"Well, the End is the enemy we are going to face. Now that we have time, we will naturally make full preparations."


With his hands on his hips, Tesla faced Yulandel and Bronya, who were the calmest people on the scene.

"Our Lord God's Envoy, may I ask, don't you have anything to say?"



The two looked at each other, and Tesla's tone left them no doubt that if they didn't make any further movement, the Deinonychus' greetings would probably fall on them.

"Although we don't want to admit it, we still have to face it now."

Yulandel spoke first, the bitterness in her words was evident.

A discussion between ducks and geese also began here.

Duck: “That’s not a story.”

Goose: "Perhaps we can ask Xilin for advice on this. He is the messenger of memory and knows much more than us."

Duck: "If it's just for verification, Bronya thinks the truth of the God War has already been answered, so there's no need to ask."

Goose: "Well, I understand that in the distant past unknown to us, the war between gods really existed."

Duck: "Although I know that all of this is true, in the end I still feel like I'm discussing a myth."

Goose: "Myths still have reference value, but now..."

Shaking their heads and sighing, this legend whose origin was completely unknown... made them feel dizzy.


"Can you guys speak human language?" Unlike the two people who were chatting animatedly, these words flashed through everyone's mind at the same time.

What the hell are you guys just chatting among yourselves? Don't you know this is a group meeting?

Can't you just start a private chat if you want to chat? This should be easy for you God Envoys, right?

And when you are talking, even when you utter those few words that we all know but cannot understand, do you really not consider other people's feelings?

You make us look stupid!

Besides, isn't this a meeting to discuss this? Are you... isolating everyone by your own strength?

"As apostles, perhaps when you have this identity, your person and your existence have become so great that we cannot reach them."

"But now, I hope you can answer some questions for me." Einstein asked in the capacity of seeking advice.

When faced with problems that they may not be able to imagine or know the answer to, it is a beautiful thing to humbly seek advice.

"You don't have to."

Yulandel stood up.

"It's not that we are deliberately hiding something. It's just that there are some things that we haven't figured out yet. A lot of information can't even be connected, and it's impossible to describe it in detail."

This is not an excuse. They have only recently started to get in touch with each other. Before, Yulandel was the pioneer who was left alone.

Bronya was protected by Xiao Tianqi.

So what Einstein said doesn't apply to them, but it is very appropriate for Xilin.

The pioneers of memory know much more than them.

Of course, she was also the first person besides Xiao Tianqi to come into contact with these things.

"You are free to ask any questions you have. We will not hide anything."

"God, does he exist?"

After getting Yulandel's affirmative answer, Einstein decisively asked a question.

“It exists and it doesn’t exist.”

"I'd like to explain it in detail." Einstein spread his hands.

But the one who responded to her was the double-helix duck girl next to her.

"Based on what Bronya has learned now, what we understand is... the Honkai God."

"Perhaps we can call them that. After all, they are actually servants of the tree, the highest manifestation of Honkai."

"But that happened a long time ago. In a war between gods, the three apostles won. Since then, gods no longer exist."

“…………were all killed?” It can be seen that when asking this question, the short-legged… I mean petite bishop had obvious expectations in his eyes.

"Do not."

But Yulandel's response shattered the last bit of hope in the heart of the director, who obviously did not have a tall and strong figure.

"There is not only one path to victory. The victor in the war of gods does not necessarily need to kill all his enemies."

"Wait!" Tesla slammed the table!

The water cup drew a beautiful arc, and just as it was about to disappear, it was caught casually and naturally by the assistant in charge of recording and placed back on the table.

"You mean! Those gods who have existed for who knows how long are still alive!?"

"Yes." Although she knew it was cruel, Yulandel could only nod.

"But there's no need to worry too much. Most of the gods are dead, and the remaining ones chose to avoid the battle in the end and were eventually scared away..." There was a pause, and the brief silence was Bronya trying to find a word in her mind to evaluate.

"The lost dog?"


What a lost dog.

If those who are still alive are cowards who were frightened by the war and chose to live in disgrace and avoid fighting, then even God would not be exaggerating to describe them as dogs that have lost their homes.

This also perfectly explains what Gray Snake said just now.

[In a war that is bound to fail, the heroic souls who died in the battle of cowardice versus fearlessness may not deserve praise, but they are closer to the end.]

Isn’t this closer to the point? At least you are still alive, and as long as you are alive, you may be able to turn the situation around.

"second question."

"What kind of things are they? Spirits born from heaven and earth? Gods from mythology? A higher alien civilization, or... a supernatural and powerful creature?"

"What are the requirements for becoming a god? If it's a servant, is it the choice of the tree? Or is it just a group of people who are crowned as gods?"

It has to be said that Einstein has described almost all the ways in which gods exist on the market. Among them, there must be one that is correct, right?

There are only a few ways to become a god, either by ascending step by step, or by being directly deified, or by becoming a certain race that is powerful enough to be called a god.

I have to say, this question stumped Bronya and Yulandel.

How would they know what those things are?

Perhaps it is just like the answer the child got that day.

It is blasphemy to call them Gods in human cognition. The human mind cannot conceive of their existence, let alone define them.

So being defined itself is a mistake.

Uh...even though He who said such big words had been chopped by Bai Mo.

In front of Xilin.


Because of the silence of the two, the scene fell into an eerie silence.

No one knew how to start the conversation. This meeting gave ordinary people like them too few opportunities to speak.

Look at these people, they are either gods or pioneers, so they were called to this meeting just to shout 666?

Or are you just going to be shocked and show your support after you spoke?

It feels like her only role is this, otherwise the supporting actor wouldn't know where to start.

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