In Hyperion, Sirin wanted to see the person she wanted to see, but that person was not there for the time being, and she didn’t know where she went after renovating the training room.

Therefore, Xilin could only go back.

However, on the way back, Xilin felt a familiar feeling faintly coming from one direction.

Xilin stopped and looked at the room at the end relying on her senses. After wondering for a long time, she finally asked.

"What is that place?"

Theresa took a look and seemed to understand why Sirin stopped and answered with a smile.

"Want to take a look?"

Siren did not answer, but went straight to the door.

The door was closed, and obviously no one was allowed in without permission.

But Theresa opened the door directly with her identity and took Xilin in.

The first time she entered, Xilin saw many familiar things.

These things are not very fancy, they are even very shabby, and they are made of various materials.

"This is your laboratory."

Xilin understood clearly and even saw the people in the room.

There are not many people here, everyone is very busy, and it is one of the few places where Theresa came but no one came up to say hello, because everyone was busy doing their own things.

"These instruments..."

Xilin stroked a machine next to her that was obviously welded by a gate, and smiled bitterly.

"Have you all moved here?"

Teresa nodded.

"Many are damaged, and these are the only ones that are functional."

Xilin scanned the scene. There were indeed not many things in Xiao Tianqi's laboratory. They were what Theresa said and could be used normally.

However, there was a hint of bitterness in the corner of Theresa's mouth. There were many things in Xiao Tianqi's laboratory, some of which were damaged, and some of which were confiscated by Tianming and them.

But whether the things you get are useful or not depends entirely on luck.

There are no instructions for these things, and they are also strangely shaped, so they have to figure them out on their own.

Forget it, the key point is that there are a lot of things in it, and it seems to be made just for fun.

For example, there is something that allows you to see what your identity would be like if you were born in another time and space and another world.

Theresa still can't figure out why in another world she is a little star dancing and singing on a stage, wearing a pink dress and holding a magic wand in her hand!

"If this is true, then I really would be too embarrassed to see anyone~"

When Teresa told this, she even held her head and shook her head at the end, looking very distressed.

Strangely enough, Xilin nodded unconsciously and spoke as if to comfort her.

"Don't worry about it, that guy just likes to come up with some annoying things, don't worry about it."

Theresa was a little surprised.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Seeing that Theresa's eyes were wrong, Sirin frowned.

"No, I just didn't expect you to comfort me. Has our relationship eased?"

Xilin opened her mouth, she wanted to say something.

"I'm comforting you? I'm comforting myself, okay."

"Back then, I tested a pet, although the two things don't seem to be the same thing. One tests your character in the book, and the other tests your character in another world."

"But! You can't admit it! You absolutely can't admit it!"

Xilin was thinking quickly in her mind, but she answered calmly on her face.

"Don't get me wrong, I just think this kind of thing is so ridiculous and completely devoid of any credibility."

"is that so?"

"But why do I feel like you care so much?"

Jizi looked at Sirin and felt that she was acting strangely.

"Do I care? Are you kidding me? The result will be the same no matter who takes this thing. It's just for irritation. It's a completely useless product."

Siren crossed her arms and raised her head, looking completely unconcerned.

"If that's the case, I'd really like to see what kind of person I am in another world."

Himeko became interested.

"Why not try it now?"

Teresa suggested.

Xilin's eyes dimly lit up.

It is naturally very painful to eat your own melons, but if you eat other people's melons, it will be extremely sour and refreshing.

Xilin kept her attitude, but her eyes unconsciously glanced towards Ji Zi, as if urging her.

"Hurry up and agree, it will make me happy."

Ji Zi did not disappoint, nodding directly.

"That's good, let me try."

Jizi is very generous, of course, this has a lot to do with her complete indifference.

Theresa took Jizi to a huge machine, where a scientific researcher was doing research.

"Didn't you say it's useless? Why are you still putting it here?"

Siren is weird.

Teresa shook her head.

"It's still unclear whether the world shown above actually exists. Until we figure it out, there is still research value."

"What? You want to prove that those worlds exist, and then go and attend your own concert."

Siren crossed her arms and looked Theresa up and down.

"Well, wearing a pink dress and holding a magic wand looks good, too."

Theresa's face suddenly turned red, but she soon coughed.

"Okay, Jizi, come up quickly."

Ji Zi nodded and came to the scientific researcher.

"Second Lieutenant Himeko."

The researcher spoke very unexpectedly. It was obvious that he was a little confused that Ji Zi would appear here. Ji Zi had never been here before.

"Principal, you are here too."

Finally, someone finally discovered Theresa.

Teresa nodded.

"Let Hime try this."

"Okay." The other party introduced Jizi to a step next to the machine without any hesitation.

When Himeko stepped into it, the machine started.

Above, many high-tech tubes began to glow, and then the entire machine jumped up.

Really, it jumped up, shook violently, and parts popped out while shaking.

"This thing won't explode, right?"

Xilin looked at this machine that looked like a convulsion. Didn't she expect that this thing would make such a loud noise when it started?

"Don't worry, it won't happen."

The scientific researcher answered on Theresa's behalf, and then saw the machine over there scanning Jizi's whole body and synchronizing the data to the display screen.

After a while, Jizi's height, weight, and other factors were all exposed.

A progress bar also appeared on the screen, and after the progress bar slowly reached 100, a screen appeared on the display.

The picture was blurry, but everyone including Jizi came closer.

How could you miss such a good opportunity to eat melon?

"Hey, why are you so vague?"

Siren spoke coldly, and the queen's pressure was on the researchers in front of her.

"Maybe the picture that appeared this time was very complicated, so the effect was reduced." The researcher trembled, but he still tried to remain calm and answered.

"Can it be solved?"

Xilin's voice became colder, and then she saw the researcher wiping the sweat on his forehead and speaking with a trembling voice.

"Yes, yes, but I don't have a VIP."


"What did you say?"

Xilin's tone was cold but also filled with doubts.

The scientific researcher couldn't stand the tremendous pressure from Xilin, so he took out a big bill and threw it into a groove next to it.

Then, a big one popped up on the screen.

"Welcome to join the great VIP ranks, we will switch to high-definition screen for you soon."

Seeing this, Xilin's expression remained unchanged, but the corners of her eyes trembled obviously helplessly, and she stretched out her hands to cover her face.

It was confirmed that this was definitely left by that guy. No one except her could do such a shameless thing.

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