Anti-Entropy will only become greater.

There was a group of people who were trying to overthrow Einstein's ideas and their control of reverse entropy, but they were suppressed because of the fall of Cocolia.

This situation now gives them a chance to make a comeback.

And if they are really turned over, then Bella will definitely be ordered to be executed. At that time, Sirin will never choose to watch, and they may even turn their spears against Sirin.

So whether it's for Bella, for everyone, for Anti-Entropy or for Siren, Bella can only be temporarily locked up to comfort everyone.

Xilin took a deep breath, as if she was calming down her heart, and took a step forward to look at the picture on the screen.

In the picture, Bella was sitting quietly on the bed, her head lowered, and she was flipping through the picture book carefully in her arms.

Her movements were very gentle, as if she were afraid of damaging the paper, and her eyes were focused and calm.

Originally, Siren was able to restrain herself, but when she saw the collar around Bella's neck, the suppressed chill spread to the surroundings again in an instant.

The chill was so substantial that it even caused the surrounding instruments to freeze.

"Celine, calm down."

Kiana went up and grabbed Sirin.

She felt distressed seeing Bella like this, but she believed that the doctors must have done this out of necessity.

Siren took a deep breath and looked back at Einstein and the others.

"Don't worry, at least for the time being, we believe her."

"So you put a collar on her?" Xilin and Einstein looked at each other, her voice was very calm, but the suppressed anger, like an erupting volcano, was substantial.

Bronya shook her head, intending to answer for Einstein.

For the current Xilin, Einstein and the others' words sounded like quibbles. She might not have a place in Xilin's heart, but at least she should be better than Einstein and the others.

"Xilin, you should have noticed that this matter is very serious. Anti-Entropy has really worked very hard to help us."

As she spoke, Bronya opened the instrument in front of her.

A website popped up. It was a very ordinary website, and it was also a public website that reverse entropy would never be able to access.

But now on the Internet, the hot searches are all about news about reverse entropy.

Due to destiny, Anti-Entropy is a terrorist organization in the eyes of outsiders.

Now it is reported that unknown creatures are kept in captivity causing a large number of casualties.

Some people even listed the disasters caused by Honkai as the head of reverse entropy.

Some people even say that human experiments against entropy have created a very terrifying monster and that the world is about to enter a doomsday crisis.

Looking at these remarks, Kiana was a little angry.

"That's too much! It's simply a slander!"

"But why is this so?" Xi'er was a little surprised.

"Is it just to expose Reversal Entropy online? Reversible Entropy is not a friendly organization in the eyes of the public, and this has nothing to do with Bella, right?"

Xi'er's words reminded Kiana.

"Yes, this kind of thing is normal on the Internet. It seems that there is no way to solve it, right? After all, this is not the first time that reverse entropy has been misunderstood."

"And this has nothing to do with Bella. You can still do this even without Bella."

Einstein shook his head.

"Indeed, these things cannot fundamentally shake Anti-Entropy, but Kiana, have you forgotten that Anti-Entropy and Congress are a cooperative relationship? It is even a relationship of mutual achievement."

"Ah?" Kiana was stunned for a moment.

Bronya explained.

"Congress is based on the country, and the country is based on the people."

“Originally, anti-entropy works in the dark and the state works in the light, cooperating with each other for a win-win situation. No one knows about this and there is no evidence.

But now reverse entropy has been put on the surface, and it has also been revealed that it cooperates with Congress. "

“Imagine what would happen if you saw an organization that was a heinous, typical story villain, and you were filled with righteous indignation and wanted it to be eliminated, and suddenly you found out that your own country’s government was working closely with this organization?”

"This..." Kiana scratched her head.

"The people will put pressure on the government. As long as the impact is large enough, Congress will be forced to respond and put the pressure back to the source, which is counter-entropy."

"And under pressure from Congress, it has something to do with Bella."

"Congress was already putting pressure on Anti-Entropy because the mechas were out of control, and now Anti-Entropy is hiding Herrscher-level creatures that are prone to losing control. The result is very troublesome."

After hearing the explanation, everything was already clear. This is what is called making a wrong move and you will be doomed.

Now that Anti-Entropy has fallen into the center of the vortex, if you want to escape, you can only hand Bella over to Congress, but obviously this is impossible.

They won't, and even less will Siren.

And their enemies obviously know this, so they will keep targeting Bella. As long as they protect Bella for one day, things will become more and more chaotic.

This is real chaos, and this is the result they want to see.

On the contrary, if Anti-Entropy surrenders and hands Bella over, that is what they are not willing to see, because they never just want to see Anti-Entropy suffer misfortune, what they want is the chaos of the entire world.

Everyone knows this, but they have no good solution. Do they really want to give up on Bella?

At this moment, the communication rang again, it was Tesla's communication.

"Dr. Tesla."

Einstein got through, and as soon as he said his name, a loud voice came out from the other side.


"Jiwotou, what's going on over there!? How come there are so many bad things happening all of a sudden!?"

"I'm sorry Dr. Tesla, it seems we have caused you more trouble."

Einstein shook his head.

"Are these some!? I'm almost done here! I can go back soon, and the guys I scolded can't even lift their heads."

"But suddenly! Anti-entropy suddenly became the enemy of the entire world, and the Congress also took the opportunity to scold me."

"I'm so angry!! Those ****! They pointed their noses at me and accused me! We have cooperated with them for such a long time, don't they know what we are like!"

"What did these ** say! We are doing this for the sake of the people, and we have to take people's opinions into consideration, so you have to take full responsibility!"

"I really beep-!"

"They're just a bunch of beep-!"

"Ha~! Ha~! Ha~!"

On the screen, Tesla was smashing the table and spitting out sweet things. You can see how frustrated Tesla was during this period.

She was about to win with a straight, but her opponent suddenly pulled out four twos plus two kings, which stunned her.

Even if she was as irritable as she was, she still had to give in temporarily.

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