When he was five years old, he met that thing for the first time. At that time, he called the other person God, but the other person disdained this title and said that the title would only lower his status.

When the god said that he wanted to destroy mankind, the words seemed to be a joke on the spur of the moment, but he knew very well that his next words would determine the existence of this world.

He didn't beg for mercy, because that would be useless, so he asked a question.

"God, are you proud of humans?"

Fortunately, he found a way out in the face of certain death, but the bet also began.

The content of the bet was naturally determined by the other party, and the content was very simple.

"Before I'm boring, let me be proud of myself as a human being."

Such a simple sentence requires him to devote his whole life and future to it.

This is an unfair bet, because how can God be proud of people? Therefore, what is really important in this sentence is the first half, before I am not bored...

As long as it is interested, the world will exist, and as long as it is interested, this will not end.

That year he was five years old, that year he became Xiao Tianqi.

How to prevent him from feeling bored? He is the protagonist, and this world is the stage. He needs to use his life to perform a play for the other person, a play that makes the other person feel interested.

So, it doesn't matter what kind of person he used to be, because from that day on, he became Xiao Tianqi, a cheap, shameless, bottomless, lustful, money-grubbing, and bottomless rotten person.

People are amazed at his abilities. He knows so much and is so complex. He can do almost everything and can learn anything at once.

But just like Theresa once complained to him.

"You are obviously so good, why do you want to be a bad person?"

Yes, why?

While people are surprised, who would think about why a bad person has to learn so much?

Everyone likes flowers and applause. If given a choice, who would want to be criticized, abused or scorned by others?

No one would think about it, not even him.

But, so what? He has no choice, he must learn, because a gangster who knows everything turns the tide in the contempt of others, a teacher who is less like a teacher than a student, this kind of drama is good to watch! Such a play is interesting! This will prevent the thing from becoming boring, and buy more time, so that it will not be bored and then cause a disaster of destruction.

Maybe you are wondering, does God really like to see this?

Maybe not, or maybe in its eyes, humans are very interesting creatures. It doesn't care what you do, as long as the fun continues, no matter how embarrassing, glamorous, or otherwise, no matter what it is, he must keep the fun going. .

Maybe God already knew the purpose of this kind of clown behavior, but it still kept watching because it was really interested and thinking, how long can such a clown last?

Therefore, since he was five years old, he no longer knew who he was. From the beginning, he played Xiao Tianqi, and in the end, he became Xiao Tianqi.

There is always a pair of eyes on his head, looking at him, as if reminding him at any time, if you don't continue to work hard, more people may die.

That kind of life is really tiring, because you have no way of knowing whether the disaster in a certain area broadcast on TV was because of your failure to do a good job and made the person angry.

Are you afraid? Of course he is, but every time we meet, he will raise his head proudly, because it is the pride of mankind and represents the pride of all mankind.

This kind of pride prevented him from bowing his head, because if he bowed his head, he would never be able to complete the bet. No one would be proud of a coward who bows his head.

Therefore, his eyes were proud, but those proud eyes were missing one part, which was his own, because starting from that day, his own pride disappeared.

This kind of life lasted for many years, until that day, the collapse came and he was buried under the rubble. He didn't know if it was because of himself, but he suddenly didn't want to get up.

The collapsing rubble would bury him, he thought then.

"That's it."

However, just when he had given up, a voice rang in his ears, and then, the ruins were opened, and a pair of hands pulled him out.

"Are you OK?"

The first time she heard that person's voice, she cared about herself. This was the first time since she was five years old that someone cared about her, caring about a bastard.

At that time, he looked at the girl in front of him. She was wearing a fifty-cent mask on the ground, which was a little cute.

But when her mask was blown off and he saw her face for the first time, he subconsciously shouted.

"elder sister."

That day, she blushed, so cute and beautiful.

She became the most important person to her and vowed that as long as her sister was still alive, the world would not end.

But later, he found that the thing rarely appeared. He was afraid. Yes, it was afraid of his sister, as if he saw it. This thing that had always been indifferent to human beings was actually afraid of his sister. .

His sister protected him invisibly and made him understand that maybe his sister would be the key to all this.

So, he chose to persist and continue his previous bet.

He also believed that his sister would one day tear that guy down from the sky, and by then, he would be free.

He was looking forward to that day. After all, he was not as strong as his sister thought, he was just used to it.

If possible, he would also like to be like the white-haired little girl later, who could throw herself into his sister's arms without restraint and seek comfort.

But, he can't...

When her thoughts returned, Xiao Tianqi no longer looked at Diluas. She looked up at the sky and into the void.

"God, please look directly at me. I'm asking you now. Do humans make you feel proud?"


Silence, a long silence, after who knows how long, a message appeared in Xiao Tianqi's mind.

"Two years."

Xiao Tianqi smiled.

"Is this a draw?"

Two years, two years for civilization to continue, is the limit of what Xiao Tianqi can do.

"Then God, as a clown in your eyes, can you please grant my last wish? Let me have one last conversation with my students."

The other party agreed.

Xiao Tianqi closed his eyes, and the flames on his body rose. When he opened them again, his eyes had become extremely firm.

A relaxed and relieved smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the weapon in his hand lit up with its final light.

"Finally, I can stop thinking."

"Skyfire, unsheath!"

At this moment, time seemed to have stopped. On the ground, everyone was praying. They prayed that their teacher could win, and they also prayed that he could come back.

There was only one person, Xilin. She looked at the sky, and the words Xiao Tianqi once said sounded in her ears.

"I want to jump."

Once, she regarded that as an impossible fantasy, but now, she seemed to see it. She saw the little man standing on the shoulders of the giant raising his head and leaping to the height that no one could reach. Little by little, little by little, finally! At a certain moment, at a certain point, his fingers broke through the upper limit of civilization, surpassed the limit of civilization, and finally stepped into the supreme unknown.

As if sensing something, everyone opened their eyes and looked at the sky. There, three huge planets stopped moving. Amid the vibrations falling from the sky, cracks slowly appeared on one of them, and finally, it exploded with a bang.

Blue flames covered the sky, blooming like a galaxy in the sky, and the powerful impact shattered the other two.

This shocking scene appeared before everyone's eyes. The galaxy seemed to surround the earth, leaving behind twinkling stars.

In the end, those broken planets were burned, leaving only a small part that was pulled by something and wandered outside the earth. It did not leave or fall, but turned into hovering stars, surrounding Saint Freya. .

Yes, the hovering stars are as beautiful as shooting stars. Since then, the gorgeous stars have always been hovering over St. Freya. They seem to be protecting the children below and his students.

It's over. This time it's the real end. No one knows what happened to Xiao Tianqi. Maybe he really left.


Suddenly, the familiar voice sounded in their ears, and everyone was shocked. They raised their heads in surprise and expectation, but did not see the familiar figure.

"This class has come to an end."

"Finally, let's wrap up."

"Kiana, your fighting ability is very strong, but you don't use your brain. You often regard the oxygen switch of the new armor as a backup Honkai energy switch, and complain that the switch settings are too similar."

"Why don't you want to use your brain? But whatever, I put markings on your armor so you won't get it wrong again."

"Thunder Meiyi, your comprehensive ability is very strong, but you are not decisive. You worry too much, which may harm you."

"Perhaps you can try to stick to your own judgment in the task. The teacher will always support you."

"Bronya, don't always think about hacking into the school's network. It's not a big deal to wait in line to check your grades. Is it necessary to hack? It makes me work overtime every time."

"Besides, I'm not cheating. My gaming skills are really better than yours, so you don't have to be sad about losing money. After all, that's my strength."

"Xiaomeng, are you still not relieved? Your identity is not Honkaimon, but my student. You don't have to pretend not to care. If you have anything to say, you can actually say it directly."

"And Wendy, although I have only been your teacher for a few days, you are an outstanding child. I hope you will become even better in the future."

"As for Fu Hua, she is not a good student who lies to others. If you have the chance, help me teach her a lesson."

"Finally, Bai Mo, my sister, she is really gentle and the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. It's a pity that she doesn't seem to like the opposite sex very much, so I have no chance."

"As for what kind of person she is in your eyes? Teacher doesn't know, but I hope you can feel it. Sometimes, your eyes will be covered with dust, but you need to leave a piece of pure land."

Xiao Tianqi's voice rang in everyone's ears. No one spoke, everyone listened quietly.

"Then finally, raise your head. Now, students, you should have seen the flowing stars hovering above St. Freya. They are very beautiful. This is my last gift to you."

"It is said that if you make a wish to the stars, the stars will respond. They will fall to the mortal world with everyone's wishes and become the stars in everyone's hearts in the future, illuminating the darkness."

"But classmates, this world has always been cruel, and the stars will be lost in the vast darkness. However, don't be afraid, move forward, there are always some people who will stand up for you in times of despair. "

"..." After a moment of silence, he suddenly chuckled.

"If not, then raise your head. One day, our eyes will meet on these stars."

"So, move forward, the teacher will always be watching you, and you are far better than you think."

"This is the last lesson..."

Since then, that voice has never sounded again. Everyone seems to have not yet reacted, or in other words, they cannot accept it. Is Teacher Cheng gone forever?

There is only one person, Mei.

She looked at the sky, and her thoughts seemed to go back to two years ago. That night, when she questioned Xiao Tianqi as the Herrscher, his answer was...

"Thunder and Lightning Meiyi, remember my name. As long as there are still people who remember it, it can at least prove that I once existed."

"So remember, my name is..."

Clenching his hands into fists, Meiyi raised his head after being silent for a long time, looked at the stars in the sky, and spoke softly.

"I will remember it forever, goodbye, Teacher Cheng, goodbye..."

"Mo Lai."

(I don’t know what everyone thinks. Everyone knows how important the last stone is in the original plot, so letting Xiao Tianqi take over is a gamble.)

(After all, this character doesn’t seem to be liked very much by everyone. Also, because of the changes in the plot of Kiana and Sirin, Kiana does not need to be alone for the last lesson. It may be a bit awkward if forced to do so, so I will start it alone. People, changed to all.)

(In short, Xiao Tianqi has successfully finished filming. Whether you like this character or hate this character, this can be regarded as the end or the beginning.)

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