Half a month later...

"According to our report, the mysterious St. Freya Academy has suddenly appeared in the public eye in the past half month. As a small team, they have swept all major entertainment and sports events in recent days and won the first place, attracting the attention of netizens."

"Recently, a game against an American semi-professional team was even more enjoyable for the majority of netizens. Among them, the beating of Mr. Cheng, the coach of the Goddess team, was even more eye-catching."

"Now, we are at the scene. I would like to ask, little dean, do you have anything to say about the beating of the teacher in your hospital?"

In front of the TV, five girls were sitting in a row. Yayi was wearing an apron, Bronya was holding Homu in her hands, Kiana was lying on Bai Mo's lap and yawning, and Youlandel was helping Bai Mo. Moza ponytail.

The scene seemed harmonious, but now, everyone was stunned, looking at the screen in confusion and disbelief. On the screen, Theresa was faced with a large number of microphones, almost swamping her.

"Hey...can you remove that small print?"

"It was all an accident and some friction on the pitch is inevitable."

"Teacher Cheng is actually very gentle..."

Seeing Theresa's hard explanation, the five of them all felt like they were dreaming.

"President Theresa? I didn't expect that the college would have changed so much after not seeing you for a short period of time."

Youlandel smiled and spoke, but the others who listened felt ashamed for some reason.

Today, before noon, everyone was waiting for Mei to give food, but Kiana said that her stomach felt a little uncomfortable, as if she had eaten too much and was a little bloated.

There was no way, the house was full of their favorite food, even Mei and Bronya ate more than usual. How could Kiana, a foodie, keep her mouth shut.

She's pretty good, but she's obviously smaller than anyone else, but she eats more than anyone else. Now she's so full that she doesn't dare to turn into a physical body, but she wants to eat, so she can only stare at the food in her soul state and drool. The Queen is better.

Turning back, Bai Mo glanced at Xilin next to him. Xilin gave Bai Mo a few big looks, ignored her, went to a deserted place, worked hard to transform into a physical form, and then started doing gymnastics, trying to digest it as soon as possible and continue eating.

But looking at little Siren clicking one and stretching her little hands and short legs, I don’t know why, but I always feel like laughing.

Kiana lay in Bai Mo's arms holding her stomach and kept making uncomfortable groans.

Bai Mo simply let her lie down and gently rubbed her belly with his hands.

Over and over again, Bai Mo's hand moved across Kiana's abdomen, making Kiana laugh like a kitten in comfort.

But at this time, the international news came on the TV.

I didn't pay attention at first, but until now, everyone was attracted, and then this scene happened.

At first, everyone was just attracted by curiosity, so they were doing their own things while watching the news. Who knew that the information that would be revealed would make everyone stunned.

The message is simple, right from the beginning.

Xiao Tianqi formed a Valkyrie team and participated in various small competitions.

Think about it for yourselves, what would it be like if a group of Valkyries competed with a group of ordinary people? And Bai Mo strongly suspected that Xiao Tianqi just didn't have any money. He took the Valkyries out to play and made money at the same time.

What, you asked Bai Mo how he knew, hahahaha...

There are still dials on the Internet. Bai Mo wouldn't recognize such a dial if Xiao Tianqi made it.

From the beginning, they were not famous and participated in a sprint competition. By coincidence, the current sprint world record holder was traveling with his family, so he came to take a look when he heard about it.

For people who have this kind of Glory Hundred Stars, coming here is like entering the Bronze Village. This kind of competition is really not interesting to people.

But after reading it, I was confused. There were a few cheaters in that bronze. Damn it, 100 meters in two seconds! It was very easy, and he couldn't do it at that time.

After this incident spread and the mysterious name of Saint Freya was added, they became famous immediately. And when they become famous, they participate in more competitions, and they go to all competitions. There are countless people who invite them to compete to gain popularity.

As for their team, the Goddess Team, well, Valkyrie was replaced by the character of Xiao Tianqi. The name isn't annoying either, after all, the team is full of beauties.

Of course, they also lose and win, but they win far more than they lose. As for why they lose, it is very simple. They always make fouls. After all, they have basically never practiced, and they just rely on strong strength to win.

As a result, people have found a pattern. As long as they avoid their powerful bodies, they can win. So what competition has less demand for this aspect?


This is true. These Valkyries are novices in gaming, but when they received an invitation from a professional team, they still went to participate.

The other person is thinking very well. No matter how powerful you are, if you can still get in, it will be useless even if you break the computer.

The abacus was good, but they never expected how terrible Lao Liu was.

Not long after the game started, the five professional players on the opposite side began to take turns disconnecting and experiencing delays, and the mouse moved in the opposite direction.

Yes, the computer across from Xiao Tianqi's bar is black. You can't find out the key. It paused several times. A group of people gathered around to check, but they couldn't find the wool.

In this way, Xiao Tianqi led the students to overcome all obstacles and reach today's football match.

Football also requires skills, at least it cannot be as easy as running.

However, in the face of absolute power, technology is nothing. On the field, a Valkyrie was running with the ball. Suddenly, the opposite player came to the side and made a sliding tackle to intercept the ball.

Is it broken? It is indeed broken, the leg is broken.

Use your body to block it. The Valkyrie, who didn't stop the car, collided with her and sent her flying more than ten meters away. She was frothing at the moment.

This game was extremely brutal. The Valkyrie was like a bull, unable to stop her, but this also caused them to keep fouling. After a while, several of them were sent off.

Seeing that they were going to lose if this continued, Xiao Tianqi simply asked them to use their ultimate move.

What's the ultimate move? Kick in a daze, don't worry about anything when you get the ball, just kick it towards the opposite ball frame.

So, a scene like this happened. A Valkyrie shot a shot from dozens of meters away, pushing five players on the opposite side and hitting the goal.

Such a scene made the opposite coach come up to argue, but Xiao Tianqi was so arrogant that he didn't give any face, and then he was beaten.

So there was the following situation. Theresa was surrounded by a group of people and was being interviewed.

After reading this, everyone couldn't help but laugh.

I thought it had to be you, Teacher Cheng. You can only think of taking Valkyrie out to play games during the holidays, and even opening the betting market. This is him. Others may not be so shameless.

However, looking at the way the Valkyries on TV surrounded Xiao Tianqi and surrounded her intimately, Bai Mo estimated that compared to the money, the other things Xiao Tianqi gained might be what really made him happy.

The New Year was ushered in with laughter, and the end was ushered in with laughter. Seeing that the holiday was coming, Bai Mo came to the old man's side the night before leaving.

She wanted to say something, but she couldn't. She wanted to call her daddy, but she knew that the old man wouldn't allow it.

With thousands of words in his mouth, Bai Mo thought about it and finally sighed.

"In the future, the old man will completely accept himself one day."

She comforted herself in her heart, turned around, and left.

As night fell, the old man sat in the courtyard and looked at the full moon in the sky.

At this moment, there was a slight fluctuation in the surroundings, and then, the scene changed.

This place seems to have become another world. In this world, there is a tree and a person is standing under the tree.

The old man was not surprised. He tilted his head slightly and spoke with a smile.

"Xumi Mustard Seed, you have indeed received the inheritance from the Lord."

Youlandel said nothing and looked at the old man in front of her calmly.

Neither of them spoke, and the small world seemed a little quiet. Only the rocking chair that suddenly swayed slightly made a little creaking sound.

"Lord, is he still there?"

After a long time, the old man turned back, looked at the sky without the full moon and stars, and spoke softly.

Youlandel was still silent. After a long silence, she did not answer, but asked a question.

"What should I call you now, artificial person? Mechanical creature? Or observer, 003..."

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