"Kid, give the sword in your hand to your sister. How about she play with you?"

Mei pointed at the big sword in Bai's hand that he still hasn't let go of.

"No, this is what dad wants and I can't give it to you."

Xiaobai shook his head and hugged the sword tighter.

"Little Master! Run now! Give the gem to the Lord!"

Gray Snake is still shouting. Seeing so many people dealing with her alone, all I wanted to do was run away. As long as she wanted to run, she would be able to escape easily.

But the distance was a bit far away. He had been shouting for a long time, but Xiaobai couldn't hear him. From just now until now, there has been no chance to give her a communicator. Now it can be said that she can only watch.

Seeing that the battle was about to continue, Xiaobai realized that he didn't have much time.

Three minutes are almost up. Although Xiaobai still wants to continue playing, the current situation can only allow her to make a quick decision.

So, Xiaobai raised his hand and saw that the other party had weapons, and Xiaobai also needed a weapon.

The twinkling lights gathered in the hand, shining like stars. Soon, a spear shining with the light of stars appeared in Xiao Bai's hand.

"Taixu, a spear of shining light."

With a flick of his hand, a flame was attached to the gun body. Starlight and flames intersected. Xiao Bai danced and pointed the gun at the four people in front of him.

"Come on, let's continue."

Almost as soon as she finished speaking, a figure flashed out, disappeared in an instant, and appeared in front of Xiao Bai.

The sickle in Rita's hand was filled with cold light, as if it was coming from all directions. However, as Xiao Bai waved the spear in his hand, he actually followed her movements.

The light of the sword and the light of the gun danced in the air, and the figures of the two people turned into rays of light that intertwined in the air.

Seeing this scene, Raiden Meiyi did not hesitate to use the power of the Herrscher and transformed into thunder and lightning to join the battle. At the same time, the heavily armed Xiaobai behind Bronya sprayed out fire snakes, and countless missiles approached Xiaobai like a meteor shower.

Above the sky, flames and lightning collapsed, creating a line of missile explosions.

The battle situation was extremely complicated. Xiaobai pushed his spear forward sideways, blocking the incoming sword and sickle, and at the same time, he rotated his body and leaned back.

Xiaobai's shoulders collided with those of Rita and Mei, and the impact seemed to be like steel, sending them both flying backwards.

But almost as soon as they retreated, countless missiles surrounded Xiaobai.

With this level of density, it was impossible to escape, but Xiaobai was not nervous at all.

Raise your hand and hold two fingers up in front of your chest.

"Too empty, the sound of cotton without wind."

Waves of seemingly non-existent ripples spread in all directions, and those troublemakers actually stopped under such ripples. They stopped all around without falling to the ground, just staying there.

Gently waving the spear in his hand, all the missiles exploded in all directions.


Xiaobai screamed.

Why? Do you still have to think about it? Do you really think that in the movie, if you are surrounded by missiles and exploded handsomely, you can bathe in the missiles and have a handsome ending?

Obviously, because Xiaobai had zero understanding of missiles, she didn't understand the scope of the explosion of these things. Therefore, after being thrown away by her, these missiles all exploded on her body.

When the explosion passed, his face was darkened, his clothes were dirty, and his hair was no longer white. Only the red pupils were still so conspicuous.

"Wow~Why is this~" Xiaobai lowered his head in distress, but suddenly felt a strong wind blowing in front of him. He subconsciously looked up and saw a huge meow hitting him.

As soon as she ducked to the side, Kiana's attack was in vain. However, Kiana did not give up. Instead, she raised her leg and swung it down, and a larger meowing leg smashed down from top to bottom.

He raised his spear and stabbed it. Obviously, Kiana couldn't resist, so Miaomiao's claw was pierced.

But before Xiaobai could react, Bronya aimed the sniper rifle between her eyebrows and pulled the trigger.

Xiaobai reacted faster. The spear in her hand drew an arc and was thrown to the side. She was about to cut off the bullet, but at the moment of collision, a white light burst out, covering her eyes instantly.


Bronya spoke. On the other side, Mei and Rita had already rushed forward from the left and right. At the same time, Kiana also extended her hand, planning to attack directly.

However, when they got closer, they found that Xiaobai had disappeared and appeared above them.

Yes, the flash not only did not restrict her, but instead allowed her to run to the top of the sky.

"Be careful!" He warned, but it was too late. The wings behind Xiaobai's back flashed and he appeared in front of Rita instantly.

She also knows very well who the strongest among these people is, so taking the lead in dealing with Rita is what she has to do now.

Obviously, this opportunity was very good. Although Rita reacted quickly and turned around to defend herself with a scythe, she was hit by Xiaobai's shot. The huge force exploded into a starlight during the collision, instantly knocking Rita away. No matter how far away it is, it draws a line of stars and disappears.

Obviously, Rita won't be able to come back for a while. In this case, the battle is basically over.

Among them, only Rita has the ability to fight the current Xiaobai. Kiana and the others can only do some harassment. If Rita hadn't been actively restraining Xiaobai, the battle would have been over long ago.

"This time, I win."

At the same time as he spoke, Xiaobai's figure instantly appeared in front of Meiyi, and before she could react, he punched her in the stomach.

Just listen to bang! After a loud noise, Mei Yi's figure disappeared into the smoke.

Bronya raised her weapon and pointed it at the sky, only to find that the person was gone. When she sensed danger and turned around, her eyes only blurred, and then she fell to the ground.

In the end, only Kiana was left. Because there was not much time, Xiaobai had no intention of continuing to play and planned to knock her out directly.

Looking at the figure approaching very quickly, she gritted her teeth, raised her foot, and hit the person in front of her with a huge meowing leg. However, she was dodged sideways, turned around, and slapped her with a palm. On Kiana's lower abdomen.

boom! With a sound, a burst of energy exploded, Kiana's armor shattered, and her whole body flew back.

The body spun in the air, and when Kiana could see the front clearly, she found that the little girl was already in front of her.

Subconsciously, Kiana covered her face with her arms, waiting for the attack to come.

However, after waiting for a while, Kiana found that she was fine and didn't feel like she was being attacked at all.

He carefully removed his arms and found that the little girl was in front of him. However, she looked at her chest with a look of surprise and desire, and her eyes were shining.

"You! What are you doing!?"

Kiana was stunned for a moment, then held her chest and backed away.

But Xiaobai didn't care, she looked at Kiana and spoke in a low voice.

"That, that..."

Stretching out her hand, she pointed at a location on Kiana's chest.

Kiana looked down and found that half of the comic book she had placed on her body was leaking out because the outer armor was broken.

After reading the comics and then looking at the longing expression on the little girl's face, Kiana took out the comic book, only to find that the little girl's head in front of her moved along with the comic book.

Kiana tried to shake to the left, and the little girl's head looked that way.

He swayed to the right again, and the little girl's eyes immediately followed.

"You want this?"

"Yeah!" Xiaobai nodded quickly.

"Sister, can you give it to me...?"

She looked at Kiana expectantly and pointed at the book in her hand.

Kiana rolled her eyes, then put the book away and turned her head away.


"Ah~! Then, can you let me take a look?"

"Please, please, just take a look, please, don't put it away~"

Xiaobai went up and grabbed Kiana's hand and acted coquettishly.

Kiana was struck by the cuteness, but for the sake of her goal, she still held back her softness and pretended to be unbearable.

"It's okay to give it to you."

"Really!" Xiaobai's eyes showed joy.

"But I'll take what's around your waist in exchange."

Kiana pointed to the big sword tied to Xiaobai's waist.

Xiaobai hesitated immediately and asked in a low voice.

"Sister~ Can you do the other ones? This is what daddy wants~" He said and took Kiana's arm again to act coquettishly.

However, Kiana did not accept this trick.

She pretended to be angry and held up the comic.

"This is a new version of Mo Guang's comics, and it's a limited edition."

"Wow~!" When Kiana said this, the desire in Xiaobai's eyes became more obvious.

But when the desire in her eyes reached its peak, Kiana closed the comic again.

"You wouldn't trade such a precious thing for even one of your stones! You're not sincere, so I won't trade it."

Saying that, he was about to put it away.

"Ah!~ Change, change! Sister, don't be angry, I'll change."

When Xiaobai saw that the latest limited edition comic book was about to be put away and disappear from his eyes, he took out the big sword and stuffed it without hesitation.

"for you."

Kiana didn't expect it to happen, it was a bit unreal, but she quickly picked up the sword and looked at the gems on it.

Feeling the blazing temperature of the plague gem, Kiana couldn't help but hold it up with her hands.

"Quick, quick, quick..."

Xiaobai was a little anxious when he saw Kiana holding a big sword but not giving him any comics.

Kiana didn't have to pretend to be serious when she got something.

With a gentle smile on her face, she put the comic in Xiaobai's hand and supported her head with her hand.

Xiaobai looked at the comic in his hand, not caring about Kiana's behavior at all, and happily hugged the comic and turned around a few times.

And all this was seen by the gray snake lying in the distance...




"What kind of situation is this!?"

His head almost exploded.

What did he see? Is he dreaming? He felt that today was a life-changing moment, ah no, snake life, no, a scene in his mechanical career.

Why did you come here and suffer like this? The results of it?

He wanted to rush over and grab the little white neck by the collar and ask.

"The core of Herrscher is replaced by a crappy comic book, what do you think!"

But looking at his little master's excited look, he seemed to feel that he had made a profit.

He really wanted to shout a few words.

"You are all beaten like this, you are about to die, can't you rob? Robbery! Robbery! Can't you rob!?"

"You still beg her, go up and give her a slap in the face and bring the book over. What can she do to you? You still beg her, oh, I'll give her a Mebius..."

"My brain hurts, no, my CPU hurts!"

At this time, Mei Yi and Bronya also came over. Everything just happened was seen by them, and they felt a little complicated at this time.

"It seems that we have all misunderstood. She is really just a child. Although she seems to be more mature sometimes, she is still a child after all."

Meiyi smiled and said, the ending is perfect now. Not only did she get the core, but this little girl doesn't seem to be an enemy.

"Yes, and she really likes Mo Guang."

Kiana looked at the happy Xiaobai, as if she saw herself when she saw this comic for the first time. At that time, she was also so happy and excited.

But Bronya still had questions to ask Xiaobai, so she knelt down and watched Xiaobai speak.

"Bronya asked you, you just said Xi'er..."

But before she could finish speaking, she noticed that Xiao Bai's body was floating.

This scene made them all stunned for a moment, and then something seemed to be pulling her, making her move back.


Kiana took Xiaobai's hand.

"How is this going?"

Before she could think about it, she realized that the force over there was getting stronger and stronger. In the end, it took three people to pull her together to barely stabilize her from being pulled away.

"It's time." Xiaobai looked behind him, then turned to look at Kiana, giving her a happy smile.

"It's time for me to go, big sister. Let's not fight next time we meet. Let's read comics together."

As she spoke, her arm slipped from Kiana's hand little by little.

Kiana looked at this smile, and her memory seemed to be recalled. A few years ago, she met that girl for the first time in the abandoned warehouse of Qianyu Academy.

That was the first time she met Bai Mo. At that time, she gave herself a polite smile, and she would never forget that smile.

Now, she felt the past in the little girl's smile, which seemed to be the feeling she had when she met Bai Mo.

"Wait! You..."

Kiana wanted to hold on to her, but as soon as her hand was empty, the little girl disappeared...

This happened in an instant, and no one reacted. Kiana didn't see clearly, Bronya didn't ask about Xi'er's news, and Mei didn't know what happened at all.

The scene was quiet until a few minutes later, when Bronya reached out and pointed the cannon at the Gray Snake over there, who also had a dull look on her face, and spoke calmly.

"Do you have anything else to say?"

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