Honkai Impact: Capturing the Little Herrschers starting with Sirin

Chapter 626 If we could do this earlier, maybe things would be different.

The sky gradually darkened. In order to make this small world appear normal, Siren let the bright sunshine fall and replaced it with the stars at night.

To be honest, it is rare to see stars at night in today's world, but here, stars hang high in the sky, as many as possible.

In the kitchen, Xilin was kneading the dough in front of her very carefully, sprinkling a handful of flour from time to time, and her movements were very skillful.

Even though she hasn't done it for a long time now, after thinking about everything that day, she will never forget it again.

At this moment, the kitchen door was opened.

Silin didn't even look back and spoke to Theresa who walked in.

"What? Are you done talking?"

Theresa stepped forward and subconsciously spoke after seeing Sirin's skillful movements.

"Well, she didn't agree directly, but she no longer resisted helping us. I believe it can be considered a success."

"Yeah." Xilin replied briefly, put the processed dough aside, grabbed some dough, put it on the chopping board and pressed it with her hands, then used the rolling pin twice on the left and twice on the right to spread some dough. Turn over and press again.

Soon, a very standard dumpling wrapper was ready.

Putting it aside, Siren continued these actions.

Theresa watched curiously and stepped forward half a minute later.

"Let me help you."

Siren shook her head.

"Need not."

Theresa was very enthusiastic.

"I'm also curious about this food, so let me try it."

Walking to the side, she took a piece of dough that Xilin had cut, came to the side, and started making dumpling wrappers like Xilin.

However, when she looked at the useless thing she had made, Theresa's face clearly twitched.

"Feel sorry……"

Teresa lowered her head.

She was very surprised, because Theresa can cook, and her cooking skills are also very good. Although she is not as proficient as Raiden Mei, she is definitely a very good cook.

But now, in her eyes, this was just pressing a piece of dough into a pancake. This seemed to be a very simple thing, but her first attempt ended in failure.

You know, just by looking at it, it's really simple.

Siren glanced at the strange thing Theresa was holding, nodded and commented.

"First time, very good."

"Um...thank you for your comfort."

Theresa scratched her head, and then she noticed that Xilin's movements were slower. Originally, she was pressing the dumpling wrappers very quickly, but now she was deliberately slowing down. It was obvious that she was doing a demonstration.

Although she was never polite in her words, Xilin was very gentle in her actions.

Teresa understood it and started to learn it.

Soon, after just a few failures, she finally came up with a very standard dumpling wrapper.

To be honest, it’s really not difficult. Once Teresa got started, she was able to keep up with Xilin’s speed very quickly and turned all the dough into pieces of dumpling wrappers.

"Huh~ It's finally done, what should we do next?" Theresa looked at Xilin.

Xilin brought the prepared dumpling filling over, picked up a spoon, scooped out some dumpling filling and placed it on the dough. Then she flipped her hands and in less than half a second, a dumpling was formed.


Theresa was confused as she held the dumpling wrapper, but seeing the shape, he could most likely figure out how to make it, so he tried to put the fillings on the wrapper and started making dumplings.

However, her technique was very clumsy and she put too much filling, which made it difficult to wrap up. She kept opening it and even broke the skin.

Theresa was hit again. She looked up and saw Sirin's smooth movements, so she asked.

"Is there a trick to this?"

Xilin's movements paused, and her thoughts subconsciously recalled the past that should have been forgotten.

"Sister, how do you do this?"

Xilin held a strange-shaped dumpling with its fillings exposed in her hand, looking at the person in front of her with some disappointment.

She blamed herself, but all she got in exchange was Bai Mo's soft and gentle comfort.

"Don't be discouraged, these are already great making these Siren for the first time."

"The next thing you need to do is..."

"Control the filling, place the dumpling filling in the middle, hold the dumpling wrapper, pinch both sides and gently press the center with both hands."


A complete dumpling was delivered to Xilin.

When Xilin came to her senses, she had already made a brand new dumpling and sent it to Theresa. She even repeated what Bai Mo had said to her.

"Is that so? Let me try."

Theresa followed Xilin's words and made another dumpling.

This time it went smoothly and successfully.

After all, none of this is really difficult.

Looking at the dumplings in her hand, Theresa looked up again. Just about to share her joy, she saw Sirin take out a coin and put it in one of the dumplings.

"what is this?"

Teresa is weird.

However, Xilin kept moving her hands, placed the dumplings containing coins, and spoke softly.

"It's a little custom in China. It's played to entertain children. It's said that whoever eats the coin will be lucky and make a fortune in the next year."

"Is that so..." Theresa seemed a little confused.

"But the children will definitely be very happy after eating it."

As she spoke, she looked outside and listened to the occasional lively shouts from outside. Theresa shook her head helplessly.

"They had a lot of fun."

"But, Sirin, you really treat them as children."

Siren didn't answer, and she didn't even stop moving her hands.

Seeing this scene, Theresa didn't hesitate. While her hands were busy, she didn't forget to continue speaking.

"Actually, I really didn't imagine that everything was true now. I would be making dumplings here with Xilin. It was obviously two different situations when we first met and now."

Theresa sighed, recalling the first time she saw Siren, she was flying in the air, the space around her was unstable, and she exuded the aura of death.

She is the incarnation of Honkai, the god of this world. Her eyes at that time were completely different from those now. Her eyes at that time were very pure, and she purely wanted to destroy mankind.

But now.

"If we could have done this earlier, perhaps many things would be different now."


A few minutes later, the kitchen door opened.

Teresa walked out with Judas carrying plates of dumplings.

Seeing everyone gathered in front of the TV, Kiana and Bronya were playing game consoles.

Little Leilu lay on Kiana's head to cheer her on, while Little Fengzai was reluctantly held by Wendy, still angry, which made Wendy feel so guilty that she didn't dare to raise her head.

"Hurry, hurry, win!" Xiao Xiaozhibao patted the sofa excitedly, but in the next second he only heard a scream, and Kiana threw away the controller and lay down on the sofa.

The two little ones also started rolling immediately.

"Ah! What a pity, what a pity!"

Bronya calmly put down the controller and looked at the several rookies who were so angry that they were rolling around. Bronya tortured them in turn and took the final touch.

"Give up, you can't win against Bronya."

"My movements are stiff and I just press random buttons. I don't think about the consistency of my moves at all. Humans and machines are not that big."

Then he was greeted by the glares of three guys.

"Come again!"

"Don't come." Theresa knocked Kiana on the head and put the dumpling down.

"time to eat……"

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