City Z, the Machinery Factory, is an important military location for Fire Chaser Moth and is one of the factories that produces anti-Honkai armor.

But at this time, Honkai struck. Although it was not a large-scale Honkai, the sudden disaster still destroyed this place.

But fortunately, the disaster rating here is B level, which proves that the Honkai energy here is not enough to produce an emperor-level Honkaimon, and it is an excellent place for the mission.

At this time, a battleship carrying more than a dozen people docked in the air. Among them, the team that had just stepped into the formal ranks of soldiers looked at the disaster below. Even though they were mentally prepared, they still trembled.

"Listen carefully, the real Honkaimon is completely different from the Honkaimon in the training ground. Even if it is a B-level mission, you must complete it with a life-and-death attitude. Otherwise, you will not be able to leave your body even if you die here." Can't find any."

Hen looked at everyone very seriously, and his words made everyone feel cold.

Although their instructor was very serious and sometimes scary, he would never lie to them, so what she said was definitely not meant to scare people.

"Your mission is to eliminate the Honkai Beasts here, and also to find survivors."

"Instructor." Suddenly, someone whispered.

"What's wrong!?"

Hen looked at that person, and the girl who was being watched shrank her neck, but still tried to speak.

"Why, the weapons this time are all small-scale destruction weapons. If you encounter a lot of Honkai Beasts, wouldn't it be easier to use some weapons with high destruction?"

This question is also asked by many people. The weapons they are assigned are melee combat or pistols. You must know that these soldiers are not comparable to the Valkyries. They are ordinary people. If they are not forced to do so, who would want to fight hand-to-hand.

"This is a factory, a military factory. A large number of weapons are stored in it. We will give you weapons of mass destruction. Do you want to blow yourself up?"

No one spoke, and the fear in everyone's hearts increased. After all, from now on, their first mission may be more dangerous than any previous team mission.

"Okay, grab your equipment and let's go!"

Either driven or voluntarily, everyone stepped off the battleship and stood on the land full of ruins.

"Now, according to the previous grouping, three people will perform tasks for the team. Communication must be kept open and not too far apart."

After leaving his last words, the battleship flew away, leaving only a group of people standing here, stunned for a long time.


After an unknown amount of time, someone finally spoke, and at the same time, everyone started to move.

The three of them formed a team, and soon, more than a dozen people were divided into six teams, but they did not separate from each other.

Everyone was very confident before arriving at the mission destination. After all, they had faced these monsters many times in the training room.

However, when they actually stepped into the battlefield, everyone realized how ridiculous their thoughts were. Just the atmosphere here was not comparable to simulation training.

"Shall we act together?"

Someone suggested something, but no one answered, but they nodded unconsciously. After all, with so many people together, they must feel safer than three people.

"Minnuo, what do you think?"

Some people looked at Minnuo. She was grouped with Bai and Alicia. At first, many people felt that Minnuo would refuse. After all, she didn't deal well with these two people.

But she didn't speak. In fact, she was very quiet all the way.

And her fighting ability is second only to Alicia among these people. And Alicia only knew her Bai, so everyone else looked at this second person.

When they are at a loss, the weak always tend to listen to the strong, so they look to Minnuo to give their opinions.

However, they didn't get the answer. Minnuo seemed to be a piece of wood and didn't say a word.

"Minnuo, you..."

A girl was about to go up and pat her on the shoulder, but she froze, her eyes widened, and she stood still.

Her body trembled, and she spat out a mouthful of blood.

Lowering her head, she saw a sharp blade piercing her body from behind.

Behind him, the figure of a dead warrior appeared, holding a huge and slender steel blade in her hand. No one knew when she came over, her speed was too fast.

At this time, the weapon penetrated her body and lifted her up with one hand.

The fear of death surged into her heart. She stretched out her hand and tried to speak to Minnuo in front of her.

"Help, help me..."

However, Minnuo looked at her with trembling eyes, without saying a word or making any movement.

boom! With a sound, the girl's body was thrown out. It was not until she hit the ruins with a loud noise and lost her life that everyone finally reacted.

There were screams and exclamations, and of course some people picked up weapons, but no one stepped forward to attack.

This is completely different from the training ground. It is just a dead soldier, but it is standing in the crowd like a god of death.

The dead soldier did not hesitate. After killing one person, he walked up to Min Nuo. Without saying a word, he raised his weapon and chopped it down from top to bottom.

when! There was a clear sound, and the sharp blade was blocked. Xilin held both guns and crossed them to block the knife. But Xilin's body was too weak now, and her whole body was directly pressed to her knees on the ground. There was even a crack in the ground, and the pain of tearing was felt in her knees.

"Why did you save her!?"

Xiao Leilu spoke unhappily, while Xilin also shook her head.

"I didn't know, I did it subconsciously."

After saying this in his heart, he tried to turn around and spoke loudly to Minnuo who was still in a daze behind him.

"What are you doing standing there!? Do it!"

However, she still didn't take action, which made Xilin anxious. Fortunately, at this moment, a ray of light flashed, and a sharp arrow penetrated the dead man's head, killing him.

"Hoo~! Hoo~! Hoo~!"

While gasping for air, Xilin slowly stood up. But this movement is very difficult. After all, the knee is cracked and it really hurts.

Turning her head to look at Minuo, Xilin didn't say a word, but showed a look of disdain.

The crisis was temporarily over, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go."

Pulling Alicia, Sirin planned to leave according to the mission and did not want to continue to be with these guys.

But there was a voice behind him.

"Wait, let me act together."

Siren looked back at them and found that everyone was looking at herself and Alicia. Frowning, she was about to refuse when she heard an indifferent voice in her earphones.


It's a mark. It's obvious that he is watching.

"If you think you can survive on the battlefield relying on others, then I advise you to give up. What you will face in the future will only be more dangerous than now. If you don't strengthen yourself, you will die sooner or later."

These words finally made everyone who was a little disoriented by fear wake up.

"Yes, aren't they here just to become stronger and defeat the Honkai Impact? If they want to be protected, then why not just not come?"

At this moment, everyone stopped talking nonsense and secretly glanced at their dead teammates. They also didn't think about keeping up with Siren and Alicia. They could only remind themselves that they could only survive by relying on themselves.

At this point, the team finally dispersed.

Seeing this scene, Alicia smiled and nodded at Sirin.

"Bai is so brave, but when will Bai be able to protect Alicia like this? I'm really looking forward to it."

Xilin was speechless. She glanced at Minnuo who was following behind her. She wanted to scold her. How could she be so timid now when she bullied her?

"She has been like this since the beginning. It seems that she may be the weakest person in this team."

Xiao Fengzi spoke calmly, his words full of contempt, and then he looked at Alicia and his tone suddenly changed.

"So cute'?`."

"The most cowardly?" Xilin muttered softly, looking at Minnuo behind her who seemed calm but looked like a piece of wood, she shook her head.

"It's really troublesome to carry a tow bottle."

Originally, she was the one who was dragging her down, and because she had lowered the ability of the entire team, everyone looked down upon her.

Now, the person who values ​​him the most has become a dragster. This is really ironic.

Moving forward, the three of them headed towards their designated positions. Maybe it was because their team had a strong person like Alicia, so the area they were assigned to was very deep and, of course, very dangerous.

Along the way, they had encountered many Honkai beasts and dead warriors, but they were easily solved by them.

Holding two guns in hand, Siren walked at the back.

Alicia was at the front, while Minuo was protected by them in the middle.

"By the way, Bai, what are your fighting skills? I don't think I've seen you use them before."

Suddenly, Alicia asked.

Xilin was stunned for a moment. She used two guns. So, what kind of fighting technique did she use? Of course it was the Kaslana gun fighting technique.

Don't forget, she was Kiana's teacher back then. After beating Kiana for so long, it's normal for her to learn some gun fighting skills.

"This is something I just figured out."

"Is this so? I'm so envious. Bai is so good. So, can you leave it to me?" Alicia walked at the front, and the surrounding atmosphere was also very depressing.

But even so, her relaxed words could still release their somewhat uncomfortable hearts.

"Of course, if you want to learn, I..." Just as she was about to answer, Sirin suddenly froze.

In front of them, a huge pothole appeared. The pit was very round and deep, and seemed to be caused by some large weapon, but Xilin could tell something was wrong at a glance.

He took a few steps forward and knelt down to take a closer look. Xilin frowned and spoke.

"This seems to be the power of the Lord of the Sky..."

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